Wii Unreleased Version

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Hello reader.I want to start off by saying I'm a huge the Nintendo fan i I own most of the games,a lot of merchandise you name it! I've been a fan for a very long time and I'm what you call a Nintendo nerd . ( or geek or however you call it)in 2011 When Nintendo first revealed the WII I got excited!. I was excited Nintendo finally released a new consule. Whenever Nintendo released a new consul I always get excited.

Until the incident happened.

It all started when I was bored and had nothing to do. I was off work that day so I didn't really know what to do. I decided to go on eBay to see what I wanted to buy. I while I was on eBay. I was looking for random stuff when I thought about the WII. I really wanted the WII at the time because it was selling well and was the top wanted item at the time. (Especially because it was almost Christmas) So I typed in WII the search bar. I was scrolling to the bottom of the page when I noticed a page simply called NEW LIMITED ADDITION WII The page had no Picture. The description said "This is a new WII. Great condition. Comes with game." The price was zero dollars with free shipping. I got excited that I could finally get a new WII so ordered it.

I really wish I didn't do that.

About a week later it arrived. when I got it from the mailbox I immediately noticed that the console hadent arrived in it's usual box. instead it came in A cardboard box with WII written on with sharpie marker. This is was unusual. I thought to myself. I didn't really pay attention to it Because maybe the original seller didn't have the usual box .When I went inside and opened it opened it I amediately noticed that it came with Piece of paper that said " thanks for ordering! we hope you have lots of fun! - Nintendo".

I thought this was weird as well. I mean did Nintendo to really write that? Was this note written just for me? I didn't ponder on it too long and continued. I noticed that the console was quite dirty. There was a few dirt stains and smudges. I didn't mind it too much though. I set it up and washed it with some wipes. To make sure that it was OK and did not break. Just then I noticed that the box also came with one blank CD. The cover was just Mario written in marker. I was intrigued. Wow A free game! I thought to myself. I was excited that it came with a game and especially Mario. ( i'm a big fan of Mario ) I took the desk out of the case and put it in the consule. when I turned on the Wii the menu looked a little bit weird because it was kind of Giltchey. I could see some glitches on top and also it looked broken as well. As I went through the menu I could hear some weird noises. The game started. The menu was just a white screen with text that said Super Mario. bellow thare was a play button. I cilcked the play button. After that the screen glitched out again this went on for about 10 seconds.

After that happened I saw Mario on the screen, Mario looked rather odd,The color of his clothes were inverted and his eyes where all white. It zoomed in on his face. After a few minutes I could hear him say " I know where you live" after this happened the screen glitched out again. I saw some weird images of people pop up on the screen.Their faces looked distorted and unhappy. After that it showed mario again. This time I heard him said "I'm coming for you" After that I heard a loud scream that was so loud I almost fell over Because of how scared I was . Then things got especially weird. I then heard a voice saying Let's ago!

after I heard that I was automatically placed in a level. It looked like 1-1 but in 3-D. After I took one step the game crashed with A loud noise. After that I was sent back to the main menu of the WII. Now the menu looked really messed up. The colors are all distorted. All the buttons said NO.

I kept hearing a loud noise that Continuingly louder. It sounded like a bunch of screams. At this point it was really getting creeped out. The distortion just got worse until I could barely see anything.

Then out of nowhere Shigeru Miyamoto popped up on the Screen. He got up close and said. Thanks a lot we enjoyed making you happy with our video game consuls. In a Really weird voice. After that he smiled. This went on for an uncomfortably amount of time. His Smile kept getting bigger. Until it was up to his ears. After this the console turned off. I was terrified by what day it just experienced And witnessed. After this happened I took the console and and everything else that came with it and brang it to the police station. I told him what just happened. At first they where skeptical but then decided to look into it.

After a few minutes they told me that they were going to find who sold the WII.

A few days later I was watching the news when I saw a news report that said that a guy was being arrested for selling disturbing consules online. It turns out that the guy who sold me the WII dident live far away from where I was. I was relieved They finally Caught the guy who sold me the WII. I still head nightmares for the next few weeks. I couldn't get the horrible things I saw out of my head. I'm warning you if you find someone selling a WII with that Exact same title please don't buy it. It won't do you any good.

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