Diary in a Box

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I'm a treasure hunter who just found a slightly unsettling diary in a box inside a hollowed-out tree.

I'll attempt to decipher it page by page.

SEPTEMBER 13th, (smudge) The doctors say I should __ep a dlery. So here I am. My name is Charles, and I am the first (unknown) receive a special op____ion on my b___n to Wailow me to r__o people,s mines. Cool, huh? They had h_nd__ds o_ volun_____, but they ch chose li___e ol, 16 yean old Ch_r__s (smudge)? All r__ht! G_tt_ _o, they, e _eady to operate now. ___ you l___

September 15 My h___ _urt . _ LOT! I,m sta_t_ng to regret signing _p. They __ld me I __u___,_ e my parents until they __r_ ____ _ n me in case _ started sho_in_ aggr aggressive side ffects. And ye_ they ____ m_ this p__nfully h__vy type___t_r! I suddenly f__l _read, so I,ll go to bed.

September 15th1/2 I just _______orrible nightma___ I r___mpt o_ n__ vil redf mons___ __th coal black eyes sli_in_ my br___ op__ _n_ _east_ng upon __ __ad. I told _________ but sh_ said __ w_s _ ______ ____t__n __ _ m_jo_ s_rg__y... Ju tJust what id th y _o to me??? (1/3)

September 16. I ju_t realized I d on, t r_m_mb_r _n_th_ing be_or_ _h_ ___ge_y. I can, _v_n r(smudge)mem__r ___t I look l_ke_ I____n r_int_y r__emb__ my m tner,s f_ce... I __st wri__ ____ ___ryt___g I rnm_mber, __ __ __ not r_rg_t ___ tnin

I'll attempt to fill in as many blanks as possible...

The doctors say I should (ke)ep a diary. So here I am. My name is Charles, and I am the first (unknown) receive a special op(erat)ion on my b___n to allow me to r(ea)(d) people,s mines. Cool, huh? They had h(u)nd(re)ds o(f) volun(teers), but they ch chose li(ttl)e ol, 16 yean old Ch(a)r(le)s (smudge)? All r(igh)t! G(o)tt(o) (g)o, they, e (r)eady to operate now. (see) you l(ater)

September 15 My h(ead) (h)urt . (A) LOT! I,m sta(r)t(i)ng to regret signing (u)p. They (to)ld me I (sho)u(ldn't) (se)e my parents until they __r_ ____ _ n me in case (I) started sho(w)in(g) aggressive side effects. And ye(t) they (gave) m(e) this p(ai)nfully h(ea)vy type(writ)t(e)r! I suddenly f(ee)l (ti)red, so I'll go to bed.

September 15th1/2 I just (had) (a) (h)orrible nightma(re). I (drea)mpt o(f) n(ine) (e)vil red mons(ters) (wi)th coal black eyes sli(d) in(to) my br(other's) op(en) (something) (a)n(d) (were) (f)east(i)ng upon (his) __ad. I told (the nurse) but sh(e) said (that) w(a)s(n't) (supposed to be a side effect of the) s(u)rg(er)y... Just what (d)id th(e)y (d)o to me?

I ju(s)t realized I don't r(e)m(e)mb(e)r (a)n(y)th()ing be(f)or(e) (t)h(e) (sur)ge(r)y. I can't (e)v(e)n r(e)mem(be)r (wha)t I look l(i)ke. (I) (can't) r(em)emb(er) my m(o)t(h)er's f(a)ce... I (will) (fir)st wri(te) (about) (eve)ryt(hin)g I rem(e)mber, __ __ __ not r(i)g(h)t ___ tnin. (I) (think) (m)y name (is) Charles. (I) (a)m 76 ye(a)rs ol(d). My... (HUGE ink smear, covering half of the page) NEVER (M)ENTION TH(E) DOCTOR

September 3 I (g)ot in trouble. Th(e) ot(he)r (da)y for mentionin(g) (the) doc(t)or. He (was) (wa)tching me type through the gl(a)ss (and) caught (m)e. He (too)k (aw)ay my t(ypew)riter for (a) (w)eek. I __s (when) (e)very time I goof u(p), I (l)ose a me(m)ory. (I) wonder w(ha)t t(hey) (did) t(o) me______.

September 24 I wok(e) up l(a)st n(ig)ht (and) l (fou)nd mysel(f) under the (d)octor's (something). He cut me open. He (lied and) told me it was all just (a) d(re)am an(d) l('ll) (be) ok a(s)leep. ..Should I believe him?

Woke up this morning, (a)nd I can't remember my mom. T(ry) a(s) l mi(gh)t, I can't (seem to) remember h(er). Tha(t)('s) i(t)! I'm bre(aki)n(g) out tonight. may god (g)ive me strength. (Gibberish) (I) (w)oke (u)p to (something) tied (down) to a bed w(it)h atypewri(ght)r (in) (f)ront of me. (I just) s(t)a(r)ted typing. Cant re(m)ember a thing. There's a glass wall (i)n front on me wi(th) a little boy also typing on th(e) o(t)h(e)r sid(e), and (we)ird men in labco(a)ts obse(rv)in(g) us. Might as (we)ll (g)o(t)o sl(ee)p n(ow). ---September ??? THE GLASS W(AL)LS AR(EN')T MIRRORS. (THAT) (MUST) (M)EAN THE LITTLE BOY CO(NTROLS MY) EVERY MOVEMENT. (C)ANT (BE SURE THAT THE) LITTLE BOY (IS) AROUND ME. But that must mean the men in lab coats are in my roo(m)...

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