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(Since the previous WW2 bad guy pasta was so horrible, I decided to upload one as revenge. MUAHAHA!)
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Latest revision as of 02:04, 17 June 2024

This is from the unknown diary of a British scientist during World War Two.

January 12, 1936

A new biological weapon has been created to help defeat the German enemy and help bring triumph to Britain and its allies. There will be five test subjects of different age groups chosen to be possible candidates for experimentation.

January 16, 1936 12:31 A.M.

Five test subjects have been acquired, a young twenty-three year old woman, a twelve year old girl, a seventy-three year old male and a young married couple.

The child will be the first to be experimented on first due to her small structure she should be able to be restrained easily if something should go wrong. A low dosage of 20 is injected directly into her blood stream of Sectrum 65 (name has not been given to weapon yet). Scientists will administer more later on today of a higher dosage of 40. The child seems to feel the same way as before, playing, drawing, singing and laughing in her quarintine room as the other subjects have their own. The only difference is color of skin it's changed from snow white to a yellowish color. Her eyes, once blue, are now more dull in color also.

January 16, 1936 7:36 P.M.

The other dose as been administered to the child. To keep everyone safe, she was tied down to a table as the injection was given. She seemed fine for the twelve minutes we observed her. The subject was then returned to the room for further study.

About two hours later a scream was heard from her room. As I peered in I saw her shaking violently as if having a seizure. Blood was running out of her mouth as she twitched out of a nurses hands and landed on the ground. A pool of blood beneath her stained her clothes. The nurse called for back up. But by the time the others came, the girl had stopped shaking and still had her eyes open while staring at the ceiling. The nurse cried out as the young girl suddenly sat up and looked at her. It was a look of complete hatred. The girl jumped on to the nurse and clawed her face with her fingers digging into the nurses eyes. The back up staff came running in and drew a tranquilizer gun. Knowing that it would not stop the child, I pulled my revolver out and walked into the room. Putting the gun towards her head as I squeezed the trigger.

January 17, 1936 11:15 A.M.

Today other test subjects was put into the same quarantine room and was infected through vents on the room walls.

Januray 17,1936 12:45

Subjects have been administered infection as I sit and watch I notice their eyes changing from their blues and browns to black animalistic eyes.

Within thirty minutes they are fighting in the chamber. Watching I see young couple circling each other snarling like a pair of wild dogs. As I watch the man send a blow to the woman's head knocking her out cold. He proceedes to rip her stomach open with his fingernails, which are now claws. Inside her, he rips out what seems to be a fetus. It starts to kick as the man slams it to the floor killing it instantly.

The old man has proceeded to kill the young female and now has his eyes turned on the young man whos back is turned to him as the old man creeps up behind him, the young man snaps a rip of his wives off and stabs it into the old mans neck. The old man seem unaffected by this injury and proceeded to rip the rib out of the throat and beat the man with it till all that's left of the mans head is a bloody mess with brain matter visible. I look at the control buttons and push the euthanise button the old man looks into my eyes and snarls as a cloud of smoke clouds around him making it nearly impossible to see him but I see him well enough to see him gasp for air as the poison flows into his lungs making him choke up blood, his hands go to his neck as if that will save him.

I stand up and walk away in disgust.

January 26, 1936

New weapon has been abandoned.

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