No Such Luck

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It had been a long day for Lincoln. After his family thought he was bad luck he was forced to wear a squirrel costume In order to regain his Sister's trust.

The car ride home wasn't any better due to the fact that his family was afraid that If Lincoln took the costume off something bad would happen, Lincoln was starting to heat up In the suit due to how hot It was today. when they got home Lincoln still had to wear the costume throughout the day. Lincolns only chance to take the damn suit off was to retreat to his room, but even then he still didn't feel comfortable. Sense his family sold all of his furniture (Including his bed frame) He was forced to lay on a dirty mattress. Lincoln spent the next week wearing the costume to each and everyone one of his Sisters events to give them Good Luck, Lincoln's sanity started to drain each passing day, But the final straw happened on Friday when Lincoln went to Lucy's poetry reading, when he got back home he noticed that Bun Bun was no longer on his mattress. Lincoln asked Lisa If she had seen It and all she said was 'Maybe your bad luck took It! after all I noticed that you took your mask off today so you have no one else to blame but your self!' Lincoln felt like he wanted to strangle her but he kept his cool and searched the house only to find Lola putting It through the paper shredder In the shed. Lincoln shouted In a saddened tone why she destroyed His precious doll. She responded In a bratty tone that she forgot to get Rid of It because It still had bad luck tracing It or some other meaningless Bull sight.

As Lola went back and side and reminded him to come to her next beauty pageant Lincoln just stood there, Looking at the remains of best friend.

Lincoln had Bun Bun every sense he was born, he kept Him company during thunder storms and power outages. and to see him treated like a worthless pill of junk like him just broke Lincolns heart.

When he got Inside Luan started to practice telling more annoying jokes on her now distraught brother In her same annoying voice:

Hey bro! Luan said as she appeared next to Lincoln. What did the platypus say before leaving the bar? Put it on my bill! Lincoln frowned as she laughed. Yes, Luan, pretty funn- Do you want to smell my flower? I'm not falling for- Luan's flower sprayed water on Lincoln's face before he could finish what he was saying. Okay, Luan, that's- Do you want some of my banana cream pie?" Luan said before slamming it on Lincoln's face.

Luan, you're not funny. What do you call a boy who's completely white?... A flour boy! Luan laughed for a bit, but one shot later, Lincoln slid his hand off of his face, revealing his angry eyes.

Enough... is enough! Lincoln said furiously as he grabbed Luan by her shoulders. Wow, nice grip, bro! You shoulder work out at the gym! Luan laughed at her little joke.

Just after Luan laughed, Lincoln slammed her head against the wall, bruising her and knocking her out. Lincoln stood there In shock at what he had just done, He never thought he would ever hurt one of his sisters. But sense Lincoln's mind had officially snapped he quickly lost all empathy for Luan and chuckled at the sight of her Limp body.

Lincoln then dragged Luan through the back door and Into the shed were he then proceeded to Straggled her as she was knocked out. After her heart rate stopped Lincoln stared intensely at Luan's pale Corpse laying on the ground with the same smile she made when pranking Lincoln and his family. He used a nearby hammer to smash the skull of his now dead sister at least 10 times. once her face was turned Into a bloody pulp he dropped the hammer to the ground as he recalled the heinous act he just committed.

Wh... What have I done?... I've never done something like this before... He looked back at Luan. But this... made me feel so alive... For some reason, I've never felt this good in a while... And now that your dead there's no point In stopping now!

Lincoln then started to hack Luan's limbs one by one, He then took a trash bag and put all the body parts In It. he put the Bloodied bag Into the trash can, Lincoln found a couple of wipes that he used to clean his costume and the shed. once he was done he entered back In the house and up the stairs Into his bedroom to take a quick break.

Lincoln exited his room and noticed Lori texting In her bedroom alone. a devious smile formed around his face as he approached his oldest sister.

Hey Lori, can you drive me to the comic store? Ugh, why would I drive you, when you've already taken your head off! we could get In a crash or something so no!

Lori left the room, To go to the bathroom as Lincoln glared at the Mirror on Lori's desk, Planning his next wipeout. He also took the phone with plans to Lure his sister with It.


The mirror suddenly collided Into Lori's face, breaking Into tiny glass shards

This for smashing my VR console, teenage brat! Lincoln then snapped the mirrors tip off and started to stab Lori with the sharp end of It. once Lincoln had Pierced one of Lori's Vidal organs she died slowly as her pulse stopped. Lincoln dragged his sisters body Into her room and proceeded to break her phone down with a nearby stool, He then hid Lori's corpse Inside of her closet.

