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I am a part of it.
I am a part of it.
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]
[[Category:Vidya games]]
[[Category:Vidya games]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]

Latest revision as of 21:02, 3 June 2024

I've been playing Among Us for quite a while now, and I have grown very fond of it. It's a very fun game. It's one of the best elimination experiences I've ever had in my life. This might make me sound like a real killer, but I've enjoyed being The Imposter more than a Crewnate. For me, it was just more fun to kill other players. That is, until now.

One day, after I had finished all my homework for the week, I became super bored. I thought about playing with my RC car, and was just getting it set up, when it started to rain outside oh, so I decided to play some games. I played for a little while on Xbox, but I was still bored. Later, while I was messing around on my iPad, I remind myself that I still had Among Us. I decided I would play it, but first, out of random curiosity, I looked around in the App Store to see if there were other games that I might enjoy so that I wouldn't get too bored after playing Among Us for a while.

While I was skimming through the details of Among Us, I noticed that it had an update. That's weird, I thought. InnerSloth hasn't made any announcements for an update recently. Yes, they are still making a sequel, I think, but I haven't heard anything new about the original. I shurgged it off, reckoning that they were just fixing some bugs and stuff, even though the update contained no description.

Everything went normal when I launched the game. I played around with some dummy simulations before looking for an online match. When I went to the list, I only found one. I tried refreshing it by changing the number of imposters, but to no avail. I shrugged this off again, thinking that it had something to do with the update or something. I was able to join the match, making myself the tenth player. I've never been that lucky before. Usually, you can't fit in a 9/10 session because it either already started, or it is full because somebody beat you to it.

Despite the weird things that I've seen so far, I expected the match to go on as normal. I got the normal intro where it would tell you that you were either a Crewmate or Imposter, and how many Impostors were among the others. Being a dedicated worker, I began my tasks first before going into detective mode. After I completed my first task, an emergency meeting was held. Of course, I hadn't seen any bodies or another player going through event, so I chose to skip the voting. However, I noticed that everyone else skipped as well.

Okay, now that's really strange. Usually, most of the players are suspecting, and we'll vote on any of the players, even themselves maybe. I've never been in a match where everyone skips the voting process on the first emergency meeting. Eventually, I finished all my tasks, and I started to look around the ship. A couple more meetings were help. On the second meeting, everyone skipped again. I typed in the chat that voting was necessary for most players. On the third meeting, everyone voted on a few of each other, apparently having had listen to my message. The blue player got the most votes and was ejected, but they weren't the Imposter.

I continued looking around the ship, not being able to find anything. In fact, a very long time passed before the next meeting. I would say about 15 to 20 minutes. That's definitely not right. I don't know if a match itself can last that long. At the next meeting, the orange player was voted out, but they weren't the Imposter either. The next three meetings went on like this. The light blue, green and pink players were rejected Tama and none of them were the Imposter. I was growing more suspicious. Usually, the Imposter was found by now, and I already I knew it couldn't be me, because I was selected as a Crewmate. At least that's what I saw.

I went to Security and watch the cameras for a while. I saw the remaining players walking around, but I didn't see any of them killing each other, or going through the vents. At one point, the Communications were disabled. I rushed down as fast as I could to fix them. When I tried to correctly position the knob, however, the usual gibberish message didn't play. Instead, there was just static. I didn't think this would have to go on my list of weird things that I have seen today, because I thought it might just be a glitch.

Two more meetings were held. Purple and light green were thrown off the ship, but they were innocent. Now there were only three of us. Black, brown, and me, red. Black held another meeting, and we all when into chat. I asked them what was going on. Neither of them responded for a moment. Then, brown replied. "We are all innocent." Then, black spoke up. "It's true. We are actually all Crewmates. The Imposter is an AI or something."

Wow! This is cool! This is like story mode! I've always wanted to have there be an automatically controlled imposter for me and other players to find. I decided to search with them. We looked around for a good 10 minutes, and found nothing. I decided that maybe they were lying, and decided to vote one of them out. Black got voted out. They were not The Imposter. It was just me and brown now. This was too much. It never gets down to two players. Usually, when a third player gets kicked, you either lose or win with the Imposter either having killed all the crew members or having been killed.

