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The music stopped right before its climax, and suddenly the lights shot on. The intensity of the lights was practically blinding, all I could see was a small dark silhouette shuffle towards me. Then another one appeared, and another, and another. There were dozens of them, all coming toward me. I couldn't move, my legs were frozen, all I could do was watch as the haunting figures drew nearer. As they got closer I could see… THEY WERE CHILDREN! As I looked at each one I noticed they were all horribly disfigured and mutilated. Some had cuts all over their body, others were severely burnt, and others were missing limbs, even eyes! The children enveloped me, clawing at my flesh, dragging me to the ground, and tearing inside me. As the children tore me apart and I faded away, all I could hear was laughter, horrible, awful, evil, laughter.
I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. After taking a few deep breaths I looked over and saw that a few of James' action figures were positioned facing me on top of my nightstand. I sighed, James had probably woken up early and put these here. I gathered up the toys and made my way to James' room, however when I opened the door James was sound asleep. I just shrugged and placed the toys back into his toy box, and headed out to the living room. A little while later James woke up and I made him his breakfast. He was quiet and seemed a bit groggy, perhaps he didn't sleep well either. I decided to ask him about the toys, "James honey, did you put the toys in mommy's room this morning?" His eyes shot up at me for a moment then quickly glanced back down at his cereal. "Laughing Jack did it." I rolled my eyes and responded, "Well you tell ‘Laughing'Laughing Jack' to keep the toys in your room." James nodded and finished up his breakfast, then decided to go play out in the back yard.
I went to relax in the living room and I must have dozed off, because I woke up a couple hours later. "Shit! I need to check on James." I was a bit worried, it had been over 2 hours and I haven't checked on him. I went stepped out into the backyard, but James wasn't there anymore. I was getting nervous so I called out to him, "JAMES! JAMES WHERE ARE YOU?!" Just then I heard a giggle come from the front yard. I rushed through the gate around to the front of the house. James was sitting on the sidewalk. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to him, "James how many times have I told you to stay in the backya… James, what are you eating?" James looked up at me then reached into his pocket and pulled out a hand full of hard candies in all colors. This made me very nervous, "James, who gave you that candy?" James just stared at me not speaking. "JAMES! Please, tell mommy where you got that candy." James hung his head down and said "Laughing Jack gave it to me." My heart sunk, I kneeled down to look him in the eye, " James I've had had enough of this damn Laughing Jack thing, HE IS NOT REAL! Now this is a very serious situation and I need to know who gave you the candy!" I could see my son's eyes tear up, "But mama, Laughing Jack DID give me the candy." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, James has never lied to me but what he's telling me is impossible. I make him spit out the candy and I throw the rest away, James appears to be fine. Maybe I'm just overreacting after all he could have gotten it from Tom and Linda from next door, or Mr. Walker down the street. Either way I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on James. That night I put James to bed as usual, and decided to go to bed early myself.
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I tried to stay up as long as I could, but after a few hours I felt myself drifting off. My baby would be safe for the night and I needed to sleep. Just as I lay my head on the pillow I heard a soft noise come form the baby monitor I had put on my nightstand. At first it sounded like interference, like the kind a radio would make. Then it turned into a soft moan. Was James asleep? Then I heard it, the laugh from my nightmare, that horrible laugh. I sprung up from bed and grabbed the knife from under my pillow. I rushed over to James' room and creaked the door open. I tried the light switch but it wouldn't come on. I took a step in and I could feel the warm thick liquid on my feet. Suddenly James' nightlight came on and I could see the absolute horror laid out in front of me.
James' body was nailed up on the wall, the nails piercing through his hands and feet. His chest was cut wide open and his organs hung down to the floor. His eyes and tongue had been removed along with most of his teeth. I was disgusted, I could hardly believe this was my baby boy. Then I heard it again, the soft desperate moan. JAMES WAS STILL ALIVE! My baby, my poor baby, in so much pain barely clinging to life. I ran across the room and vomited on the floor, but my sickness was interrupted by a horrible cackle coming from behind me. I spun around while still wiping bile from my mouth, then out of the shadows emerged the fiend responsible for all this horror, Laughing Jack. His ghost white skin and matted black hair hung down to his shoulders. He had piercing white eyes surrounded by dark black rings. His twisted smile revealed a row of sharp jagged teeth, and his skin didn't look like skin at all, it almost looked like rubber or plastic. He wore a patchy, black and white clown outfit with striped sleeved and socks. His body itself was grotesque, his long arms hanging down past his waist and the way he was poised made him look almost boneless, like a ragdoll. He let out a sickening laugh as if to let me know he was pleased with my reaction to his ‘work'work'. He then turned around slowly in front of James and began to laugh even more at the horrific sight he has laid out. That was enough to shake me from my terror, I snapped, "GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU BASTARD!" I rushed at the monster raising the knife above my head, and stabbed down at him, but as soon as the knife touched him he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The knife passed right through and pierced James' still beating heart, splashing the warm blood on my face….
No… what have I done? My baby, I killed my baby! I immediately fell to my knees, and I could hear sirens in the distance growing louder… My boy, my sweet baby boy… I promised mommy would protect you… But I failed… I'm sorry James… I'm so sorry…
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