YouTubers Vs. Creepypastas: MichaelLeroi Fanpasta: Difference between revisions

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This is the best story ever written by any living being, ever!
==Chapter 1: The Beginning==
One day, four extremely funny British people named Jacob Sherwood, Matt Dixon, Toby Mitchell and Gemma Milne were reading a creepypasta (that's a horror story on the internet for those that don't know) for their YouTube show called Bad Creepypasta on the MichaelLeroi channel. This is an internet show where the four of them read Awful Creepypastas and criticise the hell out of them because they deserve it.
So I was browsing the MichaelLeroi channel. They're my favorite YouTube channel, and I wanted to see if they had uploaded any new videos. I saw that a new episode of BCP was uploaded! To prepare, I grabbed a case of rootbere and five bags of chips so I wouldn't be hungry or thirsty wile I watched the awesomeness that was no doubt in store. I was so EXCITED!
In this super special, bone chilling, ten part and chocolate covered episode, it was not only the four hellairious hosts who were reading the story. They got a lot of other funny people who were previously guest stars on the show to help them through the torcher. They got M.D. Phantasm, Vinnce12, The Overanalyst, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge and Alexo. They also got some of the funny patrons who appeared on the show previously to help too. They even got that awesome french guy from that one episode.
Anywhosil, the story they were reading was called JEFF THE KILLER vs Jane The Killer vs Michael Myres vs MaRIo vs Ticci Toby vs The Rake vs Slenderman vs Squidward's Suicide (the story came to life) vs Laughing Jack vs Eyeless Jack vs Clockwork (although her and Jeff didn't fight, they just had sex)!!!. With a title like that, I knew this would be my favorite episode of BCP ever, even better than MaRIo 2, my personal favorite episode.
I loved every nanosecond of the episode, or at least all I was able to watch. But a few shark wacking momants and tea cups drank later, them and me were transported to another dimension.They were taken there in about seconds. I recorded the time with my stopwatch that I stole from a guy on the street.
They all stand in this dark place of nothing and wonder what took them out of that hyper-realistic holecaust of wrong that was the story. They didn't complain though.
Everyone was bamboozled! Includeing me because I was still trying to figure out how and why I got there with them. I was so happy, I was meeting my favorite YouTubers face to face.
==Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo==
They then saw an essepically weird message on a wall. It said "WaTCh oUt foR TeNCe sWaPs aNd CrEepYpAsTa ChArACteRs!". "but they don't exist. "it's probably just a joke." HoodoHoodlumsRevenge said. ..
They agreed. After all, weren't all creepypasta monsters and stories made up? And what's the worst a tence swap could do aside from having Jacob want to throgh his computer out his window?
"Let's get this over with so I can go home and watch wressleing." Vinnce12 said. They were all armed with laser guns because the plot demanded it.
Alexo did is getting an internship to a company that made TV shows and video games.
And because interns were smack dab (or for the British, smack bang) in the middle of always seeing creepy things happen with media, he got a brand new coppy of the greatest game of all time, SANIC.EXE! It was for the Ninterror 64, the best game system ever!
==Chapter 3: Another Chapter==
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After Google searching for that name it turned out that this person is a creepypasta character who was in a creepypasta that is now on the Trolpasta wiki because it sucked. Then Jacob pulled out an Ipod that that 666 on it to listen to some music. The Ipod once belonged to The Devil according to some guy called Boot Man Bill who gave it to him along with a hacked Call of Duty game. He listened to the only album on the Ipod. It only contained songs that were a mix of dubstep and heavy metal. He still enjoys it though.
Then a Nintarror64 flew in frunt of them (it had wings). It luckily landed on the ground. they all get a controller in there hands. "You... will... play... the... game...!" says MaRIo. . The game is WARM BUTTEREY BORDERLANDS: The Empire will Rise! Overanalyst read the fine print on the case. It said "Now with all new Spookiween DLC!". M.D. Phantasm was a little mad at this because as you all know, he prefers his Borderlands with jelly.
Toby was first with the controller. He couldn't even make it past the first step of the game before dying about twenty times which caused Jacob to call him a "bloody wanker".He then took the controller from Toby. Gemma giggled at this, and Jacob told her to not giggle anymore cause it is distracting his great gaming skills. Matt attempted to take the controller away from Jacob but Toby slapped him across the face and tells him to let Jacob try. The game was not much different than the original Borderlands. The only changes are that the enemies have been replaced with new ones. They've been replaced with creepypasta characters. They were EXTREMELY hard to kill, especially those enomies called Squidward's Suicides. They eventually got to the final boss. The final boss wasn't Handsome Jack, but it was Laughing Jack.
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The police were going to envestagate where the package came from. But, Derek Green was somehow the only one working today, and you all know what happens when you make him envestigate anything.
The package contained a film called The Squidward as well as more Spookiween DLC for Borderlands.It also contained a few more things that I don't need to mention because it's the end of the story. . .
Thanks for reading! Have a good rest of the day!
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