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*'''March 2013 POTM''' - [[TROLLPASTA QUIZ]]
*'''POTMMarch 2013 FOTM''' - [[TROLLPASTATime-Travel QUIZJournal]]
*'''April 2013 POTM''' - TEH DAY OF ALL TEH CEEB ([ archive])
*'''FOTM''' - [[Time-Travel Journal]]
*'''April 2013 FOTM''' - [[BROKEN]]
*'''May 2013 POTM''' - [[Squidwardz Suicide]]
*'''POTM''' - TEH DAY OF ALL TEH CEEB ([ archive])
*'''May 2013 FOTM''' - [[BROKENMy Immortal]]
*'''June 2013 POTM''' - [[Spidereses]]
*'''POTMJune 2013 FOTM''' - [[SquidwardzCeepyConroy's Let's Plays OF SuicideDEATH]]
*'''FOTMJuly 2013 POTM''' - [[My Immortal404]]
*'''July 2013 FOTM''' - [[King of Equestria]]
*'''August 2013 POTM''' - Tha Tommizzle & Jerrizzle Theory ([ archive])
*'''POTM''' - [[Spidereses]]
*'''August 2013 FOTM''' - [[CeepyConroy's Let's PlaysThe OFSuicide DEATHChannel]]
*'''September 2013 POTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''September 2013 FOTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''POTM''' - [[404]]
*'''October 2013 POTM''' - Shrek is Love ([ archive])
*'''FOTM''' - [[King of Equestria]]
*'''October 2013 FOTM''' - [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour Lost Episode]]
*'''November 2013 POTM''' - A Dexter's Lab Fanfic
*'''POTM''' - Tha Tommizzle & Jerrizzle Theory ([ archive])
*'''November 2013 FOTM''' - [[The''Same Suicideas Channel]]previous month''
*'''December 2013 POTM''' - PATRIXXXIA ([ archive])
*'''December 2013 FOTM''' - [[Shrek Is Not Drek]] <small>''(actually a trollpasta, but won anyway)''</small>
*'''POTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''FOTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''POTM''' - Shrek is Love ([ archive])
*'''FOTM''' - [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour Lost Episode]]
*'''POTM''' - A Dexter's Lab Fanfic
*'''FOTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''POTM''' - PATRIXXXIA ([ archive])
*'''FOTM''' - [[Shrek Is Not Drek]] <small>''(actually a trollpasta, but won anyway)''</small>
*'''January 2014 POTM''' - [[EVIL KERMIXXX]]
*'''POTMJanuary 2014 FOTM''' - [[EVILYoutube KERMIXXX2]]
*'''FOTMFebruary 2014 POTM''' - [[YoutubeSuper Mario 64 secret beta 2cartridge]]
*'''February 2014 FOTM''' - [[Sonic.exe]]
*'''March 2014 POTM''' - [[SuperBill MarioO 64Riley secretwrites betaa cartridgeclopfic]]
*'''March 2014 FOTM''' - [[SonicCrystal.exeHTML]]
*'''April 2014 POTM''' - [[Cavestory.exeavi]]
*'''POTMApril 2014 FOTM''' - [[Bill O Riley writesRabeckah aThe clopficKiller]]
*'''FOTMMay 2014 POTM''' - [[Crystal.HTMLDoes anyone know a good plumber?]]
*'''May 2014 FOTM''' - [[Ihsoy]]
*'''June 2014 POTM''' - Sanic.exe <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted for potential vote manipulation and poor quality)''</small></span>
*'''POTM''' - [[Cavestory.exeavi]]
*'''June 2014 FOTM''' - [[RabeckahAladdin Theis KillerDead]]
*'''July 2014 POTM''' - [[The Polish Nap Experiment]]
*'''POTMJuly 2014 FOTM''' - [[DoesSuper anyoneMario knowWorld: aThe goodLost plumber?World]]
*'''FOTMAugust 2014 POTM''' - [[IhsoySir Patrixxx]]
*'''August 2014 FOTM''' - [[Sakurai's Secret]]
*'''September 2014 POTM''' - [[NES SPONGEBOXXX CHAPTER 1&2 Earth & Mars]]
*'''POTM''' - Sanic.exe <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted for potential vote manipulation and poor quality)''</small></span>
*'''September 2014 FOTM''' - [[Aladdin isBlood DeadWhistle]]
*'''October 2014 POTM''' - The story of my chiken that got murdareous after reading a werd spam letter and i had 2 hide
*'''POTMOctober 2014 FOTM''' - [[The Polish Nap ExperimentDofaemon]]
*'''FOTMNovember 2014 POTM''' - [[Super Mario World: The LostHaunted WorldPaperclip]]
*'''November 2014 FOTM''' - [[Eric Gets Grounded for Infinity Years]]
*'''December 2014 POTM''' - [[SirPokemanz: Remotely Off-colour Patrixxx]]Maroon
*'''December 2014 FOTM''' - [[Sakurai'sJason SecretMichael]]
*'''POTM''' - [[NES SPONGEBOXXX CHAPTER 1&2 Earth & Mars]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[Blood Whistle]]
*'''POTM''' - The story of my chiken that got murdareous after reading a werd spam letter and i had 2 hide
*'''FOTM''' - [[Dofaemon]]
*'''POTM''' - [[The Haunted Paperclip]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[Eric Gets Grounded for Infinity Years]]
*'''POTM''' - Pokemanz: Remotely Off-colour Maroon
*'''FOTM''' - [[Jason Michael]]
*'''January 2015 POTM''' - [[The Giant, Creepy-Ass-Hairless-Spooky monster]] <small>''(deleted due to the author's bad behavior; later reuploaded)''</small>
