Megamind: The Directors Cut

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i am a big fan of megamind. I have been a fan of it since I first saw it in theaters. But this secret gave the a new perspective on the movie.

It was back in 2017. There have been circulating rumors of a director's cut of the film for about 6 years at that point. I decided to do what no one talking rumor has done and talked to megaminds director, Tom Mcgrath (yes the same guy behind madagascar and boss baby). We had a skype call, I asked him many questions about how long he's been in the industry like, did “how did you get the idea for megamind” or “how did you manage to get an all star cast for this”, and all that crap. I finally asked him “Do you have the director's cut”, and at that moment, Tom froze in fear. Tom shivered saying “The.. Megamind.. directors cut?”. I said yes and Tom immediately ended the call. The next day, he sent the mail containing the dvd of the lost directors cut of megamind. I placed it in my dvd player and it played. Oh what a mistake it is.

the movie

In the menu, it was off, scratch that, really off. The background image is red. The scenes are still playing as usual on the menu but that was a red flag (no pun intended). I pressed play. The dreamwork intro showed the moon guy hanging himself from the top of the moon. Instead of going on normally, it skips to the part where titan was confronting megamind, saying “this ones for space stepmom you lied to her, but at the part when titan said “game over, megamind was too late to escape from titans grasp and titan lasered through megaminds head until his face was completely melted off.

Titan throws megaminds corpse into fire. The mayor and citizens walk up to titan saying “thank you, thank you, titan have freed us”, before titan responds with “oh i wouldn’t say freed more like, under new management”. But instead of flicking the mayor into oblivion, he instead clapped the mayor's head so hard that it exploded with facial and brain guts going everywhere, an eyeball hit the scene and it turned to black. It cuts titan lasers throughout the city, spelling “Tightenville” (yes the moron misspelled his name) before giving a stanley kubrick like smile. But that smile faded when he heard Roxanne screaming “Hal”. Titan spotted Roxanne and flew all the way down there to confront her. When Titan screamed “too late”, he ripped through Roxanne's chest and ate her heart, killing roxanne. He throws Roxanne's corpse into the fire. Titan, once finished with eating the heart, goes back into the sky. He looks around at the total destruction of metrocity he single handedly caused. there were fires in buildings, some of the buildings were even destroyed.

He eventually gets bored and says “if you know what, screw this town, i am just gonna finish them all”. Titan flies all the way to a military base and steals a nuclear bomb, before coming back to the burning metrocity and throws the bomb into the city, destroying the entirety of metrocity and killing everyone in there. He flew away from the explosion to avoid getting caught in the mushroom cloud or getting any radiation from the bomb. He flew into space, and saw that the bomb spread to the other cities near the metrocity, and eventually, the whole state. Titan says with a grin “the job is now finished”, but then someone said “or is it?”.

Titans grin faded and turned to shock the moment he heard that and turned around to look at the person behind him and that person was Metroman. Titan was confused and asked “Metroman?, i.., I thought you were dead?”. Metroman flies slowly towards titan saying “my death was greatly exaggerated, so, you the punk i’ve heard about”, but cracking his knuckles. Titan broke his fearful stance and got into the preparing to run position and yelled “Alright then, prepare to lose and die once and for all”. Metroman got into the same position and said “I’m ready when you are”. Titan sprinted towards Metroman, and so did Metroman. They both let out a battle cry. Titan and Metroman collided, causing a huge and epic sonic boom to go around space. Titan and Metroman had a dragon ball style fight across outer space. They attacked each other, punched, kicked, threw space rocks, it was epic and intense. The entire time, Metroman was constantly taunting him while Titan was seriously out for blood. Titan eventually grabs the entire globe of Jupiter and throws it at Metroman. Metroman dodges it, but it hits earth, it destroys earth, crashing and crumbling it into nothing. Metroman saw in terror as it unfolds. Metroman turns around to Titan and says “you…, really have no limits ... you're truly a monster...”.

Just then 2 portals appeared. One steps out Homelander from The Boys, and the other one steps out Omni-Man from Invincible.

To Be Continued...

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