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'''THE END'''
'''THE END'''


Revision as of 13:05, 22 August 2021

The Strange Offer

I was on Ebay and saw a strange game called Yoshi there was only the Disk shown in Perfect condition the prize was 6.66$ I bought the game and had to wait for it 1 week to arrive so in the meantime I played Sonic,Mayoras Mask and Shrek is love Shrek is live.exe after 5 Days I was extrermly bored and check my mail there was the was my order. Yoshi  YoshisStory it was Yoshis Story for Pc I installed the game and started it up and Boi that was a misstake. The Game was installing the game had 600 Trojans and 70 Malware Programms I deleted them and started the game.

The Game Beginns

I was playing a strange version of Yoshi he looked weird and not as he usualy looks I hope that this is Player just a glitch because I like Yoshi very much I walk around and fight Goombas and Koppas and at the End of each Level there was a Miniboss preset for the world you are in I had to fight a strange creature that looks like a Dragon  The Dragon Boss That is pretty Tuff. 

I swallow his fire balls and throw them Back at him after I hit him 10 Times I won after that fight things are gonna get crazy. Lightning strike out side suddenly Barry Bee Banson came in and sang we are number one. I scream: What daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after that Yoshi became a upgradehe can shoot laser with his eyes I knew the Game will be awsome and that Yoshi will be the most powerfull character ever made :D 

This Was just a warm up round 

I made it to the Last world one boss was sans i didn't believe it either he was holding a Bone a and a Knife which was extremly creppy in my eyes

Sans I tried to hit him with my lasers but it didn't work than he used bonesand I was thrown up into space and had to fight Sans there he threw more bones but I dogded them all than Yoshi screamed: ZAAAAAAAAAA WARUDO and froze sans than he used his million clones ability and shot 1000000 ultra Lasers at Sans all that was left was his bone and knife in the hand that where a rare boss drop item from him. after that I had to insert disk 2 

The Adventure Goes On

I inserted disk 2 and and the game asked me for a cereal number so I grabbed my cereal and try to find a cereal number than I say: Oh the game wants a serial number my bad. I laugh and enter the number code to continue I got 10 new Upgrades. And now my Yoshi looks like a evil killer Robot I knew it was just a game but he looked Hyper Realistic. He has Rocket boots as his feet and A chainsaw and Knife as his Hand he didn't jump on his enimies he has used his knife first burned them and ended them after 10 Minutes of burning with his Chainsaw. He made sure that they where alive untile that point but I can't control him anymore in fights. I was in the second world boss battel of this world after 1 hour of playing the game. it was Navalu he is Marios failed clone Mario tried anything to make him more human but he ended up being a slowly dying clone with pre-made robotparts that can spin and Shoot lasers. His weakness is his fuel Blue fire has more power but slowly draines his energy Yoshi shot 10 Lasers through him with his eye lasers and saw him in 2 his body turned to a green/red slimy substens that turned black. because he wasn't in a stable body. Yoshi ripped his computer chip out and takes his weapons with him. I try to hack the game but Yoshi just teleportet me at the end of world 2 he begann to change a lot I knew rhat this would be halftime  and I only have 2 more cds to I hoped that the boss wasn't that long. Boy was I wrong!

Boss Battel 2

The Boss is a snake a very wery very long snake  Yoshi cut the snake in 800 pieces and than he wanted to grill them but as soon as the pieces are near the heat the snake exploded and a new snake come out his old ashes. Yoshi said: Wait... how can it be...  He attacked him with his 11000°C Eye Laserand heats him up but he only got bigger thanks to it. The snake said: Heat cant kill me! Yoshi uses for his first time a -9000°C  Laser the snake was extremly small now and also weak instead of killing him he just swallowed him with his toung and layed a egg that he threw against  a wall. The wall broke and revealed a portal after Yoshi went through the Portal the game said insert disk 3

My Nightmare beginns

I inserted the disk and the Lavander town theme played backward in half speed I scream and said: Nooooo noooo nooooo hooooo hooooooooo nooooooooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! not the lavander town theme reversed! it can't be! I tried to turn off my volume but it got louder and louder by it's self. I said: stop please! I hope that the theme goes away quickly.

I was in the Game Yoshi has replaced most of his body with robot parts it looked weird than the titelscreen jumpscared me with a demonic face the game started in the room befor the 3rd boss it was a ghost the same lavander town music backwards. Yoshi saw the ghos into 600 pieces and  burned them after that the Ghost turned out to be Mario now I knew the bad guy has to be Luigi Yoshi shoots Mario with a giant Super eye laserhe became real Yoshi was able to touch him so he saw the zombie Mario into tiny pieces. he knew that this wasn't the real Mario. He jumped to the next few Lvels and this time as he killed a goomba there was hyper realistic blood like extremly hyper realistic everywhere on the screen. at the end of each Level there was a kill score and yoshi has killed a lot of goombas and koopas. at a total it was 6000.000 Yoshi said in a demonic voice: Thank you player I will go easy on you when  help me to get out here! He laughed and said: if you play this game to  the end I let you be next to me on my throne and you shall never be hurt in anyway! I nod nervously and continue playing.

Almost At The End 

I was at the End of the third world Yoshi said: my buddy we almost made it! Mario and Luigi have only 2 Monsters left after that me and Bowser are free to rule your World! Than we are friends forever because I be a god in your world! I say: oh okay! I won't let you down! The Monster jumps down and shows it's self.

