My old cringe pokemon creepy pasta

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A little back story. I loved Pokémon when I was a kid, and still have a lot of merchandise. I played red and blue when I was 5. It got me introduced to the franchise. I went back to it after 20 years and saw some pretty spooky stuff.

Chapter One- Christmas

I went to my Mom's House for Christmas and was going to stay there for a week after Christmas. I drove there and had fun. Me and my sister read Pokémon fan fictions and bad Pokémon art when she recalled a memory of me playing red and blue. When you finish the Pokédex in red and blue you can print a certificate saying that you completed the Pokédex. She said when I completed the Pokédex and printed out the certificate, I bragged about it at dinner. I laughed at this because I remembered it too. My sister asked me if mom still had it, so I said maybe so. We went to go ask our mom. When we asked her about it, she said something that scared us a little. "You never had a gameboy I believe. You brought a paper one dinner and bragged about it. It was a blank piece of paper." My mom said. My sister and I looked at each other. We definitely had a gameboy when we were little, so me and my sister went to go ask our dad. He said the exact same thing as mom did. It was almost like every gameboy memory was erased from their minds. I asked my cousins and they said they remember Mario Bros on the gameboy, but not Pokémon. We asked everyone who knew about our gameboy but they said I never played a Pokémon game. Me and my sister gave up and went back to our thing. Still, the thought was in my mind.

Chapter Two- The Gameboy

Me and my sister, whose name is Taylor, we're staying at our moms house together. One day we went to go downtown for groceries, when I saw something in the grass. Taylor warned be it might be something sharp, but I ignored her. I leaned down to reach for it when I almost jumped back. In the grass was a gameboy, the exact same me and Taylor recalled having. It was the same color as our gameboy we had as kids, and the same post stamps we put on there. I picked it up and checked the cartridge inside the gameboy. It was fire red, the one I had when I was 5. I showed Taylor and she was as shocked as I was when she saw it. We called our mom to tell her that we found the gameboy we had when we were kids. She said, "Okay you did have a gameboy. We just never bought you fire red for your gameboy, and it was sold out when we went shopping for you. We didn't even by any accessories for the gameboy, so you could of never printed such things." Taylor told me and I was creeped out. I always had fire red. Our mom had vhs tapes of our Christmas. We went home to watch them to find out if we even got fire red. Taylor and I watched every vhs tape and there was no evidence of fire red. Until we found a tape labeled, " Charizard". I wish we never watched it.

Chapter Three- Charizard

Me and my sister found one last tape labeled, "Charizard". It did not contain blood or gore, but it was awful. The tape rolled with a clip of me opening fire red, with the words: "Remember us, Natalie?" In black. Taylor and I were shocked. It was my name, Natalie. The tape the. Rolled to me printing out my Pokédex certificate in my room. I looked at Taylor who was in utter shock. She turned to me and said she never took a video of that. The clip changed to me bragging about my Pokédex at dinner. My parents looked extremely uncomfortable in this clip. I felt like I was stalked this whole time. The video then ended. Me and my sister looked at each other, looking pale. My mother asked us about it and we told her about the video. She said nothing and went back to cooking. Me and my sister helped our dad garden, when I saw a bulb of some kind. I went over to it and saw a pottery turtle shell, a grass bulb, and a small lizard inside. There was a note they said "PICK ONE"next to the pottery shell. I called over my sister and dad and asked if this was some sick joke to prank me. Taylor and my dad said they haven't been in the garden all day. I was a little sketched about the situation. I sent the lizard free and went to sleep.

