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Latest revision as of 14:55, 31 May 2024

Fox had always had a fair share of eventful and serious episodes of adult cartoons, besides Family Guy. It seems that every new Seth MacFarlane show were big failures at the time. Such as Bordertown with its fair share of stereotypes, which some people may find it a bit offensive in any ways. Unless that the show was just made for adults.

We don't know why Fox wanted to milk these kinds of shows, including cartoons that had an offending aura, besides the Cleveland Show starring Mike Henry. By the way, these kinds of shows hold on some dark moments through out every episode.

Such as that one Family Guy episode when Brian gets killed by a car driving through, and even the show replacing a new dog character named "Vinny". There's also that one episode of the current season of American Dad that tried to kill off a certain character. It's not going to be Roger or Klaus, but it's basically a character that the Smiths, including Hayley, knows about named "Jeff Fisher."

It was August 29, 2020. Some of the hire-ups at Fox were at the screening room, Including Seth MacFarlane. They're checking that there was a new episode of American Dad that is suitable for airing, and to be released on DVD. What they were watching was an episode that one person came up named "Mitchell Albay."

The episode was called "The Plague and the Deep Impact." It sounds like a slightly generic name for an eventful episode in the current season, unlike most American Dad episodes that regards to disastrous events, like with the rapture episode.

The screening manager preceded to turn on the projector and played the episode. It started off with the extreme longshot of the house that the Smiths lives in. With the usual jingle as any other episode. Then it cuts to the living room with Francine, Steve, Hayley, and Roger sitting on the couch. With Klaus in a fish bowl on the table.

They were all having a conversation about how Jeff Fisher was sick today because of an unexpected illness, which could be going around. After the conversation about sick Jeff, Francine turned on the TV to see what's on the news.

It's a news report with Greg Corbin saying, "Our top story, NASA discovered that an asteroid is hurdling towards Earth, during the global virus pandemic, which has been going around the world and even in Langley Falls. The asteroid thing is the way to end off the human race once and for all. The government at the Whitehouse however had a plan to prevent the impact from happening."

The 3 Smiths were shocked and confused about the asteroid threat that is going to happen sometime soon. Roger didn't seemed to care as if they were having a random conversation with Klaus. Then the usual American Dad intro played, with Roger popping up inside Stan's SUV, saying his usual, "Good Morning, USA!" before being push down by Stan while driving his car.

However, Roger in the intro was wearing a random disguise from another episode. It was seemed to be an Eskimo or some sort. Once the intro ended with the American flag and the logo of the show, it transitioned back to the Smiths again with the three of them being confused, curious, and even nervous.

Stan walks into the living room, completely dumfounded about the global plague that caused Jeff to get sick instantly, wandering if it was fatal or not. Francine told Stan about the asteroid threat during the plague as it said on the news.

Stan wandered that him and the CIA had a plan to stop the asteroid from hitting Earth, but it seems that the government at the Whitehouse already had that plan. Roger and Klaus however were talking about the plague that has been happening all over the world, and even in Langley Falls. And they already realized that Jeff is going to die from it.

After all that, it transitioned to the CIA building. In the building, Stan, Avery Bullock, and the CIA residents were talking about how they were going to stop the asteroid heading for Earth during the global pandemic. I get to know that they were wearing facemasks, including Stan, just because of the pandemic. Stan was talking to the CIA members about how Jeff was sick today, and almost seemed that the sickness was fatal at any moment.

Not anything that surprising, but it's just random stuff about the pandemic, and they think of random ideas to stop the asteroid colliding Earth. Unlike one of those movies that regards to global disasters such as a Yellowstone eruption.

Then it cuts to the hospital with Francine and Hayley, completely concerned about Jeff in his hospital bed. He almost seemed like that he had a very high temperature. The 2 female Smiths were also wearing facemasks, like everyone at the CIA. A random doctor character said that the test result is positive. It seems that Jeff's illness was fatal and that he's going to be dead in a few hours.

Francine and Hayley seemed a bit dumfounded and sad, but they were still curious about the asteroid threat. Jeff proceeded to speak, but his voice is hoarse, just because how sick he was. "Hayley, just to let you know that you're my wife. Also I don't think I could make it in time." Jeff said. "Jeff, I don't think you could be my husband, but the test result was positive and you're gonna die." Hayley said in a monotone.