Leni soon entered the room Just as Lincoln cleaned up the rest of the blood.

Leni attempted to make small talk with her brother, not noticing the small ounce of blood on the costumes cheek. Leni asked what he was doing In Lori's room due to his bad luck but before she could finished he sentence Lincoln took the same stool he used to smash Lori's phone to knock Leni to the floor.

STOP CALLING ME BAD LUCK! Lincoln said In a monstrous tone.

Leni looked at her brother with a fearful look as he stuffed on of her dresses In her mouth. Lincoln then tided her hands together with some duck tape and left her there, he walked toward the lamp on the night stand and used It to bash Lenis body from head to toe. As Leni took one final look at her brother or what she thought was Lincoln he brought down the lamp with full forced at Leni's head, shattering It In the process. Lincoln hung Leni up In the closet by the railing, Lincoln looked at the two body's with an intense grin.

Hey Lincoln, wanna wrestle? Sure, why not, Lynn? I'll bet I win this time! Lincoln then, out of nowhere threw a punch toward Lynn's cheek.

Come at me bro- Lynn was knocked to the ground by the force of Lincoln's punch. Hey why'd you do that! Because This Is no longer play wrestling!

Lincoln then Punched Lynn several times In the gut and head before the sports ace threw a punch back. Lincoln's squirrel head was knocked off the suit as Lincoln fell back, he then turned his head at Lynn revealing his bloodshot eyes. Lynn looked In horror at her brothers rage filled face as he picked up a nearby baseball bat and smashed Lynn's face with It. Lynn fell to the floor but was still awake, she tried to block Lincoln's many Hits with the bat but she was too dizzy and eventually died from blood loss. Lincoln's face grew pale as he continued to beat down Lynn's dead body. He dragged the corpse to the trash and disposed of It.

Lincoln's main target then was that Little brat...Lola, the kid who caused his mind to snap, the one who made him cook cupcakes for her, the one who would serve her ever wish or else she would tell mom and dad about a stupid secret he kept.

and now she would be the one to pay.....Lincoln first killed her sister Lana In front of her by sticking her head Inside the same paper shredder Lola used to destroy Bun Bun. Lola looked at the corpse of her sisters headless sister as tears poured down her cheeks. Lincoln then grabbed the rest of the body an stuffed It inside of the shredder. Lola attempted to attack Lincoln but due to her brothers rage he picked her up with ease and sliced her hand off with a hack saw. he dropped the gloved hand into the shredder making a familiar tearing of flesh sound, Lola cried like never before as Lincoln stared to hack off each Of Lola's Limbs and throw them Into the shredder. as Lola was about to die from all of the blood she was loosing Lincoln muttered Into her ear...Tell Bun Bun I said Hi!

He then threw Lola's limbless body Into the shredder as her screams echoed throughout Lincolns mind.

Lincoln spent the rest of the day killing off his remaining sisters one by one:

Lucy's brain had a shovel stuck In It, Luna's eardrums were ruptured and her head was smashed In by her axe, and Lisa had acid poured all over her face.

Lincoln didn't feel the need to kill Lily due to the fact that she didn't do anything to break his mind so Instead he planned to drop her off In some random person's back yard. After that was done Lincoln soaked the boiler In gasoline and threw a match Inside the cellar from the yards window. as the house blew up In flames Lincoln's parents got home In shock seeing Lincoln with his costume soaked In blood and his eyes bloodshot and filled with Insanity. Lincoln threw the lighter he used to burn down the house to Light the Vanzilla on fire. Lincolns parents burned alive as there son made his escape. but before he ran off he threw his squirrel costume In the fire and made his escape...Never to be seen or heard from again.


Soon after The Loud family's house burned to the ground police searched for Lincoln everywhere but It seemed that after he Lit the House on fire he skipped town, Implying that he was no longer In Royal Woods. Clyde soon got the news about Lincoln's Massacre and he Burned down his Family's home, He was shocked to see that such a caring and empathetic boy would do such a heinous act But he soon realized why he Killed his Family. Lincoln told Clyde before the Incident that sense his family thought he was bad luck he needed to wear a squirrel suit to give them good luck. Clyde could see how torturous It was to wear that terrible thing especially at the beach but there had to be more! Lincoln's dealt with much worse so what made this different? He had to find out so after school that day Clyde made his way to the remains of the Loud House. after a few minutes of poking around he found the head of Bun Bun...

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