Creepypasta Madness Part 1: The Beganing

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I'm Tartson Jack. I lived in a normal world, until creepypasta charters appered from a 11 Years Old Boy. The pastas killed the boy and his family. Jeff the Killer smoked maruwanah. Let's cut to the chase. I zoom called my friends Mario Arlo and Jamie Jones.

"Hey Tart, Sup?" Jamie said. She looked so happy.

"Hi Guys." Mario said. I was lisaning to I Try by Macey Gray.

"Heya." I said "I've herd of that the murder of a little boy and his family was causes by a black haired boy with a white hoodie. Who says "Go To Sleep"." Said Mario.

Just then, a man with a black hood appered behind Mario.

"Mario!!!" Jamie Screamed.

"Huh?" Mario Said. Mario Was encased by the robe

"What the Fuuucck????" Mario's camera turned off.

When it turned on again it was of a White Hooded Black haired boy who Said "Go. To. Sleep."

The camera turned off. "What the Goddamn fuck?" I said.

Jamie looked out of her window and saw a the black hooded man walking tawards her house.

"Oh Goddamnit." She said She ran to her rooms door, locked and baracaded it so the man could not get in her room. "Tart, run to my house, but first also get Matthew." Jamie said.

"What if you get kiddnapped by that guy like Mario?" I said. "I don't I want you to be ok." Said Jamie. "Bu-" "GO!" I got my Tommas. "Tommas." I told him. "Huh? Yeah bro?"

He said "Make sure Jamie is fine. I'll get Matthew and help Jamie. We'll use walkie-talkies."

"Ok." he said.

I gave him a walkie-talkie, Then I ran to the kichen and got a knife.

"Tartson What are you doing?" My mom asked "Mario got kiddnapped and Jamie could too, Matthew and I will go help her. Tommas will make sure if she's safe.

Me and Tommas will keep in touch with walkie-talkies." I told her. "That sounds dangerous." She said. "I'll be fine. If I'm not promes that Tommas can Live a happy life." I replied.

"Ok I love you." My Mom said. She kissed me good luck as I ran out the door. It was sunset it was getting dark. I ran to Matthew's House to get this rescue plan started.

To be Continued.

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