YouTube Carnage

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Note: The following was written in a journal found next to a brutally defaced corpse. The writing in the journal seemed hastily written. The body had had it's face ripped open. The body was found in a hallway outside of a bathroom.

If you are reading this, my name is Jennifer. I am an accountant, so my job often becomes boring. One day, I had begin to doze off, so I decided to log into YouTube. I saw the usual blogs and kittens that often adorned my page. But I saw a strange sight. A channel named Mortem was live streaming. Curious, I clicked on the link.

What I saw horrified me.

My 14 year old daughter saw laying unconscious in her bed. A man cloaked in black came into the frame. He pulled out a box-cutting knife, then stabbed my baby girl in the stomach. He cut open her stomach, then pulled out her entrails. screamed, then cried. The co-workers did not seem to notice my despair.

I ran out of my cubicle. I couldn't stand to be near that computer. I ran to my car and pulled out of the parking lot. I had hoped that this was all a cruel joke. That some one had used CGI or something. Finally, I arrived at my house. I ran up the stairs. I screamed and cried at the sight of my little girl. Dead, laying in a pool of blood. "WHY!!!" I yelled. Then I remembered a dark cloaked man. I looked around the room, to see if I could find the monster who did this. I could see no one. I ran out of the room and into the kitchen. I reached for the phone, when I realized that the dark-cloaked man was standing in the same room. His head was down. I picked up a knife on the kitchen counter, ready to strike and kill the beast. He lifted his head. I screamed at his disfigured face. He had no recognizable features, just two dark blue eyes. His eyes seemed to drill into me. I sensed that this was not his first kill, but one of many. I sensed that he would gladly destroy me. I ran out of the room as fast as lightning.

I found the nearest haven that I could, the downstairs bathroom. Now, we have caught up with the present. I am writing this because I believe that it may help authorities hind this creature. I know that I will not live too see tomorrow. I'm scared. I wish that I co-

This is where the writer's words stop. The only things left on the page where the words "Hello, Friends." near the bottom of the page. Blood soaks the bottom of the page.

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