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NOTICE: This story has the Executives' Priviledge. [[File:Wallet Strike cover.png|thumb|220x220px]]

On the Couch, I opened my iFone 12 plus with explosion Insurance. For minutes, I was playing Balloons VS, a co-op multiplayer tower defence game. After the typical round, I attempted to go to the menu, then an ad suddenly popped up.

The ad starts up with a bunch of nude men with bullets for clothing. A door slammed open and broke, and out of there came arnold ''Junior'' Schwarzenegger. He walked quickly to the table ahead of the door and slammed a white blueprint on the table.

''Doo yoo vant tuu shuut piipuls?'' the blueprint then shows the buildings coming out of the blueprint. We then see arnold ''I'm not red sonja'' Schwarzenegger with a spike ball rapid gun shooting while spinning, all the mostly-black-but-with-white-faces people exploding into metal gas while Extratone was playing in the background. We see him ripping out a hole in one man's chest and beginning to eat his internal organs. ''Diz is good.'' The screen then just exploded with the title revealing. mobile strike. arnold ''I don't actually work for the militirary'' Schwarzenegger then said ''Daanlood moubail straik frii fram zee epp stoor.'' then the ad stopped.

Then came another ad with a loading bar.

It was a dessert with a concrete stone on two grounds. A tank with a mostly-white-but-brown-on-the-face man on the tank car. The ad cycles through two images of it staying there and exploding, both next to a fence with a half-circular Pringles-esque tube behind it. By the way, ARE YOU HUNGRY!?

arnold ''Why hasn't junior recieved a sequel yet?'' Schwarzenegger then popped up with a green holographic dialogue box similar to a maid-in-china-multiplayer-online-role-paying-skinner-box-social-justice-warrior-propagenda-cash-toilet would have on occasion. The dialogue box said ''were-attacked! Stoq th e en'' the text goes out of the dialogue box and out of the screen. To the left are five buttons, each with a 10 variant number inside them with a building. Seeing no countdown on the screen, I tapped the first button. The ad stopped, and took my iFone 12 to the epp stoor.

The mobile strike looks positive reviewed, with an orange black border surrounding its description page, so it has to be NOT-good, which means I had to reverse my reverse psychology in order to prevent logic mishandling. I downloaded the game, and upon downliading, I opened the epp.

The app loaded with the mobile strike title and the bar. I saw the ad from before again, with the chinese sweatshop dialogue box and everything. I tapped the second button, and the tank man exploded.

''Berry goo. Now ill sho'' the text goes out of the box. Arrows are pointing to the supplies box, which suddenly appeared on the top left of the screen. I tapped anywhere on the screen, and the dialogue in the dialogue box ddisappears, reappears with the following, ''That is your powurr supply. It'' the text goes into the box. I tapped again. Arnold ''I'll look for you and I'll ill you.'' Schwarzenegger then said ''Gerredi'' and the camera shits to the right. We see more tank men, with grinding gears for wheels. The text box says ''Build a tawa to stop the oppo'' The text goes, in the box in the box!

Over 70 small flashing red arrows were pointing to a button on the bottom of the screen where Buildings are, with a red circle around it, and soomed out for some radical reason. After touching, it shiows a builiding menu, with iring turds on a tap with 85 small flashing red arrows ao an red circualar circle. I tapped the circle, and it built a turret on the circle on the dessert. All the tank men exploded.

''Berrywel.'' said arnold ''Please don't sue over finance fraud'' Schwarzenegger. The dialogue now says, ''The shop at the botton will get y'' Text goes into the boxing. I tapped Shop, which has hundreds of red exploding arrows on a red circular disk. ''In the shop you can buy variou'' I began questioning the practices.

The Shop contains lots of goodie goodies, which can be bought with Gold, including protection from daily attacks, trilped all stats, unlimited supplies, waterskiing lions, a scooter in a car, a coconut-shaped toaster, and a live pelican. Also, the apple shooting bazooka which is sponsored by the ultimate donald mc dogdamn ronald. At this point, I didn't see the need to go further the past 2 hours.

