Regular Show - "Snapped"

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OK, I'm just gonna say it now, when I was younger I was more of a Disney Channel guy and I still sorta am today. But my favorite show when I was a teenager was not on that channel but on Cartoon Network, in fact it was the only show I watched on the channel. And that show was called "Regular Show", now for those who don't know the show is about a blue jay named Mordecai and his best friend Rigby a raccoon, two slackers who work at a park and get into all sorts of trouble in each episode.

But I haven't watched the show in 3 years and I will tell you why. It was 3 years ago, and my parents were celebrating their anniversary and left me alone at home for the weekend. That Saturday morning I woke up at 6:50 as I normally do, poured myself a bowl of cereal and plopped my butt onto the couch to watch TV. I turned it on and put on Cartoon Network, as another show that I can't remember the name of was finishing up I was surprised to see that Regular Show was gonna be on next which was unusual since it's never on at that time. Anyways, the show opening title card played as usual, but the title was my first clue that this was not a normal episode.

The title of this episode was called "Snapped" which I was confused by since I had never heard of this episode, but I shrugged it off and figured it must be a newer episode.

The episode started with Mordecai and Rigby in the living watching wrestling on TV, Rigby said "Ah man those moves look so cool, we should those for ourselves". Mordecai replied "Heck yeah, let's go outside and do them." But Rigby says "No, let's do it in here, it'll be so much better" Mordecai seemed reluctant to do so, "Dude if we do it in here and we break the table Benson's gonna flip out on us" Benson is their boss, he is a gumball machine who you know if you've seen the show has kind of a temper problem. Rigby says "Oh come on Mordecai it'll be fun", Mordecai gives in and they practice some of the moves they saw on TV, but as Mordecai predicted they ended up breaking the coffee table.

"Oh dude, we are screwed" Mordecai says.

Rigby suggests they go and buy another table like this before Benson finds out and Mordecai agrees, but when they turn around they see Benson looking pretty angry. His whole face is red and he is huffing and puffing. "We are so sorry Benson, we'll pay for a new table." Mordecai says.

But he just left the room and went towards the kitchen huffing and puffing, like he was trying to calm himself down. Mordecai and Rigby let out a sigh of relief that Benson didn't yell at them or fire them right on the spot. "Thank God he didn't do anything worse" Mordecai said, but suddenly I heard a sound, like a knife stabbing into skin and Mordecai let out a very, very loud and very long scream, it was so loud that I had to turn the volume down to the lowest it could go without it being on mute, but even then it was still pretty loud. As Mordecai fell to the ground I now saw that he'd been stabbed in the back, and blood was covering the floor. Benson was standing over him with that same angry look from before and a knife in his hand. I was horrified but I just couldn't stop watching, and I wish I had stopped right there and then.

"What the hell did you do!" yelled Rigby, in any other case I would've been surprised that he had swore, but at this point I was just horrified by what I was seeing. Benson moves closer to Rigby and says "Well guess what, you're about to join him", and stabs him in the stomach twelve times. I'm very surprised that I didn't just throw up right then and there. And then suddenly he became became calm again, like he just snapped when they broke the table and something just took over in him.

Benson looks over what he just did and I can see it too. Rigby got the brunt of it, his stomach was open, you could see his intestines and it was just disgusting. I still am surprised that I didn't throw up at what I saw. Benson starts to cry and yell "I'm so sorry!" over and over again. After about a minute of this he runs out of the house, and the scene ends. I couldn't believe what i was seeing.

After about 5 seconds of a black screen I saw Benson sitting on his couch in his apartment, he had a gun in his hand, I knew what was about to happen. Before he put the gun in his mouth he said "God, forgive me" and then he shot himself. His head exploded into little pieces of glass and the gumballs started to fly everywhere and the scene cut to black again.

He then wakes up in a sky area like what you'd think heaven would look like, and he's whisked away by two angels. Benson tried to ask what's going on, but they told him to be quiet. He was taken to a imposing looking man who I assumed was this shows version of God. "What shall we do with this man, father?" one of the angels said. He just pointed to a pit in the back, the angels then nodded. Benson was still questioning what was going on. But when they got to the pit the angels said together "You have been sentenced to spend eternity in hell by our lord". They then threw him into the pit as Benson screamed in terror. As he went to meet his fate.

I finally turned off the TV after that. I went into my room and just cried myself to sleep, and I didn't wake up until close to one in the afternoon. I was horrified that J.G. Quintel the creator of the show, would even make something like this.

Later, I tried to look up the episode online but I couldn't find any information about it. Then I wrote J.G. a private message on twitter and explained what i had seen and asked if he had any explanation for it, he never responded. So then I tried to do the same with Mike Roth who was one of the directors and producers who worked on the show, but he also never responded. I finally decided to check the official Cartoon Network show lineup for that day but I was shocked to see that no Regular Show episode was listed for that time, instead it was a rerun of Teen Titans Go.

I decided to just keep it to myself at the time, and I never said anything to my parents about it when they came back the next day. I had nightmares for months after that and I still get chills down my spine when I think about when Benson was mercilessly stabbing them to death.

I understand if you don't believe me, trust me I do. But I saw what I saw, and God is my witness.

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