Jeff is still worried about his death going to occur. Then it cuts back to the house and into the attic with Roger, Steve, and Klaus. Roger and Steve were dressed up as scientists and they were making a cure for the virus that was going around, besides that an asteroid is still coming to Earth. Steve is still concerned about the asteroid as the cure was still in progress.

Klaus however was being awfully curious in this scene. He even asked them that how Jeff is going to be okay. Get to know that Klaus wasn't even that concerned about Jeff. Steve didn't seem to know as with Roger were just using some potions and substances that could make the cure work.

After that scene, it transitioned back to the living room as Stan walked in. He was back from the CIA and he seemed a bit curious about the plan. This "plan" however is to completely blow up the asteroid into smithereens.

Stan checked the front door window in the living room to see that Francine and Hayley with facemasks were coming back from the hospital. Out of the blue, 2 evil kidnappers with facemasks kidnapped the 2 female Smiths and putting them in a van. Stan was shocked as you can hear his wife and his daughter's hysterical screams of fear while being kidnapped.

"I even had the opportunity to save my wife, my daughter, and the world from the asteroid during the global pandemic." Stan said to himself.

He even got a recent text from Francine on his phone. It said that the test result for Jeff is positive, and meaning that he's going to die from the fatal illness within a few hours. Stan even seem to get the message about how Jeff's sickness is getting worse. Stan went up the attic checking that Roger and Steve were still working on the cure.

"Oh hi, Stan. Can't you see that I'm still working on a cure for the virus and even for Jeff?" Roger said. "I get the point, Roger. My wife said that Jeff's illness was fatal. Well excuse me, I have to save my wife and my daughter from the 2 kidnappers that kidnapped them. And even the world from the asteroid." Stan said while in a hurry as he rushed into his SUV.

Then it cuts to an abandoned-looking apartment where the 2 kidnappers and their hostages were in. Inside the building, Francine and Hayley were tied up in their chairs with duct tape on their mouths. They were screaming in fear, but just the fact that they were muffled because of the duct tape. The kidnappers however were working some kind of strange cult.

They were also giving them a deadly treatment. What they were holding were 2 syringes that had a venomous purple fluid, which can painfully kill a person instantly as it was injected. Just as they tried to inject the fluid on the tied up female Smiths. Stan bursts into the apartment and shot one of the 2 kidnappers in the leg.

They fell to the ground on impact as the 2 syringes with the purple fluid landed on them, killing them instantly as they inject by unknown force. Their skin turns purple and their body parts swelling up as they died. Stan untied his wife and his daughter from the 2 chairs, and even removing the duct tape from their mouths.

The 3 Smiths escaped the apartment and ran to their SUV as they drove off. After that scene, it transitioned back to the Smiths house. It was night time, and still it was before the impact could even happen at any moment. Back in the attic, Roger and Steve were still working on the cure as it was almost in completion. Unfortunately, it has been completed. "We did it, Steve! The cure for the virus was a success!" Roger said excitedly.

"Of course we did, Roger. Now let's get this cure to Jeff!" Steve said in slight happiness. "I'm not sure about this, it seemed that Jeff is going to die in a few minutes." Klaus said curiously. "Oh, looks like we have to hurry to the hospital!" Steve said in a hurry.

Then it cuts to Stan, Francine, and Hayley at the CIA with Avery Bullock and his members. The Smiths however had worn their facemasks. Bullock said that the plan to destroy the asteroid is going to be a huge success to save the world, during the global pandemic. The Smiths were excited about the prevention of the impact going to happen.

The CIA had invented a giant laser shooting contraption floating in space. And it's definitely the one that could stop the asteroid from hitting Earth. Bullock started off the countdown to annihilate the asteroid by initiating it. "3... 2... 1... Fire!" Bullock yelled as he hesitates. With no fail, the huge contraption shoots the entire asteroid into complete smithereens, as the CIA agents and the Smiths cheered.

"We did it! We have finally destroy the asteroid from hitting Earth! Even though that it's during a global plague. Somehow, the government was jealous at us because of this." Stan said excitedly. "Yeah, but what about Jeff?" Hayley said curiously. "Oh yes, let's go back to the hospital to check on Jeff!" Francine said franticly.