In the 2 hours, I built a refugee audacity, got jumpscared qrice by a red Turkey with teeth inside the beak and burning feet that explode, found out the cheapest Gold bundle costs 3 bucks, found out that the premium membership costs 285673 shmeggers, found over 8 errors, both vusially and conversially, and realized that this was made only as a scamintosh to get wallets to pay off. I immediately chose to delete the epp after the 2 hours. From now on, since arnold ''gatling gun for a shower faucet'' Schwarzenegger betrayed the people for selling out, I'll now call him arnod swats-a-nicoconutger. I put iFone 12 on th e table, and went outside, exploding the iFone 12 with explosion winsurance out of the house.

I was about to pass by a gray house, when I saw two bullet-bloth-wearing men standing on the house. They tried jumping belly first onto my body, but I wuickly dodged. After they stood up with most of their bullets taken off, the arm-bearded nude men started charging towards me. I ran and looked back, slowing down at their nude hair. I felt the Inner Urge to burst out a few hars. One the two almost reached, then he exploded. In blod. I fell the ground, and closed my eyes, unable to move my feet.

I woke up, with blood blood still on my underpants and shotpants. I said it, now I have to accept this place I am in.

''GRENTEN!!! HACHT!!!'' I heard a man shouting. I've heard it before. It's that shamroph man who uppercutted a billion racsists on his own in one month. I immediately stood up, noticing other people wearing nothing but underpants and shorts. I began whispering ''Help me, erection man...!''


''That's racist.'' One of the men remarked. He got uppercutted by Sahmroph, and exploded into blood and bones. ''THIS IS A PRO-MAN ACT OF HONOR FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORGINAZATION!! YOU'LL BE SUNBATHING FOR 1 WHOLE HOUR ON THE GIANT MIRROR BEACH!! NOW GO GO!!!'' All the people ran to the right. ''Please follow us! You'll thank us later!'' said a passing man who sounded like a dwarf. I followed him to where we were going.

We found ourselves on a giant flat ffloor. We saw our feet and laygs on the bottom of the ground, with no sand to fry our feet with. It was as hot as the cold ice in the freak dreek. I began lying down on the mirror groundd, and faced the sun with my eyes. I turned around, not able to accept reality.

''Hello?'' said that voice from before. ''You're a new one here. How did you get in here?'' ''I played a mobile game.'' ''That's the second time I heard that this month!'' ''Where are we?'' ''According to one of my missing friends, you're now inside the military frolicking institute, a playground for men and men to go ookcuk crayzy. Each week, we'll have to face it.'' ''Face what?''''You're bringing supsense back to life. Don't do that once.'' I just laid on the giant ground, feeling my back burn. I was sweating out of my eyes, it hurts.

''GRENTEN!! HACHT!!'' I heard shamroph again. ''THIS IS THE END OF THE MIRROR SUNBATHING SESSION!! GET YOUR UNDERPANTS ON AND GO TO THE TANNING ZONE!!'' people got up and ran, and I followed most of the people who went, except for one... ''GRAZALAHIPPISCH!!!'' shamroph shouted as he approached the still bathing man. ''It's a fee domain.'' ''YOU'VE INTERFERED WITH OUT EXECUTIVE RIGHTS FOR THE LAST TIME!!!'' shouted as shomraph started glowing yellow blue under the sun.

''OLTINA GHEHEIMEN TECHANIKA 8: ZHONG MEHXANG KAIZHO GHENGBA RABLARA TISHMACH!!!!'' shamroph quickly and painfully grabbed the man off the ground, his back completely fried red. He quickly punched him in the chest from the side, which was now bleeding red bones. He then rapidly jumped very quickly with him around the place, exploding a quake with each bouncy jump which jumps at 11 times a second at 2 and a half seconds pace. Then he threw him up in the air, pulled out a hankerchief, and threw it at the falling man like a boomerang. It exploded with the man into bloody blood and bony bones. ''IMMINENT BONER!''

I made it into the Tanning Zone with the other people who are still alive. Around us were, in no particular order: A giant toaster with a ladder besides it, a pool of crystal bubbles on a pool of acid on a pool of lava. A square filled with that-thing-of-the-threadmill-that-moves parts all around it, a basket of apples next to a bullseye, and a statue of a nude man in underpants with a minimalistic red mask and blue jeans and a golden hand on a stick in his right hand. Before I did anything, I took the time to listen to what the others are saying.