Chapter Four- The Corrupt Save File

I woke up at 9 am. Me and my sister were up, so we decided to make French toast. Me and my sister disscussed usual things like politics and finance. Then Taylor mentioned the Gameboy we had still yet to play on. I sighed and said it could be a stalker giving us these games. She laughed at the idea. The thought twisted in my mind as we finished breakfast. One hour later I'm sitting on the couch watching a cooking show. My sister comes up to me with the gameboy. She sits next to me. "Why DONT we play a cursed file?" She said with a grin. I sighed a loaded up the game. I was eager to play my old save file after 20 years. When I booted up the game, I went to check out my team. My team was only hypno with the names spelling out "WHY DID YOU LEAVE?". I started to breath heavily, as I have had only one hypno, not 6. Taylor just stared.I ignored my team and went gorge Pokémon center. When I entered, there was nobody there. Only graffiti on the wall saying "we can't protect you much longer, Natalie." How did they know my name? My trainer name was crystal! I went to the bike store to get a bike. When I got in there, there was only graffiti again saying "don't listen to the Hypnos." I felt a little sick. Then I went outside. There was a hypno standing in front of me. The hypno said " why did you leave for 10 years?" There was no option to say yes or no. Then the screen zoomed in on a hype realistic picture of hypno, and it said "tell me" and a yes and no option appeared on screen. I pressed yes, as I was scared to press one. The hypno then said "good..." and the screen went black, Then went to a blurry screen. As it got more clear, I could make out the tiny room. It showed an empty chair, and then my gameboy turned off. I felt sick so I went to go lay down. I looked up if this happened to anyone on my phone, but I could not find anything. I went on Facebook groups, and reddit to ask people. I decided I'll check them tomorrow to see if anyone responded. I ate dinner, and went to bed.

Chapter five- The Response

The next day played out like usual. Everyone woke up and ate breakfast, and went to do their errands, or watch tv. I volunteered to do my mom's errands, so I can get as far away from the gameboy as possible. I talked to Taylor, and she said she will take care of the gameboy. She seemed stressed and tired, and her voice sounded foggy. I went into the car and drove to the store. As I was inside the store, I felt as if I was being watched. After I got most of the things I needed, I looked at the list and realized I needed milk. The back of the store had no people or security cameras. I carefully walked and grabbed the milk as soon as I could. I heard footsteps behind me as I sighed of relief. I turned to see someone in a black hoodie covering up their face. They had nothing in their cart and was following me. I ran to the front of the store as they kept following me. I get to the front of the store and turn around never to see him. I call the police and drive home. I ran to my mom and told her all about it. Taylor hugged me as I sobbed. As I sat on the couch, Taylor talked to me. "I played the Gameboy and I think you might want to see it." She handed me the gameboy and I booted up the game. A text box appeared saying "hello, welcome to my home!" The screen was blurry but slowly got more clear. My player was in a basement as a man stood infront of me. I jumped and almost dropped the gameboy but my sister picked it up. The basement looked like the one I had in my house. Everything was way to familiar. I turned off the gameboy and ran into my room crying. I called my boyfriend and told him everything that has happened. "You should call the police, I'm on my way right now." He said. I ran up to Taylor. "I'm calling the police right now. We could be getting stalked!" I dialed 911 and told them everything. The tapes, the game, and the man who stalked me in the store. They said they were on their way. I sat on the front porch with mom and Taylor wrapped up in a blanket. The police arrived and asked for the gameboy and tapes. My boyfriend, andrew arrived soon after. I ran towards him and cried inside his chest. "It's going to be alright Natalie, I'm here for you." He said as I sobbed harder and harder. Recently we haven't been so close, as he got mad at me for coming here. I wanted to be with him only now, as I could barley go back in the house knowing someone was watching me.

Chapter 6- a change of pace

The next day I packed all my bags and said goodbye to my family. I went into the car and drove home with Andrew. "Just so you know, I'll be here for you throughout everything. If you feel like your being watched, just tell me. I'll comfort you throughout this." He said to me once we parked. I hugged him and nearly cried. I went into my room and curled up. I keep telling myself that everything was okay. I couldn't get up from my bed all day. The next day my boyfriend made me breakfast to try and cheer me up. "I don't want to do anything for these couple of days, sorry if you had any plans." I said. "Next week I have a business trip, I'll be gone for 2 days." He said to me. I nodded and told him that I understood. "I love you babe." He said kissing my forehead before he left for work. For the next couple of days, as soon as he got back he would always go straight to his office. I could always hear drilling and static noise in andrews room. He always asked me not to disturb him, but I was curious. He would come down during dinner and would eat quickly then run back upstairs. As mad as I was, I always told myself that he loved me more than anyone else, he's probably working on the next big project for his work. After many days of this, he finally talked to me. "sorry about not being able to talk, my boss wants me to work on a project we had for a while." He said on the couch. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a 3D printer that can print 3x faster than ones on the market, we're perfecting it so that it can sell extremely well." Andrew said to me. I understood why he didn't have much time. Tomorrow morning was his business trip. When he left, I couldn't stop thinking of the 3D printer. All day, it was the thing on my mind I couldn't get rid of. I texted him and asked how far he was from home. He replied with 20 minutes. I kept telling myself it not go to his room. Curiousity got the best of me, and I slowly walked towards his room.

