Expiration Date

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The following are journal entries discovered 22 Sept 2011.

August 17, 2011

Picked up a journal at B&N today, guess I gotta use this worthless thing.

Hello! I'm James Tucker, 23 and unemployed, living with my girlfriend, and wasting away on the couch, day, after day, after day. God, this thing is boring. Why does anyone bother writing in a stupid journal, anyway? You'd have to be a sociopath to write in this thing daily, writing down everything that happens all day to 'remember your victims'. oooOOOOOOooooooo....

Well, it's great that I won't become one of those, ever. I'm off to bed, now. J out!

August 20, 2011

Wow, am I actually writing in this crap again? Ah well. The girlfriend got some groceries today, I'm chilling out with a glass of milk. Man, this milk is delicious! What's in this? Well, whatever it is, it's practically the nectar of Gods. She'd better buy more. Gotta go get more milk, journal. J out!

August 21, 2011

I got her to buy me a few cartons of milk. I've been drinking so much of it, it isn't even funny. I think I've had too much, I'm beginning to feel ill.. ah, well, nothing more milk won't help! J out!

August 30, 2011

Oh my God. Oh Jesus Christ oh God oh God. I'm throwing up. I've been throwing up for hours. My throat and insides are on fire and my eyes are watering. I think I'm coughing up my intestines. Oh Christ this is painful oh my God. I can't even breathe for 5 seconds without vomiting. Why won't it stop??

September 4, 2011

Hey, journal. It's been a few days since the incident. My health has improved since. I was fine just before then, what could it have been?

..Wait, I'll check the expiration date! Odd.. the milk was perfectly fresh at the time. It only expired yesterday. Well, I'm relieved that I didn't drink expired milk, but I'm more confused than anything. What could have caused my illness?

It.. it must have just been a bug. A virus, that's all! I shouldn't worry.

September 14, 2011

Jesus God have mercy. My stomach may as well have been hit by a battering ram.. it hurts just as much, anyway. Tears are streaming down my face and there are streaks of sticky black and red in my sick. I collapsed in it a few minutes ago, and my face and shirt are smeared with hot, sticky, putrid vomit. The worst part of it is the smell. I would give my left arm to get rid of its smell. it burns my eyes, nose, and mouth, like a brutal punching of the face. I can't stand it anymore, I swear.

September 17, 2011

(UNREADABLE; COVERED IN DRIED VOMIT) now. I'm only occasionally vomiting. I guess that's good? Well, not good, but better than it was. The girlfriend is on a business trip, and has been since 8/28. Hopefully, she won't mind the mess. I love her so much! We HAVE been on and off for a while, but I can understand. She has her personal issues, and I have mine. She's undoubtedly easier to be around in her best of moods, though, she's so loving then! Ah, well, I guess I should start to clean up, to keep her in a good mood. I really do love h

September 22, 2011

Body discovered in Apartment B. Neighbors reported foul stench from apartment. Investigation reveals 17 cartons Kleinpeter Dairy brand milk strewn around living room. Journal and cartons taken in for investigation. Traces of various poisons in milk; Suspect's possible attempt at super-poison of some sort? Coroner reports deadly scarring of throat tissues, possibly by vomit; liver and stomach swollen, raw. Carved into side of stomach: "EXPIRED". No female identified by journal, pictures of female discovered around house; Female eventually identified as one Jessica Meroe. Found small jars for various chemicals in Meroe's room, primarily for Cyanide. Latest time noted on any jars is August 28, 2011.

We have our killer, but where did she skip town for?

Credited to CaptainPlanetPug

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