Shadow vs. Sonic.exe

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Revision as of 13:51, 8 March 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Shadow has always been my favorite character in the Sonic series, mostly because he is the ultimate lifeform and is the smartest of them all. Now, he is my favorite because of something much more significant. If not for Shadow, I may not be writing this right now. One day I was browsing the web looking for something to do. I was extremely bored, with no YouTube videos to watch, and decided to look for a good Sonic PC game. I soon found one called Shadow.exe. I was kind...")
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Shadow has always been my favorite character in the Sonic series, mostly because he is the ultimate lifeform and is the smartest of them all. Now, he is my favorite because of something much more significant. If not for Shadow, I may not be writing this right now.

One day I was browsing the web looking for something to do. I was extremely bored, with no YouTube videos to watch, and decided to look for a good Sonic PC game. I soon found one called Shadow.exe. I was kind of uncertain if I should download it because I had heard of the game Sonic.exe, but my antivirus, which has warned me before of anything close to a virus, didn't warn me about anything dangerous in the file. I decided it was safe and it was just a coincidence that the name was similar to a Creepypasta game.

I was disappointed to see the evil looking title screen I had heard about from Sonic.exe, but I decided to go ahead and play a bit to check it out. I thought maybe it was just a short game that someone made to creep out people and was inspired by Sonic.exe. The music was slow and creepy, but not like the music mentioned in Sonic.exe. It sounded like Never Turn Back, the credits theme of Shadow The Hedgehog, which made me want to play more.

As soon as I started, I was in a gloomy version of Crisis City playing as Silver. Silver looked scared, which I knew I could expect from a Sonic.exe spinoff. The level was just a flat plain, also expected, and at the end Silver froze. A demonic looking Sonic appeared in front of Silver, with black eyes and red pupils, just like Sonic.exe. I tried to move Silver but it was no use. The screen flashed and I heard Sonic laugh. When the screen returned to the level, Silver was dead.

Then I was in a burning Seaside Hill playing as Espio. The ocean looked like tar and the trees were all burnt to the ground. Espio moved slowly down the path, seeming despaired. Again Sonic appeared, and the screen flashed again along with that horrible laugh. Espio was dead.

Finally I was in what looked like the battle between Sonic and Shadow on the Ark from Sonic Adventure 2, playing as Shadow. the level was gray but Shadow looked different from the rest of the game. His crimson eyes were blazing and he looked furious, as if he would activate Chaos Blast any second. He ran down the path quickly, obviously hoping to kill that demonic Sonic. I watched as the screen flashed once more and the ultimate lifeform fell to the demon. I hoped it would all just stop, but it didn't.

Now I was in Final Fortress, as Metal Sonic. He looked as scared as the others in the game besides Shadow, walking slowly. He too was killed by that disgusting evil Sonic, but there was one difference. In the corner of the screen I saw crimson eyes watching Sonic. After him came Doom from Shadow the Hedgehog in Black Comet, as usual being killed by Sonic, with those same eyes watching. After that came a kill that surprised me greatly. The next character was none other than Mephiled the Dark, the murderer of Sonic in Sonic 06. He was in Kingdom Valley, and soon the mysterious mastermind also fell to Sonic, those crimson eyes growing more intense and hate filled with every passing moment.

I wondered who was going to be next, and then Sonic turned towards the screen and looked directly at me. A text box appeared saying "Your turn!", and Sonic started walking to the screen. When he reached the edge he actually reached through the screen! I then realized that this was no troll game and that it was actually possessed. Right before he grabbed me, I heard rapid gunshots and Sonic fell to his knees, bulletholes covering his body. Behind him stood Shadow, in bad shape but fierce looking, holding a gun.

Sonic suddenly lunged at Shadow, and when he stopped his attack Shadow was ripped up. He couldn't move and could only open one eye, but that eye was filled with an indescribable hatred that even hurt to look at. Sonic was about to finish him off when Shadow initiated his Chaos Boost mode, the red aura glowing brighter than usual. 7 files started downloading onto my computer all of a sudden, each one named Chaos Emerald. As each of them completed an emerald would appear where the download window was and fly towards Shadow. After all of them came to him he went into his super form.

You would think that Super Shadow with Chaos Boost would be enough, but apparently Shadow didn't think so. He took of the rings on his wrists, something he rarely did. The power that was released was powerful enough to obliterate anything Shadow touched, but if he had the rings off too long he would enter a deep sleep that he could only be woken from with the power of a Chaos Emerald, and he would awake with amnesia. Shadow then charged straight at Sonic, a flaming ball of jet black, crimson and gold fire. He hit Sonic like a tsunami, and Sonic slowly disintegrated. The whole time the screen kept flashing, Sonic screaming a horrifying death cry. The scream grew louder and the screen went to static. When the static cleared Sonic was gone and the level was more cheerful. Shadow stood there, and the other victims off Sonic were there too, healed and happier like the level.

Then Sonic appeared once more, but not the demon Sonic from before. It was the normal Sonic, the smiling, adventure seeking hero. He walked up to Shadow and a text box appeared saying "Thanks for getting that demon out of me, Shadow!" Shadow just replied with a slight smirk and teleported away. The standard credits of the first game started playing, but all the characters were running through the levels that the demon had attacked them in, all restored to their normal forms. Shadow was leading them and I am All of Me was playing in the background.

After the credits ended Sonic appeared in the same pose from the main menu, seeming even happier than before now that the demon was gone. Right before the screen went black, I thought I saw his eyes turn red. I assumed I was just hallucinating from the flashing lights and decided to take a nap.

Original author unknown

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