Minecraft Switch Edition Hacked Game

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this was the game box

I was get get my computer blown up by a lightning strike on my house NO! The lightnign strike caused multipl problems in our household. My pet fish died (very sad) all the food rotted in the fridge (super bad) mama's life suppor thsut off (lol) and but my computer was dead and that was the saddest. I lost 50 GB of pickle rick hentai I have collected overa period of 5 years (tragic). But i remembered dat i have a swich (yay) so i desided 2 go by myself a use copy of minecraft for swich since my gorious world was destroyed on my computer. (I had collected 1000s of peice of dirt without making any tool i was CHAMPION not trying to brag k?)

I headed over 2 my neightbor house he's a creepy old man who constanly has yard sales he's very nice gives lots of dicounts to the 20 year old college studetns he even gives them employment. (i would say that he gives them jobs but they give him jobs lol u know what i mean?) sorry i keep getting off track I'm not stupid or anything. anyway that aside i went but he was arrested agian but his yardsale stuff was still set up i would just leave the money 4 whatever i decided 2 buy. He sold a lot of DVDs adn flashdrives that he put stuff on that he would make but I never bought any because people said they were sick and disgusting but sence my mom's dead lol I bought 1 and I also as luck would have it find d MINECRAFT 4 SWICH but something was wrong it had no sticker on the cartrage and "organs pop out" was written on the box with sharpee i was lik "ok weird" but i went home it was only $1 wich was not suspicious at all a very good price in my opinon.

i got home and put it in and it said "this is not authroized by Nintendo be warned that there could be consequences 4 running this software" but nintendo suks (lol) #freemele so  i was like "who cares" and I turned it on.

There a very skary skelton on the screen and it siad "don't think that this is gonna b easy youve tired multipl times havent u? don't think this time will b different JEREMY!" (lol not my name) "Plains Biome Act 1" was on d skreen and i saw that steve had blood all over him and hyperrealistic eyes and he was holding a garden hoe covered with blood and entrails. i was like "NO!" and shut it off and threw my swich across the room and stomped on it. but then i woke up IT WAS ALL A DREAM (or was it?) I loked on my lap and my swich is there with the skelolte on it it said "what did I tell u boy? u need 2 shut the game off RIGHT NOW or UR FIRED!!!!" i shtu it off but then i woke up again and Patrixx was there but he didn't say anything skelolten said "NO NOT LIKE THAT" and Patrixx said "Don't listen 2 the skelolten play the game its fun... *wink" i screamed and threw up ad decided 2 play the game (what else could I do?)

i was played and got 2 the end of the level it started normal steve ran really fast like SoNiC!? (lol) but anyway the trees were normal with normal animals but they got all burned and the animals got all killed (like usual) but what was not usual was the skelolten was at the end of the level and the skelolten was thre and he said "DOT KILL ME I'M UR ONLY FRIEND DON'T TURN OFF THE CONSOLE JUST PUT UR SWICH DOWN AND WALK AWAY THAT'S ALL U HAVE 2 DO U DON'T WANNA B A MURDERER UR A GOOD PERSON I BELEEV IN U WEN NO 1 ELSE WILL!!! JUST DO IT IGNORE PATRIXX!!!" i was like "wat do i do wat if this is a test" Patrixx said "make the RIGHT decision" so i was figured it was better 2 kill the skelolten than to do what Patrixx didn't want (I mean isnt the skeloten already dead?) it showed a horriffic cut scene of steve stabbing him with the hoe (the skelolten) and organs where comming out of his bones somehow. horrific screeching sound could be heard from the speaker my hears bleed and skelolten said "I THOUGH U WER BETTER THAN THIS I AM UR POPED OUT SKELOLTEN FROM THE FUTURE UR ONLY HURTING URSELF JOE CORNING!" that IS my name and my skeloten in my body (in real life) poped out and Patrixx murdered it just like steve did. I was a blob on the ground without my skeloten and i siad "PATRIXX WHY?" Patrixx said "Beautiful cycle now it will be easer when you begin 2 develop tentaclees and become a creature of C'SHAN!" i said "NO I DIDNT WANT THAT!" he said "very well" and put my skeloten back in but it was all cracked and undead and hur real bad i got bone splinter wich hurt real bad (they rly suck don't ever have em) i tried 2 talk 2 Patrixx but all i could get out was "bones bones bones bones" he said "very good" and disappeared. I then turned inside out and died

Next day i was respawn but my inside out corspe had grown tentacles multiple eyes and mouths and was attacking me so i had 2 move. (p.s. it had also eaten my mom's corspe lol guess i forgot 2 move that) i was move and desided 2 watch that DVD that i bought it was just a video of Patrixx doing a chant in the middle of a pentagram. Couldn't udnerstand the language but i saw that my daed body was buring on an alter with multiple sticks jabbed through it and it was IN THE FUTURE!!! i skreamed "HOW DID HE GET THIS FOOTAGE FROM THE FUTURE!?" "like this" said Patrixx I said "please no" he sadi "yeah lol" and preceeded to to all the things and record it and send d dvd 2 th past.

ur next

also i found out my neighbor was not creepy bastard he was just PATRIXX the whole time he hadn't got arrested he was just teleport away and bribe the polese 2 way he got arrested and was PATRIXX that's all this is is PATRIXX

ur probably Patrixx too

ur patrixx

good job patrixx

t nd

Written by Church of C'Shan
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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