The 3 Smiths went into their SUV and rushed to the hospital. In the hospital, Steve and Roger were also there. Steve is also wearing a facemask. And Roger's disguise however was presumed to be a plague doctor. They still had the cure for the virus. The Smiths went into the hospital room where Jeff is still in his hospital bed. It seemed that it was too late. The doctor character from earlier came in, and he had something to say.

"I'm sorry, Smiths. It seems that Jeff as already... died." The doctor said as the Smith family gasped in shock. "Shit, I get to know that the cure had been completed. And now it's too late." Roger said in complete sorrow. "He presumed to be a nice person. And now he's gone because of a fatal illness." Francine said in the verge of tears. "He's in a better place right now." Stan said calmly.

After that, it transitioned to a rainy funeral sequence. With the credits being showed at the left side of the screen below. The Smiths in their funeral uniforms were there, with a few individual and background characters were behind them. It even showed a casket and a memorial dedicated to Jeff Fisher. The characters somehow had things to say about Jeff in this scene.

"He always made my life a living hell, but I didn't even expected him to die." Hayley said in soft tears as she hugged his mother, Francine. "Well, Roger. It seemed that we still had the cure." Steve said in a monotone. "It had worked on other people who were fatally sick, but we did a good job, Steve." Roger said calmly.

It cuts to a tombstone saying, "R.I.P. Jeff Fisher." It even shows the date on where he was born, and where he had died recently, showing that the year was 2020. 2020 was the year that COVID-19 (or the coronavirus) as struck. The asteroid thing however was just too unrealistic during the global pandemic of COVID. Still had nothing much to explain, but the Smiths were just talking about the times that Jeff spent.

And the episode ended, showing the usual closing logos. It still included the Underdog Productions logo, with the real life security man saying, "Bye, have a beautiful time!" as it shows the Fuzzy Door Productions and 20th Century Fox Television logo. As the projector finished showing the episode, Seth MacFarlane didn't even know why it was a good idea for a concept of an episode like this.

No-one is expecting Jeff Fisher to be killed off in the current season of American Dad. It wasn't even that necessary for a concept like this anyway. The hire-ups at the screening room were pissed at this point, finding this episode to be the most dreadful, and infamously dark ones out of the bunch. It wasn't even Seth's fault that he produce such an episode like this.

They get the fact that this concept of an episode was written by Mitchell Albay (like that this story had previously mentioned earlier). Mitchell was a big fan of Sci-Fi movies and even global disaster movie such as 2012, War of the Worlds, and the Deep Impact. He also had seen movies regarding to deadly virus outbreaks. Like how there's going to be a movie based off of COVID-19.

Let's get on the topic on Mitchell. He considered to be a guy who had suffered through autism and other mental issues in his childhood. He was known to be one of the most controversial people out there. In his childhood as a teen, he had been bullied a lot at his school by one person named "Daniel Albers." He had been making Mitchell feel pissed so many times.

Later, Mitchell got himself suspended from school for 2 weeks, for brutally beating up Daniel for teasing him non-stop. And even grounded by his parents and even house arrested by police, until his suspension from school was over. After his suspension and house arrest, he seemed to be happy that Daniel was no longer teasing him, unless he was not social to him at all.

As Mitchell was an adult, he was hired at Fox Studios as an episode writer. His first time was writing a concept for an American Dad episode in its current season, which was dreadful, dark, and unnecessary. He decided to have a known major character named "Jeff Fisher," die from an illness straight from the plague. And even something generic and unrealistic as an asteroid heading towards Earth, during a global pandemic.

As the episode was written, it was somehow produced with its animation and voice acting, with the usual animators and voice actors doing this concept. Some of the hire-ups at Fox said that this concept of an episode was dreadful to be aired on TV, and even to be released on DVD. Just because they tried to have Jeff Fisher killed off from the show and something unrealistic.

Mitchell was now fired, and the episode was thrown into the vault, never to be seen by anyone outside of Fox Studios.

After he got fired, he proceeded to kill himself by jumping off a building. It seems that Mitchell is dead for now on, as the hire-ups at Fox realized his suicide. Get to know that his life felt like a wasteland of ungratefulness, unless his career and other things.

After that incident, Seth MacFarlane and the writers of American Dad still uses Jeff Fisher in most episodes. Since that he was a knowable character in the show, and said that Hayley was Jeff's wife.

Get the fact that this banned American Dad episode can still affect people after viewing it. At least that everything's going to be all fine during COVID-19. And here lies... Mitchell Albay.

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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