Family Man

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Dick Samuel was his birth given name, but most people know him better as Family Man. It seems that he was just a man who worked hard and wanted to take care of his family, but they didn't appreciate him. He watched his young children change from bright little bundles of hope to little monsters of society and greed. A wife who was mad when he worked too much and mad when he worked to little.

Dick had already had a hard life growing up; being the singled out kid of most of the bullying. He thought having a wife and family would help make things better and it did at the start. Just as with everything time changed, he watched as Gamecubes turned into iPods and those iPods get new upgrades his children "needed"; so he worked longer hours.

His wife got older and started to lose her looks, but he still loved her just as much as the day they met. Just his love wasn't enough to keep her from trying all these diets and programs to help her keep "Young". One after another failed to bring her youth back and she would always jump to the next; so he had to work longer.

It was Christmas time '10 or '11 at his peak of working—putting in over 120 hours a week, that he got his first day off in months. He waited in eagerness as the morning light started to peak through the windows of the living room. The lights on the tree twinkling. He year of hard work came down to the few gifts sitting under the tree. It wasn't many but they had cost a lot.

His oldest daughter he got an iPad for. Something that she had wanted for a long time but he just couldn't find the money to it for her.

His middle child, his only son, and Xbox 360. Last year he had made the mistake of getting him a PlayStation 3 and this was the year to make up for it.

His youngest daughter, no older than eight he bought an iPad for as well. She was at that age she wanted everything her older sister had.

The biggest gift under the tree was some sort of exercise equipment. He ordered for his wife the night he woke up to find her watching the infomercial and she stated that would with that she could quit all the diets and just use it.

No gifts for himself, the only gift he needed was to see the smiles of his family as they each opened their gifts. So as the sounds of foot steps echoed down the stairs, his heart started to dance in his chest. He smiled as he watched his children and wife enter the living room and each run to grasp up their respective gifts. He waited as they unwrapped each gift, the hugs should be coming any time.

"What the hell is this dad?" His older daughter shouted. "I wanted the black one. The white one is for bitches. Do you think I am a bitch dad?"

Dick felt like his heart stopped. He just looked at his family as they all stared back at him. His son was the next one to make his complaint.

"Dad this isn't the right Xbox. I wanted the black one, the one with the built in hard drive."

He didn't have time to respond before his wife started in. She was now holding the iPad.

"Really Dick, why would you get her the white one? All the mean girls at school have white ones, she only wants to stand out." Then she looked at her gift. "So are you saying I don't look good enough for you with this thing? You want me to look like those young girls you work with? What is it Dick?"

Then the youngest just started crying because her iPad was the same as her sisters.

"I don't want everything she has." The little eight year old shrilled out.

It wasn't long before all the complaints merged and sounded like animals fighting in Dick's head. Without a word he grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door. He drove through the snow covered roads looking at the other happy families. How did his became full of so many ass holes?

Now here is where the story gets messy.

Some say he cut his face up, removing his lips and then duck taping a black trash bag to his head. He went into the local mall and started shooting people.

Frankly I think that if that was to have happened we would have all heard about it. So I am in the camp of people who believes that he did cut his face up and all the trash bag stuff, but he took it out on his family.

From what they say when the cops showed up to his house, he was nowhere to be found. His wife and kids dead, mutilated beyond recondition. Their intestines strung up around the tree. Their eyes, removed and hung from the branches. Their heads smashed. Each one had their chest ripped open, their hearts gone. In the holes he crammed broken bits of their gifts inside them.

The cops followed the trail of blood out into the woods, but after a while they lost his tracks. What happened to the hearts? Well it seemed that Dick had wanted to save the memories of his family opening gifts so he had sat up a video camera to record them. It was left on from the time he left and came back. He put each of their hearts in his briefcase before leaving. Some say he still wonders around looking for spoiled children and collects their hearts. Others say it's just an urban legend. I for one can tell you I have seen the video. At the time I was working in the evidence room because I had been shot a few weeks prior during a drug bust and I had to take it easy. So take that however you want.

Credited to Undeadmuffin

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