Madagascar: The Deleted Scene

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This is the revised version of the story. For the original version, click here.

I love Madagascar. Ever since I first saw it, I always thought, no, I knew that it was a great movie. I know there's a second and third Madagascar movie as well and I watched them all too, but the first one was always my favourite. It just seemed to get me, you know. In a way that the others were unsuccessful in doing. Like it had a distinct charm to it. Now, I don't know really how to write this, but something happened. Something horrible happened. I don't know why, but my experience with this disc will probably haunt me for the rest of my natural life. Here's my story.

So, cliché as it unfortunately sounds, I was on eBay searching for a DVD copy for Madagascar, because the one that I had for many years unfortunately broke on me. As I was searching, there was just this one copy that somehow grabbed my attention and wouldn't leave my mind. I would scroll up to check on it from time to time. This one was a little bit different because, along with the title, there was a small piece of text that was printed on the front cover too. After zooming in on the only image of the front cover, I found it to have read, "Limited Edition and Special Deleted Scenes". My heart jolted and started to race. I had already seen all the other deleted scenes from this movie, and what's better, it only cost 2 big ones. So, without thinking, I bought the DVD. I honestly should've really thought about why the previous owner was selling it for only that much though now that I think about it.

For the next few days until the package arrived, even though I had my doubts about the quality of the disk, you wouldn't believe how hyped I was still. This was something huge to me. I felt like by buying that DVD, it was the equivalent to me winning the lottery, and honestly, it was. Three days later, after I arrived home from work and checked my mailbox, there it was. You should've seen the look on my face when I saw it. I was so happy when it arrived. Trying to not look like a child, I ripped open the package, but I knew I ended up bring like an overly excited kid on Christmas who thought they got their favourite toy. But as the front cover became illuminated by the light bulb at the front door, I stopped. Something wasn't right.

I knew I'd been scammed, because the front cover was not the one that was on that image on eBay. Instead, someone had lazily just written 'Madagascar: Limited Edition and Special Deleted Scenes' with, not even a sharpie. They'd written it in pencil. But I wasn't complaining though. I knew that even though the cover may have been lazily done, at least I still had the movie, right? And even so, the disc was in perfect condition, say for the writing on the disc being, once again, written in pencil. So I popped into my house, got the popcorn and the pizza ready, and put the disc into the player.

I was expecting to be disappointed, because there were no movie previews, it went straight to the menu. The menu was, surprisingly normal. I thought it was just gonna be a basic menu screen, with all the options already presented before you. I was actually, pleasantly surprised that the menu was of this quality. There was the crates with selectable text on the with Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman in them. I selected the Special Features on Melman's box and it went to the menu. Right there, the thing that I had waited what seemed like ten years on, was finally crossing my eyes. The 'lost' deleted scene. The title read, "Alex and Marty's Great Big Fight". The rest were the ones I've already seen, so I hit play button on my remote control.

I remember the scene starting in the part where the characters are washed up and stranded on the island, first Alex, then Marty. The first thing I noticed about this deleted scene was that, it was animated really well, like the folks over at DreamWorks must have made it themselves. You'll see why I mentioned this later in this account. In this scene, Alex gets pissed off at Marty for the situation that they had been in, you know, being stranded in an supposedly unknown location and all. When it got to the part where Alex and Marty chase for each other, instead of Alex only saying, "Marty," with him getting progressively more pissed, he said something different. He said, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU MARTY!" in an incredibly serious and, to be completely honest, demonic fashion.

This came as horrifying and incredibly confronting to me. Alex had never acted like this in any of the movies. It was like he was almost an entirely different person. Alex then spoke again, stating "I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH YOU!" in that god awful voice. Marty was absolutely terrified at this stage, seeing his friend taking on this new personality. He yelled "I'M SORRY THAT WE GOT INTO THIS. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" But Alex seemed to have other intentions then to listen to his friend. He smiled wider then I had ever seen Alex do in the movies, smiling up to his ears and said "You know what I'm gonna do to you Marty?" Marty was so shaken at this stage that he could barley talk, almost being on the verge of tears, and was only able to make a simple, quiet gesture. "What?" Marty said. Alex, to my absolute horror, started to roll his eyes into the back of his head like he was possessed or something, and with that damn creepy smile spoke, "I'm gonna kill you. And eat you. Because you got us into this. Not we. You. Therefore, I deserve the meat." Alex then leapt onto Marty and started to beat him up ferociously. Punching him, clawing him, you name it. He was doing whatever he could to kill his old friend.

I knew I should've stopped watching at this point, thrown the disk into the trash can and never speak of it again, but this was literally like watching a train wreck, for me at least. It finally happened when Alex bashed Marty's head against the side of a rock, breaking his skull. Marty's body was unmoving. Alex had killed Marty. At this point, I was on the verge of tears. This was genuinely some of the creepiest shit I had ever seen in my life. This wasn't just something that someone would make on the internet, because as I said, the animation quality was supreme. I stared at the T.V. screen, as Alex now had a look of pure evil on his face, and it actually made me jump I don't know how exactly to describe it but, it was pale, dull, almost dead, combined with that fucking smile from earlier and I believed that I had now found legitimate insanity.

Alex then turned Marty around so that his stomach was showing and used his sharp claws to dig into the now dead zebra's insides. Alex began to take chunks out of Marty's body, and while still smiling and laughing said something that... was extremely off putting for what was going on. He kept on saying over and over again, "I'm sorry Marty. What have I done?" Alex seemed to have no control over his body anymore, as he began eating Marty's organs while still apologising. He ate everything he could out of him. What made more messed up was the fact that the organs looked so real, so genuine that it was almost like a real animal, being animated with technology that I didn't even know existed at the time. I was sick to my stomach. My mind was racing, trying to figure out what he actual fuck I was watching, when Alex stared at the camera, his eyes looking like his entire perception of reality had been warped. I noticed that there were tear streaks coming out of his eyes and rolling down his face as he said in a now normal but shaken voice, "I've killed my best friend. I'm sorry."

Alex then all of a sudden went back to his normal state. I knew this because he began to weep like crazy, and fell on the ground, paws covering his face. This 'deleted scene' if i could even call it that at this point, ended with this still shot of Alex crying, laying next to his now dead friend, as the boxes that Gloria and Melman were in started to wash up in the distance. Then it just casually ended, and went back to the main menu screen. Just like that.

I was completely numb; speechless. I tried to open my mouth to say something but the words just wouldn't come out. So I screamed. I screamed and I screamed and I screamed for what must have been at least 10 minutes until my vocal cords gave up on me, using the pillow I had on the couch to drown out the sound. I then went to go puke in the bathroom, while crying vigorously. I then turned towards the DVD player, walked up to it as fast as I could, then took the disc out and destroyed it by first throwing it against the wall, scratching it with my kitchen knife, and then finally snapping it. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't tell any of my family and friends about this. I don't want them to be concerned about me, you know? For the rest of my life though, that day, and that DVD will never leave my mind, no matter how many times I wish I could forget about it.

Thank you for reading this. I felt like I needed to tell at least someone about this to help me get past it all somewhat.

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