''This is an inconsistern location that I can't see well due to the incompetence of the grass.'' ''Just walking out will not net you toast. Besides, kids are only adults grown up.'' ''Red is not scary, it's cute! Haven't you heard of the old saying: Fan Fan Fine.'' ''KARALAMIIR!!'' I happily jumped and turned around. ''Greet...'' ''YOU'RE IN THE TANNING ZONE! COME ON AND GET BUSY!!!'' shamroph said. I immediately went to the that-thing-of-the-thread-mill-that-moves conveyor area, and saw another man with a giant fry sword. He said ''Welcome to canada!'' I was about to turn around, then I heard a spring. I turned around again, and saw the man flying in the air ''YES MY DEAR SAVIOUR DOREMI SAMA YOUR STAKE IS DEELICCiiiooouu..s.s.s!.'' I then saw a small explosion in the distance. ''The year is not 1987. It's pre 2019.'' ''Excuse us?'' I said. The new man said ''Here! Fetch!'' he threw a second fry sword at me, and I looked at the conveyor stack. ''WELCOME TO CANA..!!'' he was about to charge just as I stepped to begin my charge. I incidentally pressed a button triggered a trigger-related spring trigger. The spring trigger launched the charger out into the sky. ''THIS INCOMPETENCE IS CHINA'S Faaauuulll...!!'' he then exploded in the air.

''GRENTEN!!! HACHT!!!'' Shamroph time! ''YOU ALL DID WELL!! NOW GO TO THE CAMP WHERE YOU EAT AND SLEEP!!'' we went and I followed to a half-circular giant tube with tables and chairs inside it. I took a seat with the dwarf voice man.

''Got your uses here?'' ''Is this the real life?'' ''Off course!'' ''I can't even remember what I was doing 10 minutes ago.'' ''Well, it's a popular myth to believe that people want to see this, but you have to accept that I'm leaving.'' ''Wait, what about your leaving?'' ''I'm going to jump out of the window and run with the skating wheels I yoinked from the private department. I hope you'll find it. It breaks on the 2nd in the night time zone.'' After we ate our fries, which is a popular myth of symbolic strength and determining, we had to go to the beds. The surface, the triple-deck beds, the partisians. Lamps. We can't forget the lamps. I climbed onto the bed, and got ready to sh...

''Take this, you'll thank me at the last hour.'' the dwarf voice man said, giving me an eye towel. I put the eye towel on my face, and slept, hearing the lights turn on 5 minutes later.

''I am the frying sun!!'' ''I'm the making up department!'' ''MY ICE!''

I found myself in the Rainbow road. In the front, I saw the man from the statue yesterday. ''ZO AI HERD YULAIK VEEDDEE OH GYAEMS!!'' he shout-growled as he ran towards. I jumped and got the punch and the dud and the dud and the punch and the dud and the punchin' the dumpin'the punchin' the dymping puncher dumping punch ducnch ducn duct duck in the duct the duck ducked the duct out ducking the duck that ducked after the duck with duct in the duct with ducks. Squyeak.

''GRENTEN!!! HACHT!!!'' I woke up to the side, falling off the flooe. I woke up on the grass, looking around without any...

I saw Turkey chicken hybrids attacking. I took out the fry sword that I was given and charged for the chicken Turkey hybrids. I slashed horizontally, chanting ''KAREKAAAA?'' *DING* DING* DING* DING* *SWISH* theturkey chicken hybrid broke into pieces and exploded. One turken jumped, and I upperslashed the DING out of the donging gongsack. I ran for the chickeys, spinning around like a ballad patient exploding mines under my fire arm as I jumped into a hurricane. I ran through the beach into the palm tree which led me to the blue jungle of coconut bowling balls raining fron the sunset gun, I jumped onto a bowling ball coconut and fell to the circus tent ceiling and jumped through the string into the roller coaster mania rail on the airplane duct conductor for the band air illusionary experience massive orientation bottle heinz over the tunnel shell jumping the bridge over the shark poking polar bear with the card on the back that breathes fire on a sled which fell down a volcano which has a ramp to the road of the coaster which has a racecar for a pilot and toasters were raining while came out of the toasters and shot rockets out of their eyes and the rockets exploded into flowers that I reflected with my fry sword which makes flowers play exploding bongos in the elephant zone massive urinal evancuation system skyline airline duckady dag dag habbaralazzijibisalaraba! Harrabellataralibilabarrahabbab! BRALLAH! UH i exploded. I've said it before, and I'll have it said again: DON'T SPEND MONEY ON PAY-TO-BEATS!!