Brown held the next meeting. In the chat, I asked him what this was about, but he wouldn't respond. I voted on him and, to my surprise, they voted on themselves. They were ejected from the ship, but even they weren't the Imposter. Now, it was just me on the ship. I had completed all my tasks. No one else was there to do anything. Anxious to figure out what was going on, I looked all around the ship, searching for anything. For another 10 minutes, I found nothing. No bodies, no sabotaged areas, nothing. It was just me and the ship. Everything on the ship was non-interactable. The gun, the fuel, the garbage disposal, the ID scanner, I was unable to interact with anything on the ship, except for one thing:

The emergency meeting button. I realized that I was the only one that hadn't called an emergency meeting. I realize that this was all probably just a big glitch and that it would tell me after I got thrown off the ship. I voted on myself, and it threw me off. However, it told me that my character name was not the Imposter. Then, the message disappeared, and the video focused on space for a moment. This was so strange. I wanted to refresh the game, but I couldn't. I just had to watch this so I could figure out what was going on. Then, after that long moment, a new message displayed:

You are The Imposter

At first, I laughed, thinking that this was a glitch designed as a prank or something. Then, I started feeling something. I felt myself being pulled. It couldn't be the wind, because my windows were shut. I looked around my room, and I saw nothing. Then, I looked down at my iPad, and I noticed something very off about it. I saw tiny lines going toward it, into it. I noticed that the lines of what appeared to be a sucction of wind, was coming from me. That was what was pulling me. Here, I made a horrifying realization, that I was being pulled into my iPad.

Call me crazy, but I know that it's true. I felt it myself. I also realized that the update of the game was cursed. The other players were right. None of them, not even my player, was the Imposter. The Imposter was a real person. There must have been many other players that have went through this, and have become victims to being human Imposters. I just happened to be one of them.

I have never been so scared in my life. I didn't want to die. I took one step backwards, hoping that I could easily run away and tell someone about this. But when my left foot touched the ground behind me, I felt the pull getting stronger. I jumped back toward my door and grabbed hold of it, just as the pull got to what felt like its maximum strength. Despite how hard it felt, no other object in my room appeared to get sucked into the iPad. It seems that only I could get sucked in. I held onto the door for dear life.

Then, I noticed my phone right near my bed. If I could just reach it without getting too close to the iPad, I could have it on me in case I needed to use it to call for help. With careful timing, I jumped toward the leg of my bed, grabbed it, managed to grab hold of the phone, and quickly jumped back to the door. I called 911 and explain the situation to them as best as I could. Despite how despite how insane it sounded, they believed my story and told me that would be on their way right away.

The pull was still very strong, but I was just barely able to pull myself out of my room, where the suction apparently couldn't reach me. I took the opportunity to find something to block it. I raced downstairs to the bookcase in my dining room and grabbed the biggest book I could find. I crept carefully toward the door of my room, where I could see suction hole right in the doorway. Aiming as carefully as I could, I threw the book into the pull. Surprisingly, the book made it through. I concluded that anything can get sucked in, but only if it goes through the hole from its starting point.

The book landed right on top of the screen, which thankfully blocked the suction altogether. Then, I carefully pick up the iPad with the book still on top of it, and took it downstairs, just as police and paramedics came to my door. I didn't expect them to believe me when I showed them what was happening, but strangely, they could hear the suction as well. They asked me to bring the iPad with them to a lab.

At the lab, the iPad was carefully taken off the book, and quickly placed into a box. Then, using some tiny machines, the scientists tried to turn the iPad off. Miraculously oh, they succeded. What was even better was that the gravitational pull had finally stopped. At first, I was relieved, but when they offered to give the iPad back to me, I was too nervous to risk letting this happen again, so I insisted that I leave it with them. They promised that they would be careful when examining it and that they would figure out the problem as soon as they possibly could.

After a few weeks of experimenting, the scientists concluded that the pull only happened with Among Us, and that I would have to delete it until furthur notice. I was disappointed, but I knew that it was the right thing to do. I still don't know what this curse on the game is, but I am certain of one thing:

I am a part of it.

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