Nintendo 3DS Oddity

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I recently bought a 3DS. After spending countless hours reading about it, I had eagerly awaited it's release. When I got the box in the post, I ripped the wrapping off and tore the box open. There I saw a beautiful turquoise handheld. Noticing two separate cameras on the top, I opened it up to see all that I expected: the two screens of course, along with a new analog stick, an inside camera, a few more buttons and a larger screen. Excitement went over me as I pressed the power button. As the black screen faded to white, I got to the setup. To my shock, the 3D didn't work. I shifted the adjustment slider up and down erratically. I was disappointed to see that it didn't work. But, my hope was not yet lost, assuming i could activate it in the settings.

Once I finally got to the menu screen and onto the settings menu, I searched for the 3D on-off setting. I couldn't find it. Although I did find one peculiar choice called "YOUR SAFETY". As direct as this was for a choice of title, I only really took notice at the time of it's strangely large font. This caught my attention as much as my curiosity so the only normal thing someone would do is select it. The next few choices listed "YOUR 3D SAFETY", "YOUR TOUCH SCREEN SAFETY" and "YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY".

Ironic as it was that the last one was directed at me personally, though I was curious, I still knew that my main priority was to setup the 3D and play my games so I chose the first option. After a bunch of celebration, the game now told me that the 3D is working and good to use. The 3D was now working properly, and after appropriately quoting M.Bison, I was ready to get on with the game.

Back at the menu screen, i had the idea of messing around on the other choices before getting into a game, thinking that i would rather save the best for last. I randomly chose the Nintendo 3DS Camera. The camera astonished me, I could see everything through my screen like with my own two eyes. I spent plenty of time screwing with the camera and taking photos of different things. This ended after a short 2 minutes of taking photos. I wanted to see what i took in my album, after clicking on it. I looked at the first photo. It seemed to have some sort of dark, black blur on the left. I scrolled to the one of my bed and I saw this again, this time it was a lighter smudge in the middle of the screen.

I took time to scroll through all of them individually. Each one had a slightly resembling blur on them. All except the last photo, which had what looked like a faint outline of something. Even weirder was when i slid the 3D slider down and turned off the 3D, the blurs would vanish along with the 3D effect. I was starting to get the feeling that i had a faulty game, so I went on the website I ordered it off for more info on who sold it to me. The website informed me that the man who sold it to me had not sold anything else since i ordered my game. Not really vital, but i really wanted to know what was wrong with my game, and this hinted that the man might somewhat know of this. I can't remember his address, but I remember it being somewhere I had never heard of, and soon after, somewhere I never wanted to visit ever again.

I left my car and approached his house. I got a clue that the man must be poor, the outside of his house was chipped and cracked as if no one had looked after it in decades. I stepped my way onto his mat and knocked on the door. I was kind of expecting to get a young man open the door and greet me warmly, instead I looked down to a eerily creaky letter box slowly open. I took a step back in surprise. After a moment of silence, i heard a small, raspy voice echo from within the establishment. "Yes?" said the voice. "Yeah, Hello, I am here to see you about a game i ordered over the internet. A 3DS.". After another moment of silence, out came another whisper. "What about it?".

I slowly answered "It seems broken and i keep getting these blurry images on my photos. But they vanish whenever I turn off the 3D. I was wondering if there is something seriously wrong with it or if i could get it fixed.". More silence, until I heard "Get a black piece of paper and place it over the left right camera, and then the left camera, and see what happens" Those last words garnered me enough chills that I was too curious to continue conversing with the strange person, as I had enough information, I turned and waved goodbye. When I turned, I saw one small glimpse of the mans eyes. Or rather, eye. His right eye was very normal. In his left socket was nothing, not even an eye, just a dark, gory hole. I was now practically sprinting to my car, having such chills that i believe i would find something really unnatural when i returned home.

I got in the door to see that my 3DS was exactly where I put it: in the box it came in. I picked up the game and opened it. I was confused to find that there was already a black piece of paper underneath my game. The man must have packed it for the very reason I needed it for. It must be very important for some reason. I chose the camera, grabbed the paper and delicately placed it over the left lens. I took a photo and looked at it in 3D. I saw a black screen with a blur over it. In 2D, I was black. Seeing this, I now know that it was the left camera that takes the 2D photo. I placed the paper over the right lens and took a photo. Now the photo was more clear with the image of the black paper over it and no blur. I knew that it was the right camera that was faulty. My heart was now beating incredibly fast, I could feel every beat smashing through my chest. I suddenly remembered the man had only his right eye.

'Thinking that he could only see in 2D, i closed my left eye to see a very disturbing image pop up in front of me. I was horrified to see the image of a man with his body split open hanging by his neck. I was in shock, my heart was beating so fast. I dropped the game in the horror of what I just saw. I braced myself to look at the other images. I scrolled through them, one by one, seeing more and more horribly disfigured bodies. I thought at first this was a joke, until i got to the third photo. I saw the figure was laying over the middle of my bed, with his entrails spread across my bed. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I couldn't believe what was happening. I rushed outside and got in the car. I drove to the mans residence so fast that I was almost stopped by the police. When I got there, I ran up to his door and banged on it as hard as I could.

I was so impatient, I opened the door to see that there was no one home. I checked his kitchen, his living room. He wasn't anywhere is sight. I ran up his stairs and into his bedroom where I saw newspapers all over the floor. I crept over to his bed and picked one up, it read "Serial killer thrown into asylum after being declared clinically insane in court. A week later, he was found in his cell with his left eye gouged out. In his own blood, he wrote on the walls of his cell: It' a curse with both eyes. If I blink my right eye, I can see nothing but empty space still fearing that they are present. If I have only my right eye, they can never hide from me.......

Credited to Raidenist

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