Never Existed

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Our teacher told us a story today.

Well ... it's not completely a story. Its based on a true event.

He told us he remembers that it was Halloween, because his neighbors decorated their front porches with pumpkins and scary decorations.

Our teacher (let's just call him Robert) was around 20 at that time. He woke up in the morning and turned on the weather forecast. The reporter said that there was going to be a winter storm, and that no one should leave their houses if possible, for their own safety.

Robert looked out his window, only to see that it was sunny outside, no sign of any winter storm. He chuckled then got ready for his work at the Golf Club.

He drove off and arrived at the Golf Club. It was pretty far from his house, but he was used to it.

He worked as usual, until it started to snow. It snowed rapidly, and in just a few minutes the roads were covered with thick, glowing snow.

Everyone at the Golf Club left, including Robert. He got into his car and drove.

He was about to take his usual route back to his house, until he noticed a snow plough. It was heading in the other direction, but Robert decides to follow it, and figured he'll try to find a way back home later. He followed it for a while, until the snow plough went right. He had to go left, or else he'd had to go all the way around to come back to his house. He drove onto the rough snow, but after a while his car stopped. It wouldn't budge, no matter how hard he tried.

After several minutes, he finally decided to step out of the car and try to find a house nearby to help him fix the car. But as he stepped out, he realized the place was deserted. There were no houses around.

At this point into the story, me and my class laughed a little, because it was such a cliche, like all the plots in movies and books.

Our teacher continued telling his tale.

He looked around, and finally spotted something. It seems like a house, around a kilometer away. It was such a long way to go, but he had to get his car fixed.

He walked, through the snow, shaking because he was wearing a pair of shorts. The house was getting much closer now, and he felt the sense of victory.

As he was walking, he walked past a truck. It wasn't the snow plough, it was some kind of truck. The door of the car was wide open, swinging to the snowy wind. He looked inside, but there was no driver. No one. He thought maybe the driver was at the backseat, taking a nap. He didn't bother to look, so he continued on to the house.

Finally he was at the front porch. He looked up at the house. It was pretty old and dark. He was a little scared but he had to do something. He slowly walked up the stairs. The stairs creaked every time he stepped on them. He was in front of the door now, and the only thing he could hear is his own racing heartbeat and the sound of the wind.

He knocked.

... No answer.

He knocked again.

Once again, nobody answered.

With the feeling of hopelessness, he decided to find another house somewhere. But as he was about to leave the front porch, he noticed something.

Something unusual.

On a rocking chair, there sat a scarecrow.

It was a typical scarecrow. But something told him to go look closer. He stepped in, but suddenly the smell flooded his nose. It was a rotten smell and it was disgusting. He backed off a little, coughing. But he looked, and between the straws, he saw skin.

Trembling and being very curious, he slowly reached for the straw to pull it apart. As he pulled it apart, he realized it was no scarecrow, it was a body. A dead body. The skin was purple, as if beaten up. It was in a horrible condition.

As he stood in shock, he heard footsteps coming from the back of the house. He stood still and silent.

"Who's there?" a sound of a rather old man shouted out.

Walking up from behind the house, was an old farmer. As soon as he saw Robert, he had a confused look on his face.

"Who're you? What are you doing?"

"Sir... Is this a dead body?" Robert asked, trembling.

The man stood in shock and stepped up the small staircase up to the front porch.

The man, trembling also, ripped open the straws, only to reveal a disgusting face. A face of an old woman. They both stood in shock and Robert felt like puking.

Suddenly, the man shouted in terror. "Terry!"

Robert knew instantly that it was his wife. He was right.

"Terry! Darling, are you okay? Terry!" The man shook the dead body, but it was no use. He looked up to Robert, eyes already tearing up. "Help me... please! Young man, we have to do something!"

Robert just stood, trembling, and shook his head.

"Help me carry my wife into the house! Quick! We might be able to help her!" The man gestured for Robert to carry her feet, while he will carry her from her shoulders.

As they stepped inside the house, they lay the body down onto the cold wooden floor.

"Stay here, I'll go call the police!" The man shouted, as he ran through the corridor and into the room on the left. Robert stood there, still shaking, with the dead body lying upon his feet.

The house was rather old. The staircase was covered with cobwebs. It was dark inside, there were no lights. There was no furniture either.

He waited for the man, and hopefully the police.

5 minutes have passed.

10 minutes.

... Fifteen, twenty minutes passed ...

Robert still stood there with the body in front of him.

He waited longer until he was sure it was about an hour and a half.

He finally decided to follow the man through the corridor. As soon as he entered the corridor, however, he noticed that the phone lines were ripped out from the walls. He started to sweat and he shook even more. He knew the man was up to no good.

He went into the room on the left, where it was a little brighter. There was no sign of the man.

He panicked and ran out the back door. He didn't know where he was running, he just wanted to run away as far as he could. Lucky for him, after a few minutes of exhausting running, there was a small supermarket ahead of him. He ran even faster. After a few more minutes he reached the supermarket and bursted through the doors. The cashier girl was shocked and hurried out to help him. She asked him whats wrong, but he wasn't able to answer because he was so exhausted from all the running.

She kept on asking what happened. Finally, after catching his breath, Robert asked the girl if anyone was here earlier.

She looked at him and said "Sir, you're our first customer today."

Robert told her everything that happened, and the girl was shocked too. She quickly called the cops, and in a few minutes the cops came. Robert got in the car and instructed the directions back to the house.

When they got there, the cops quickly went into the house, holding out their guns, prepared for anything.

But when they entered the house, there was nothing there.

The body was gone.

The walls weren't ripped apart.

After investigating, there were no signs of anything. No footprints, no hair, no fingerprints, whatsoever.

They checked the truck that was found deserted, but there was nothing inside the back or at the front of the truck.

Robert explained what they looked like, but there was no history or any identifications of the two.

After a few years, the case was closed down because they couldn't track anything.

When Robert asked them about the case, all the police would be silent for a moment. Then they would take a deep breath and answer,

"We're sorry. They've never existed."

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