Halo Reach Crazy Scary Story

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It was three oclock a crisp tuesday morning, i would have normaly been at school but i was bunking again .However the one thing you get when you are bunking... you get bored. So i went into my room and turned on my tv and xbox taking ages to load as usual as it's about three years old. so when i turned on my tv and changed to the xbox channel while i was waiting for my old crappy xbox to load i was wondering what game to play i knew an online based game would be useless as everyone would be at school so i finaly settled on Halo: Reach so i could complete the campaign on legendary before everyone else... But belive me... this was the worst decision of my life! Anyway i turned round from looking out my window at the dull grey sky to see my xbox loading cutscene when you turn the xbox on was jet black and blood red colour. At the time i though nothing of it but now as im writing this story for you i wish more than anything that i had done! So i got to the dashboard and loaded up Halo: Reach but when Halo: Reach had loaded i was instantly forced into a online firefight lobby with three other people i was a little creeped out at this point as this had never happened before but just left the lobby to go to the main menu but as soon as i reached it i was taken into another online firefight lobby by now i was thinking my controller was acting up so i went to the dashboard and went to get new batteries but when i got back i was in a matchmaking firefight game on Halo: Reach! Now i just thought if i play a game of firefight then it will let me to the main menu. So i held down select to see who i was playing with but when i looked at their gamertags... There Wernt Any! There were just blank with a rank i had never seen before called "SuperNova" i knew there was a mythic rank called "nova" but i had never seen "Supernova" before i wasnt even sure it existed but i stupidly assumed it was a new rank for bungie members or something and was about to select my loadout when i saw what the selection was they were all normal like "Ranger" and "SharpShooter" but one caught my eye... it was called "Noble 7" and had no weapons and the loadout picture was the number 7. Knowing 7 was bungies lucky number i selected that loadout justn for fun but when i clicked on it my screen Shuddered and went a deep black. Now i was really creeped out but i had only seen the begining of "The Halo: Reach Legendary Ending!". so anyway back to the story after my screen went black i saw a white number 7 growing larger to spead across my screen from the corner of the window when it turned a dark blood red and started glowing but as it grew larger it began a slow drip of the blood red couloring off of the number 7. By this time i was pressing every buttonn trying to exit from this screen but noting worked until i pressed the "syncronise" button on the back of the controller and when i pressed this it finaly took me to the firefight game. At this time i relised my game seemed to be in HD and i didnt have a HD TV it was just an old crappy standerd one i bought off ebay but i didnt care i just picked up my controller and started looking around for my teammates but after exploring the map for about 10-15 minutes i made up my mind that they wernt in the game so insted i went hunting for a few enemies to blow up considering i had somehow gained a rocket launcher while searching for my teammates but after 10 minutes i got bored and was about to leave when i saw out of the corner of my eye a elite behind me halfway up the mountain so i went over to him and was about to shoot when i saw his face, it looked so real so... HyperRealistic that i actuly felt scared in the presence of this elite so i deccided to just back away and shoot but as i was about to do this the elite crouched in a very real-life way and lunged with an energy sword that had appeard out of nowhere and hit my sparten straight in the face. For a minute i wanted to laugh but at the same second i thought this a sharp sting seemed to appear out of thin air on the front of my forehead, i reached my hand up to see what it was and felt blood running down my head. I rushed to the bathroom to check what had happened but when i reached the mirror there was a long cut running along my forehead the kind an energy swor... slowly it dawned on me this hapened the about the same time the elite had hit my sparten in the face. Suddenly i felt a trickle of blood on my foot and a sharp sting in my upper leg then my arm started to ache i relised this must be becasue if i was hurt in the game i was hurt in real-life so i ran or should i say hobbled to my room as my leg hurt intensly to see a whole army od covenant attacking my sparten but when i look to see how much health i had i relised the health bar had disappeared and in its place was 7 circles with the number 7 in them and 2 of them were blacked out and one was about half blacked out so i decided to attack but when i pressed the right trigger to fire my rockets at the elites nothing happened... i looked down to see my weapon had gone and just my hand with a number 7 on the back of it was there now i was seriosly scared i knew if i ran out of number 7s which seemed to be like lives i would die so i decided to try out my loadout. i thought it couldnt do anything worse than what i was facing right now but when i tapped the left bumper ............ im sorry its hard for me to tell this story that night has scarred me for life and i will never in my life forget that night anyway ill try to carry on. as i tapped the left bumper all the elites seemed to freeze and then just about to try going up to one they all started to scream! not like a scary videogame scream or a horor movie scream but a very life-like hyperrealistic sort of alien scream like the elites were experiencing real pain then i looked closely. The elites faces seemed to be being scraped away by a sort of invisible claw, i could see ever last detail and wishing i couldednt i turned awaw not wanting to see the elites getting scrapped away but for some reason i turned back round and grabbed my xbox presing the disk tray button over and over again wanting for the gruesome scene of the elites faces being torn apart to end finaly the disk came out i grabbed the disk and opened my bedroom window linging it open as wide as it would go and recklessly hurled my Halo: Reach disk out of the window and into the brown-black river that runs outside my house. I breathed heavily and turned back to find that instead of my Tv just showin the xbox 360 dashboard it had the message sign at the bottom of the screen but it didnt say who it was from so i opened it and it was a voice-text and picture message so i fist looked at the picture and screamed in frustration and fear... it was a picture of the screaming elites facces being torn and ripped. I closed the picture an knowing what the text message was i put on my high-power turtle beach and clicked play... as i expected it was a sound clip of the screaming elites but this time it souned more ..Real.. i breathed heavily and screaming loudly picked up my xbox and flung it at the door with all the strength i could muster it hit the wall and exploded with the biggest "BANG" i have ever heard. Then i fainted. now i will tell you i regret everythibng i did that day... im writing this story to you from a hospital bed, it turns out that my parants and brother were on the other side of that door and they were caught in the explosion and were instantly killed but i was far enough away to survive but let me tel you now i wish i hadnt i have noting! i mean NOTHING! i lost my family my house my xbox and worst of all my Halo: Reach disk... im sorry bungie.

Signed Sam Wright Major halo player Reach Rank: commander Halo 3 Rank: lutenent cornel grade 3 owns every halo game Gamertag: Shadow 8 Reaper youtube account: Nobleassault Have Fun Playing Halo :)

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