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My name is Dr. Roven Steiner. Ever since my early 20's, I've dedicated my research to finding a way to live on after death. I'm not talking about some immortality potion or some other nonsense like that. I have invented a soul capture device. I have named this "Project Novus", but the project has reached completion.

I decided to name my soul capture device the X-Transmos. The way my beautiful device works is highly complex. I will provide an explanation, but I doubt you have the capacity to understand. I will explain after I give you the entire spiel of my soul research.

I was always fascinated by the human soul. It is an easily corruptible thing, like an old GameBoy cartridge. Evil affects the human soul in great lengths. The more twisted a human is, the more of their soul becomes withered and unusable. The X-Transmos does a wonderful thing to the human soul.

The X-Transmos requires surgery to be put on your body. It is a green and white arm shaped mechanism with a large green orb which is placed in the middle of your hand. Your current arm would be removed and replaced with the X-Transmos. If your life signs were to go under 20%, the orb would start to glow and you have to enter a passcode.

After you enter this passcode, the X-Transmos will change form. The hand will become a large disk and the orb will glow a brighter green. Your soul will start getting sucked out and transferred into the disk. I would think this would feel as if you're being turned inside out. After your soul is completely sucked in the X-Transmos, your human form will begin to wither like a dying flower.

Once your soul is absorbed completely, your body will 99.98% of the time turn to dust. All of the subjects' organs will be shrunk and look like pebbles. The skull however, is ALWAYS left behind. No ifs, ands, or buts, your skull will never be vaporized.

But once your soul is transferred to the X-Transmos, you will take on a new form. You may select your body from any age you once were. For example, I was in my prime when I was 26 years old. I would select 26 on the age selection screen. Once you are in a new form, you will notice an eerily silent, pitch black area. It is up to you to add to this black hole of nothingness.

You are entirely conscious during this whole experience. You can add anything you want simply by just thinking about it. Let's say you want to be by a beautiful ocean. Close your eyes and point to where you want it. Open your eyes and you will be greeted by some marvelous ocean scenery.

You can do anything you want without penalty. You can have anything that crosses your mind. Sex, power, intelligence, anything you want. But, there are risks. It is entirely possible for this eternal oasis to turn into an eternal nightmare.

There is a 49.7% chance of the X-Transmos of going haywire while absorbing your soul. It could leave parts of your soul behind. This may result to two possibilities. One, you may still be alive after the soul transition. This means you will feel the pain of your body and everything inside it turn to dust. It is possibly the most painful thing that could ever happen to a human.

Two, you might get inside the X-Transmos a-OK, but you will be in a conscious nightmare your entire life. All of your greatest fears are released from your soul and will run free inside the X-Transmos. This will turn the green orb into a black orb with red, transparent, wavy lines floating around the orb.

For an eternity, you will be chased by monsters that you have always feared. You might have to relive a traumatic event for the rest of your souls existence. However, the X-Transmos stops working after 1000 years. This is because your soul rapidly deteriorates when it isn't inside a human host.

On the day when your soul expires, you experience a feeling as if you're becoming detached from your dream/nightmare world. What happens to your soul after that, beats me.

This is Prof. Steiner, and thank you for taking your time to read this instructional pamphlet. Enjoy your new X-Transmos!

Credited to ImNu11XBL

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