Oswald: Goodbye Big City

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Remember the show on Nick Jr. called Oswald, right? It's created by Dan Yaccarino. However, there was one time that ONE episode was supposed to be the final episode, but was scrapped and never shown on TV.

Very few people remember it, and it never got posted on YouTube due to copyright reasons.

I'm not even sure how to explain this, but I guess I'll do my best. I'm not sure if this actually happened. It could've been just a dream, or this could've all just been in my head, or maybe it was just a false memory to begin with. You might probably think I'm acting all crazy right now, but I guess the best thing for me to do now is to just be quiet and begin telling the story.

I'm not sure how to start this, but I guess I'll go back to when this all started. The incident occurred back in my freshman year of high school, and during those days me and my brother were in an after school club together. And which the 2 of us were in an animation club, there we basically learned how animation works, and how to draw and animate certain things. We even learned how to use certain animation software on the computer, like Blender, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Sony Vegas. At our second to last club meeting towards the end of the school year, we were all assigned a project that we would be turning in as somewhat of a final exam. The project was create a new and original animation, that was due by our final meeting the next week. We were all assigned a partner to work on the project with, and I was assigned to work on the project with my brother. Despite the fact we were supposed to do this project together, my brother worked on it himself. I tried telling him that we might lose credit if he did it alone, but he just ignored me. And he even wouldn't even let me see the animation he was working on either. My brother stayed in his room working on the project for the entire week, only to leave to go to school. He didn't have to leave to use the bathroom as he had one in his bedroom, and he had his meals brought up to his room so he wouldn't have to take time away from the project.

Me and my family and friends we're all worried sick about why he sat in his room constantly working on the project, and we tried to get him to take a break, but he wouldn't respond whenever we knocked on his door, so we just left him alone until he finished it. The night before the project was due, I had trouble sleeping, because I was worried about what my brother would be presenting to the whole club. I figured that he would finally be passed out from working on his project full time, so I decided to go into his room and figure out what the heck he was making. When I got in their I found him sound asleep in his bed, and on his desk I found a flash drive laying right next to his computer, and once I got close to it had a tag on it that read: "animation project". I then toke the drive and I left the room quietly without waking up my brother.

When I got back into my room I powered up my computer and I plugged the flash drive into the USB port. I was quite surprised to see that the drive had a ton of encrypted files which I couldn't even get into, but there was one that surprisingly enough wasn't encrypted. The file itself was an mp4 file, that was titled: "myproject.mp4". I figured that was the project that my brother had been working on for the past week, so I clicked on the file, and it then brought up Windows Media Player. as the video started, I plugged in my headphones so I wouldn't disturb anybody since it was actually 1 am. The project began with a title card that looked like a title slide from a power point that basically read: "My Project: By Me". The title screen then faded to black, and then something I wasn't all that expecting played, and I must say, it completely blew me away when I saw it. It was the intro for Oswald, a show on Nick Jr. that I used to watch when I was younger. I burst out into full laughter after seeing this. Despite the volume of my laughter being pretty loud, I luckily didn't wake up anybody. Especially my parents.

After the intro, the screen faded to show the outside of the apartment building where Oswald lived. And the title of the episode then came up, and it was: "Goodbye Big City". The title made me feel almost suspicious. I figured this animation would be about Oswald moving, or maybe even something darker. Which my second theory turned out to be true. I got to say that this animation project looked so accurate to the actual show itself, and I wasn't even sure how my brother managed to make it look the way it was. As soon as the title faded, the camera then zoomed in towards the window of Oswald's apartment. And inside it showed Oswald playing the piano, and Weenie singing and dancing along to the music Oswald was playing. They were then interrupted by a loud noise, that sounded like a truck horn. Oswald & Weenie then looked out the window and saw a moving truck. "Looks like we got new neighbors." Oswald said. I wasn't only impressed by the quality of the animation looking so accurate to the cartoon, but even the voices sounded so accurate as well. Oswald and Weenie then left their apartment and went downstairs to the building entrance, where they saw Henry walking out of the door with a box. A confused and a bit worried look spread across Oswald's face as he saw this, and he then went over to Henry to talk to him.

"Henry? what's going on here?" Oswald asked as he got up to him. "I hate to say this dear old friend. But I've decided to move to the Arctic where I belong."

"When will you be coming back?." Oswald said. "Well, the city isn't a good place for a penguin. And i'm more adapted to the cold environment. You've got to understand Oswald." Henry then told him. The sound of a car pulling up was then heard after. "Oh, my taxi's here." Henry then added. "Goodbye Henry" Oswald said as he waved his hand. Henry got into the taxi and it drove off. A mover picked up the box that Henry brought outside, and put it in the moving truck, which he eventually got into and drove off in. As soon as the taxi and the moving truck were gone. Weenie eventually cuddled towards him after seeing his friend leave. "Well, at least I still have you." Oswald said. Oswald then picked up Weenie and started to pet her. "Because you know that they call dogs a man's best friend. And I even still have Daisy as a friend too." Oswald then added, starting to cheer up a bit.

