Gaming's Peak

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Revision as of 02:17, 9 December 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "As a discerning connoisseur of the art of gaming, it is my esteemed opinion that the medium reached its pinnacle with the release of Super Mario Bros in 1985. This masterpiece, which set the standard for all future games to strive for, was a feat of design and innovation unmatched by any other game before or since. In stark contrast, the likes of Fortnite and Halo, with their flashy graphics and shallow, repetitive gameplay, are little more than cheap knock-offs, unwort...")
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As a discerning connoisseur of the art of gaming, it is my esteemed opinion that the medium reached its pinnacle with the release of Super Mario Bros in 1985. This masterpiece, which set the standard for all future games to strive for, was a feat of design and innovation unmatched by any other game before or since.

In stark contrast, the likes of Fortnite and Halo, with their flashy graphics and shallow, repetitive gameplay, are little more than cheap knock-offs, unworthy of the attention of true gamers. They lack the depth, complexity, and soul of the classics of the past, and are mere pale imitations of what gaming once was.

In the halcyon days of gaming, titles like Super Mario Bros challenged players to think and react, to use their intelligence and skill to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. But in today's fast-paced, instant gratification-crazed world, games have devolved into mindless distractions, designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

No, dear reader, gaming did not reach its apotheosis with Fortnite Season 3, or any other modern title. It reached its zenith with Super Mario Bros, and has been in decline ever since. Only by returning to the timeless principles of the past can gaming hope to reclaim its former greatness. Until that day comes, I shall remain a steadfast defender of the true spirit of gaming, refusing to be swayed by the shallow, mindless offerings of the present. Fortnite and Halo are but pale shadows of what gaming once was, and will never hold a candle to the true classics of the past.

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