Chapter 7-the plan

I opened the door slowly and saw something covered up in fabric. On the table there was what seemed to be a bandaid that was connected to his computer. I opened his computer and looked at the files. There was a file named "Operation Charizard" I opened the file and saw videos and pictures. I clicked on a video and it was one of the clips on the tape. I freaked out as I watched it, stunned. There were drawings of plans what it looked like. One of the drawings showed a plan of putting a bulb, lizard, and turtle in a jar with a piece if paper saying: PICK ONE. There was another file titled: mind controller. It showed plans on how to advance a sticky mind reader into a mind controller after he had used it on someone to change their memories. There were pictures of the layout of my moms house, pictures of the final gameboy project. It all disturbed me. I looked through his room and found a hardrive containing codes of bringing a computer game to a small handheld device. "What are you doing here?" A voice said. I slowly turned around and saw Andrew in the doorway. "And i thought I could trust you!" He said before I blacked out.

The finale

I woke up inside my basement chained to a pillar. I struggled to move or see. When I could finally see clearly. I saw Andrew standing infront of me. "What did you do to me you sicko?" I said while trying to squeeze my way out of the chains. "You really are smart, huh?" He said to me. "Glad you were not smart enough to realize what's been happening." I kept struggling until I ultimately gave up. "What did you do?" I snapped at him. "You thought you were being stalked? That was me this whole time." He said grinning. "What about the tapes? How can you fake that?" I said back. "You probably saw it already, the mind control machine. I downloaded all your memories to that little thing and was able to edit it to make it seem like you were being stalked." He said. "But why traumatize me? Why go over the top just to bend my memories!" I said. "First, stop trying to get out of those chains. Your wiggling like a fish that just got caught. Second, it was to make you mine. You haven't giving me attention for days. You betrayed me by going to your parents house for Christmas instead of spending it with me. Their keeping you away from us being together!" He yelled. "It's not your fault, it's theirs. I'll make them pay." He said smiling. "But why are you telling me this? Once I get out of these chains I'll tell the police everything." I growled. He seemed to be hiding laughter. "Why would someone tell you a plan without anything to stop you from doing so?" He cackled. "I've been working on in a mind control machine. Stick it onto your head, and I'll easily be able to arranged your memories. That's how I made you believe that you printed a certificate." He said. "The reason why I can't do the memory wipe now is because of one last piece I left at the house." He said. "Shouldn't be that hard to kill them." He mumbled. My heart sank as soon as he said that. I struggled even more to break out. "It's funny seeing how much humans feel like they can protect destiny!" He laughed. "I'll get out of here and tell the world what you've done!" I said angrily. "With what? Your phone? Don't make me laugh." He said, barely holding my phone. Andrew dropped the phone and then hit it with his hammer. Everything seemed to turn dark as he walked away. I gave up on even trying. I just sat there. In a cold basement knowing the fate of me. I felt everything going numb. All I could think of was why, why me? There's no way I can defeat someone who has a weapon and mind control. I noticed that there was a knot behind me. I quickly untied it and ran away. I looked for a phone, weapons, anything that could help me. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and took the emergency phone form the bathroom. I ran into my car and drove to their house. I called the police on my way. I saw his car pull into the driveway as he slowly walked into the house. I waited in the car doing breathing exercises as he walked into the house. I ran out of my car into the house. I heard screaming and ran inside. He was about to kill Taylor. I ran and tried to disarm him. He turned around and noticed me. "How did you get out!" He yelled. "Your not very good at hiding knots." I smiled at him. "Drop the knife or else she dies." He said, holding a knife at Taylor's throat. "Don't worry about me! Fight back!" Taylor said while crying. I looked him in the eye and dropped the knife. Taylor looked at me as she fell to the ground. "You've called the police didn't you?" He said to me. "Duh." I said in a mocking tone. I looked down at Taylor as she grabbed the knife while hiding it. "Your parents are already gone. All I need is to kill Taylor." He said grabbing a gun. I nodded at Taylor when she was sure she was ready to attack. She threw the knife at him but missed. I looked at her and she looked at me. "You thought that would work..." he said lowering the gun. "It was a great plan In my mind!" Taylor said. He shot Taylor in the stomach as I freaked out.

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