Oswald & Weenie then ran over to Daisy's house. And once they got there, they found it, to my surprise, fumigated. And there was even a huge fence in front of it as well. On the fence, Oswald & Weenie saw a sign that read: "KEEP OUT CONDEMNED." Oswald, feeling pretty shocked to see the place looking that way, pulled out a phone and dialed Daisy's phone number, and waited for her to respond. Oswald then got a voicemail from Daisy that said: "Oswald, please help me! **cough cough**. There's been a **cough cough** carbon leak and I'm **cough cough** starting to lose my **cough cough** pollen. And I don't think I'll **cough cough** be able to **cough cough** live to see another **cough cough** day if you...." The voicemail ended after Daisy's voice was cut. And the voicemail sounded very weird, because Daisy sounded more like June Foray doing Granny's voice, other than her usual voice by Crystal Scales. "Daisy!" Oswald then shouted after the message ended.

Oswald then heard the sound of the ice cream truck. Weenie started barking once she heard it. "Ice cream!" Oswald shouted as he heard it too. Oswald & Weenie then followed the sound of the bell, all the way to the ice cream shop. Oswald & Weenie went inside and once the scene showed the interior of the shop, there was an orange glow enveloping the background. Once Oswald & Weenie were inside, the two then began to sweat. "Whew, is it hot in here?" Oswald said. Both Oswald & Weenie then turned to face the screen, and horrified expressions grew on their faces as the camera cut to show that Johnny The Snowman (the owner of the ice cream shop) had melted. "Why is everybody leaving this place!" Oswald shouted as the camera cut back to show him and Weenie by the doors. Oswald then noticed that Weenie was starting to become dehydrated from the heat, so he picked her up and toke her outside.

"Come on Weenie." Oswald said. "Let's go grab something to eat at Madam Butterfly's place." The two then went over to the Big Diner and they found it all chained and boarded up. "Oh no, this is still happening!" Oswald shouted. He then noticed a note taped to where the door was, and he took it off and read it. "Dear Citizens of Big City, The diner is closed because I committed suicide over my dead Catrina. Sincerely, Madam Butterfly." the read. "I can't believe this, first Henry, then Daisy, then Johnny, and now Madam Butterfly & Catrina! That's 5 people that left this town, can this day get any worse?" Oswald screamed.

It was then that the egg twins, Egbert & Leo came passing by riding on the tandem, when suddenly, the two were run over by a Mack Truck. Leaving nothing but cracked shells and yolks. "Oh no not again!" Oswald shouted. He then noticed some smoke in the distance. Oswald & Weenie quickly ran to where the smoke was coming from, and it was coming from the candy shop of Andy The Pumpkin Man. They saw that Andy was on flames and burnt into ashes. Luckily, firefighters were there to save his store. "NOOOOOOOOO!" cried Oswald.

"We're Sorry Oswald, but it was too late". Said one of the firefighters.

"At least we still have Pongo..." Oswald said.

Suddenly, a loud shotgun that sounded like straight from a tank in a 1940's film. "Pongo?" said Daffy Duck as he appeared onscreen.

Wait a sec, Daffy Duck in Oswald?!

He's not supposed to be in this show! He belongs to Looney Tunes!

Daffy Duck had the same design as in the shorts by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises (where he is paired with Speedy Gonzales), with the same outfit he wore and same horse he is riding on in the beginning of "Assault and Peppered".

As the shotgun sound scared Oswald and Weenie, the Nice-sounding and lovely music became to what sounded like horror music by William Lava heard in the Looney Tunes shorts by DePatie-Freleng.

"What are you doing here? What do you want from us?" answered Oswald. "I witnessed the murder, so I came." Daffy said.

"You know what Weenie, Let's go back home"

So Oswald and Weenie went back home. Jerry (from Tom and Jerry as seen in the Gene Deitch shorts) was seen in the corner, he was pulling a chair slowly revealing a trapdoor.

Oswald then looked at the screen with a big smile for 20 seconds, then he went to the kitchen for some lunch. Weenie winked at the camera and walked into the kitchen. Oswald said "I wonder what we should do?" He goes into his bathroom and begins to take a bath. He scrubs his body, and his arms which are his tentacles. After that, he went back to his living room, he played the piano again, but he tries to find a song to play, but he couldn't. Jerry slightly had a sinister look, and he suddenly began to talk in an angrier man's voice!


Oswald began to scream as Jerry jumped forward! The teeth began to rotate in a machine like fashion, Oswald went into the other room! The door was gone, he tried desperately to build a new door out of metal, but the metal started to rust! Oswald's last hope was a trapdoor from earlier. He ran over to it and he pulled it open, diving into it! Jerry's monstrous teeth chittered as it began sprout boney wings and blood began to pool from beneath his feet! His stomach opens up and highly realistic gore began to spew mammoth chunks from everywhere! A strange hollow was heard in the corner and it was Jerry and he said in a scary voice, "SACRIFICE YOURSELF!!!" Oswald stumbled over them, and goes right through the trapdoor!

The blood red mouse like demon bit into Oswald's tentacle! Oswald started crying and whimpering in pain to death, as Jerry begin to laugh. Weenie was nowhere to be seen. After killing Oswald completely, Jerry then went to one of the windows, took out a knife, cut the skin off of his arms and torso, and fell to the ground, making a big splat of blood.

The episode finally ended by cutting to black. It had no credits.

At this point, I was already scared when I watched that video!

Later, when I was back on the computer and I noticed the video file was gone, hoping it was deleted. I couldn't go to sleep for days! There was no reaction to my computer this time.

This video has been removed due to a copyright claim of Viacom.

Credited to Chuck E. Greenwood 

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