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== '''Chapter .5 - Introduction''' ==
''There was once an island, buried within your mind. Once you find it, there’sthere's no turning back.''
''This is a tale of being lost in the middle of nowhere, then suddenly coming back- But was the price for doing so worth it?''
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''It was the 14th of February 2019, the day after, was my birthday. I was too excited to sleep. So I went downstairs and ate a banana. I went upstairs, still feeling excited, I listened to very relaxing music, which helped me sleep.''
''Now is the weird part. When I fell asleep, I was dreaming, obviously. But it was the dream that was weird. I was dreaming of being stranded on an island, without any way of explaining how I got there. Or why I had that dream. The island was empty, and by empty I mean empty. No trees, rocks, rough formation, just a flat island of sand. I was wondering what I was doing here. What’sWhat's the purpose? Is my dream trying to tell me something? Everything was becoming blurry, blurry, and blurrier, until I woke up. I wondered about my dream for a while. But I tried to take my mind off it by listening to some music. But there was a voice in my head. Talking. Murmuring. Whispering. I knew the word but I couldn’tcouldn't say it. I couldn’tcouldn't- I-...''
''...And then it was night two of the problems.. I was now on my bed, trying to sleep. In which I easily did. I dreamt that I was on the same island, but smaller. Everything was in a kind of scratchy-silhouette, black and white art style. The island was moving like a boat but it wasn’twasn't sinking- although only made of what I assume is sand, it floats. In the distance was a bigger island with hills and a strange figure waiting for me. It was a human-looking creature (It isn’tisn't human), with two eyes for the face, and an eerie smile for the mouth, no nose, hair, or ears can be spotted on the creature’screature's face. It stared at me as if it was happy that I was here- in an eerie way. Although everything was in black and white, the only thing in color was a few parts of it’sit's eyes, it has dark red lines dripping from the face which represent blood, and more dark red lines at the side of the eyes. I was.. Confused? I didn’tdidn't really know what to do, but as I looked at the creature, the island I was standing on suddenly started to move over to the bigger island with the creature. When I was about a few feet near the shore I woke up.''
== '''Chapter 2 - In a Place- Very, Very Far Away''' ==
''…I woke up slowly, even though I was awake, my eyes were still closed due to my tiredness. But slowly and surely I felt everything. My back on my bed, my face on my pillow, the breeze, and then. Thud. I fell from my bed and my face hit something that felt like sand. I then slowly opened my eyes to the sight of… The Island.''
''“What"What the heck???" I asked myself in confusion,''
''“How"How the- What the-" I asked again.''
''“Maybe"Maybe this is all a dream." I said, but when I slapped myself, I didn’tdidn't work. I then tried to start calming down- I didn’tdidn't. After a while, I came to my senses and realized I was stranded in the middle of nowhere on a big island. I noticed two beach seats on the shore. One of them had a scarecrow with a bucket for a head, the second one had a woman in a blue shirt. But it looks like she has been here for a while. I could tell because her face was rotting and you could see the flesh and bones within her head. Of course, I thought I was going to die here, I assume because the woman I saw was well- dead. It was hard to keep my calm in such a very panicking situation. But suddenly a vague, raspy voice started to be heard in the distance.''
''“Welcome"Welcome, new… Traveler." The figure said.''
''It looked like the one I saw in my dream. Same shape, same size- and weirdly, same art style. It was a figure which stood out to the rest of the environment. (2d in 3d)''
''“W"W-well, h-hello to you too-o”o", I said in confusion and fear.''
''“There"There is.. No need to be… Afrai-i-i-i-d.." Said the figure.''
''“B"B-but why am I here??" I asked.''
''"..." The figure stood still and silent. And then.. It suddenly disappeared.''
''“W"W-what..  Just happened?" I asked myself.''
''Then, I heard a voice in my head. “Thi"Thi-i-i-is, wa-a-ay."''
''A glow started to appear on the ground. I blindly followed the voice with the least doubt, hoping to make it out- a choice I will soon regret. As I blindly followed the voice AND glow, I started to wonder.. Where was this leading me? Or, Why am I stuck here? As I wondered, the voice said abruptly, “Stop"Stop!". I stopped. We stopped in the middle of a forest with bushes surrounding me. I asked why we stopped, the voice didn’tdidn't reply. A vague crunch is heard in the bushes. I looked at them. Blood started to gush down from the bushes to my feet. As it was soaking my feet with blood, I tried to run. But something stopped me too. The blood started to wrap around me and closed my eyes. I woke up. I was in my bed, thinking that what happened on the island was all a dream. I went about my life until school.  As I stepped out of my mother’smother's car I was greeted by all the students with faces that were mangled. I stepped back as everyone looked at me. I turned around and I woke up on the island.''
''“WHAT"WHAT THE- OH MY-." I was extremely confused.''
''“That"That is what will happen once you won’twon't get off this island." The voice said.''
''“Wh"Wh- What???" I asked in utter confusion''
''"...Just follow what I say and you will get out." The voice replied. “Go"Go to the cave you see before you."''
''“What"What cave?" I asked. As I looked behind me there was a massive cave. With huge stalactites and stalagmites hanging from the cave roof and floor.''
''“What"What the-" I was even more confused now.''
''But I did just as the voice said. I walked in the cave, hoping to stop what I saw from happening. It was very dark inside, with no light source whatsoever, I wandered into the deep, deep darkness. As I walked aimlessly my face hit something. As I backed away a little bit, the voice then said:''
''“We"We are here."''
''“Where"Where is ‘here’'here'?" I asked.''
''“Here"Here." The voice replied.''
''As the voice replied the entire cave was now illuminated with a strong glow.''
''“Why"Why didn’tdidn't you do this earlier?" I asked.''
''"...Don’tDon't mind that." The voice replied. “Are"Are you ready?"''
''“Ready"Ready for what?" I asked''
''“Ready"Ready to get out of here." The voice replied''
''“Hell"Hell yes." I replied to the voice.''
''As I said so, a bright light started to wrap around me, as it happened, I closed my eyes. And when I opened them…''
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''…And when I opened them…''
''…I was back home. Lying in bed, as I woke up I thought it was all a dream. I went downstairs and ate my food and did whatever you do in your daily life. After doing so my mom fetched me to school cause I was late. As I got out of the car everybody started looking at me. Thinking it was weird, I ignored them and went to class. I was in science class. I was listening to my teacher’steacher's lesson until he said.''
''“And"And this is the island inside your mind. Buried deep within."''
''I looked at the illustration in shock. That was the same island as the one I was stuck on. And what’swhat's weird is that our science teacher suddenly sounded like the voice in my head.''
''“Wh"Wh-what?" I asked.''
''“Yes"Yes, this is the island YOU were lost on." He replied''
''“Uh"Uh-" I staggered''
''“Now"Now do you remember?" He said, “See"See, when you got out of the island you transported me out, helping me with my plan. Thank you, mortal."''
''As he said this, the lights in the classroom went dark. Then they turned back on. Every single student in the classroom was looking at me with that same smile- from the vision I had on the island. I barged out of the classroom and school as everyone in the school started to chase me. While my science teacher started to turn into the one from my dream.''
''“It"It was all a warning. My dream. The vision. So it wasn’twasn't the voice in my head that gave me that vision. It was my brain. It was warning me of what would happen once I leave.. I didn’tdidn't listen." I said to myself.''
''And- That’sThat's how I got here.''
''“You"You're crazy, kid." The policeman said to Axel''
''“B"B-but please understand! I-"''
''“Look"Look I heard enough." Said the policeman''
''"..." Axel was silent''
''As the police turned around Axel tackled him to the ground, and when he looked up he was now…''