Yoshi says: Mario are you fucking kidding me? a chainsaw tail! whos idea was this huh? I am going to beat that person up that had the idea of doing this! Yoshi hit the Monster multible times and everytime the Monster tried to hit him he teleported behind him and hit the moster multible times and riped his chainsaw tail out. After that Yoshi said: I spare you but I only do that because I like how you look! The Monster laughes evil and transforms into a weird green Monster.Yoshi used the chainsaw but it broke as it touched him. Yoshi says: I will not give up just yet! Yoshi uses his strong laser eye attack nothing happened... than he tries to use 5000 Lasers at full charge at the same time aimed to the Monster creating a huge explosion and and huge load of smoke. The Monster is not hurt by that Yoshi glows golden shines bright and uses the sun to create a massive destruction laser he hit the Monster and it was covered in blood but nothing more yoshi noticed there are shadow shards on him one broke of (they are a invisible lair shield lair but you can see the crystals if it is completly dark) Yoshi swallowed a shard and was dark like a shadow and rushes into the Mosters body after that the Monster explodes and yoshi eats all shadow shards and now he can shape shift and change his size he knows that he is almost a full god. Yoshi says: Oh get ready as soon as I am free we 2 will have lots of fun together.

Final Area

I am almost done with the game so inserted disk 4. Yoshi said: I am almost free thanks to you we always will be a team and I wont forget you infact you will be imortal like me! He laughs evil and said: nope I wont undo that when I am free because I keep you forever. Than he laughes evil again and I reply: okay yoshi master I do anything! I said that in a creepy distordet voice I played the game and watched yoshi in all the fights he does. I watch him beat up enimes and say: When this is over Yoshi we could have fun together. I start to laugh and Yoshi replied: sure man I just need to beat up the last creation of Mario and Luigi They never see coming what I did cause you thought I killed all those Monsters but I didn't they just where clones from my Monster friends! an now Mario has his own Robot with a problem Mario used the core 5001 GX instead of the 1090 VXG which can process data better.

I laughed and replied: He should have. Yoshi sees a Monster friend from him and he frees him from the chains and rides on his back to Bowsers Castel to pick him up he managed to do it but Mario and Luigi came in as a fused mutant Yoshi Knew that this will be the Final Battel with Bowser on his site he can't lose he snapped and turned Bowser to one of his kind exe data 666.

Final Battel Against Mario and Luigi (Phase 1/3)

Yoshi.exe was here with Bowser.exe suddenly a 2 headed Mario/Luigi Mutant drops down Mario said: Please Spare us we didn't mean it! we just wanted our own army! Luigi replied: Shut the fuck up Mario! we don't care about Yoshi we just want to gain height! Yoshi said: Mario and Luigi I thought I had to take 2 people down but if you are one target than it will be easy!

Luigi said not thanks to our Firewall! Bowser got a cup of water and the fire went out as he sprays the water on the wall. Bowser said: That pun was bad! And smashed the wall Mario and Luigi fall into Lava and Melt together

Phase (2/3)

Mario and Luigi came out as 1 Giant Bloob Monster Yoshi made 100 Shadow Bowsers and they tied around Mario and Luigi. Yoshi throws Darknesscrystals at them after they hit the Melted Mutant they explode Mario and Luigi where only a puddle of slime and Yoshi thought he won but the puddle of slime grows to the normal size again and became the Mario Mutant again. Bowser said: They can survive a explosion but I have freed all your friends Bowser freed any orginal Monster and they all combine to make a shadow yoshi completly black suddenly the made the lights go out only a shadow creature can see in pitch darkness Mario Luigi bloob couldn't and where thrown in the Lava again than anyone separatet again and they turned all  lights back on, Mario and Luigi where finaly deafeted and all selbrated but they noticed the Magic Portal didn't open I asked: Is it over or? Suddenly the ground in all dimensions starts shaking and anything was covered in darkness Yoshi and the others can still see something because they are shadow gods and they bring back the lights suddenly they see a shadow figure  Shadow Mario/Luigi It is weird

Phase (3/3) FINAL!

A shadow of Mario and Luigi came out Yoshi says come one Mario and Luigi stop fighting with me it is no use I already won and will rule over the universe Yoshi had the infinty gautlet with all infiniety stones he snapped and made 700 Clones of him self and beat the shadow demon up.  Yoshi said: Give up! you can't win! Bowser said: yeah all make 8000 clones of them awlf and beat the shadow Mario/Luigi up the shadow got weaker and weaker till it turnes Mario and Luigi back in their normal body Mario tried to cut the bridgh but it didn't work because Bowser constructed it like that so Mario can't destroy it. Bowser said okay as you wish they teleport on the other side of the bridge and lets it dissapear Mario and Luigi get dragged into hell by a huge lava hand and where never seen again

The New Ruler Of Anything

Yoshi Opened the Portal and anyone comes into my room. Yoshi carried me on his back and changed reality so that he has his head quaters on earth. Now anyone knows that he is the ruler and anyone that dares to hurt him end up in hell where you see and hear your worst nightmares. He grew to the size of a Mountain and sits in his throne in his huge castel. Yoshi said to me: You know I have 2 forms of punishments either hell or being eaten and turned to a egg by me that I throw against a wall. after that the person still lives but has to do it over and over till they feel extremly sorry and stop bothering me! I replied: hey that sounds cool but what do I have to do? Yoshi replied: nothing much I see you more as a pet than a servant now go to your own room! He leads me to my room and I sleep there and live haplly ever after with all the ruler of the Multiverse 


Written by BowserFan
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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