*'''January 2015 FOTM''' - [[How I Met a Terrible Fate]]
*'''POTM''' - [[The Giant, Creepy-Ass-Hairless-Spooky monster]] <small>''(deleted due to the author's bad behavior; later reuploaded)''</small>
*'''FOTMFebruary 2015 POTM''' - [[HowA IMeeting Metwith aAL-Qaida Terrible(improved Fateversion)]]
*'''February 2015 FOTM''' - [[Mario Kart 64: Driven]]
*'''March 2015 POTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''March 2015 FOTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''POTM''' - [[A Meeting with AL-Qaida (improved version)]]
*'''April 2015 POTM''' - Sir Sanic <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to vote manipulation)''</small></span>
*'''FOTM''' - [[Mario Kart 64: Driven]]
*'''April 2015 FOTM''' - [[Deadsun Myth]]
*'''May 2015 POTM''' - ''Same[[The astale previousof month''a slightly insane retard]]
*'''May 2015 FOTM''' - ''Same[[SBemail as previous month''206]]
*'''June 2015 POTM''' - [[The most clichéd pasta ever written in the history of Trollpastas, Creepypastas, Spinpastas, Crappypastas, and Shitpastas.exe]]
*'''June 2015 FOTM''' - [[Fairly OddParents: Creep Dreams]]
*'''POTM''' - Sir Sanic <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to vote manipulation)''</small></span>
*'''FOTMJuly 2015 POTM''' - [[DeadsunPercy Jackson Goes Myth"Fishing"]]
*'''July 2015 FOTM''' - [[Adventure Time: Socrates' Wish (The Lost Episode)]]
*'''August 2015 POTM''' - The Adventures of Kerbin, Celtic and Bonesy 7 The Dank Leviathan <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to vote manipulation)''</small></span>
*'''POTM''' - [[The tale of a slightly insane retard]]
*'''August 2015 FOTM''' - [[SBemailDig 206Dug]]
*'''September 2015 POTM''' - [[Friday]]
*'''September 2015 FOTM''' - [[Clockwork: Your Time Is Up]]
*'''POTM''' - [[The most clichéd pasta ever written in the history of Trollpastas, Creepypastas, Spinpastas, Crappypastas, and Shitpastas.exe]]
*'''FOTMOctober 2015 POTM''' - [[FairlyTurns Out I'm Not OddParents:Allergic Creepto DreamsMilk]]
*'''October 2015 FOTM''' - [[I Can Fix This]]
*'''November 2015 POTM''' - [[Percy JacksonWho Goeswas "Fishing"Skeleton?]]
*'''November 2015 FOTM''' - [[Adventure Time: Socrates' Wish (The LostSchool Episode)Killings]]
*'''December 2015 POTM''' - I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter
*'''December 2015 FOTM''' - [[You've Had It, Charlie Brown]]
*'''POTM''' - The Adventures of Kerbin, Celtic and Bonesy 7 The Dank Leviathan <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to vote manipulation)''</small></span>
*'''FOTM''' - [[Dig Dug]]
*'''POTM''' - [[Friday]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[Clockwork: Your Time Is Up]]
*'''POTM''' - [[Turns Out I'm Not Allergic to Milk]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[I Can Fix This]]
*'''POTM''' - [[Who was Skeleton?]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[School Killings]]
*'''POTM''' - I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter
*'''FOTM''' - [[You've Had It, Charlie Brown]]
*'''January 2016 POTM''' - [[Chicken Nuggers]]
*'''POTMJanuary 2016 FOTM''' - [[ChickenCupcakes (Original NuggersFanfic)]]
*'''February 2016 POTM''' - Mrfruit.avi
*'''FOTM''' - [[Cupcakes (Original Fanfic)]]
*'''February 2016 FOTM''' - [[The Haunting Melody]]
*'''March 2016 POTM''' - Mrfruit.avi[[Treats of Insanity]]
*'''March 2016 FOTM''' - [[The HauntingROSE MelodySLEEPYEYES]]
*'''April 2016 POTM''' - [[Prank Ideas XD XD (COLLAB)]]
*'''POTMApril 2016 FOTM''' - [[TreatsAmazing World of InsanityGumball - The Grieving]]
*'''May 2016 POTM''' - [[The day my dad kicked me out of the house and I was forced to go outside for more than 5 minutes and it was horrible]]
*'''May 2016 FOTM''' - [[Voicebox]]
*'''June 2016 POTM''' - [[PrankThe Boy IdeasWho XDLoved XDto (COLLAB)Read]]
*'''June 2016 FOTM''' - [[Amazing World of Gumball -Frozen TheLost GrievingClip]]
*'''July 2016 POTM''' - [[Minecraft Version 6.6.6]]
*'''July 2016 FOTM''' - [[Sonic.exe/Round 2]]
*'''POTM''' - [[The day my dad kicked me out of the house and I was forced to go outside for more than 5 minutes and it was horrible]]
*'''FOTMAugust 2016 POTM''' - [[VoiceboxFuck You, Charlie Brown]]
*'''August 2016 FOTM''' - [[Spongecry.avi]]
*'''September 2016 POTM''' - [[The''Same Boyas Whoprevious Loved to Read]]month''
*'''September 2016 FOTM''' - [[Frozen Lost ClipSpongecryII.avi]]
*'''October 2016 POTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''POTMOctober 2016 FOTM''' - [[MinecraftK Y O VersionK 6.6.6I]]
*'''FOTMNovember 2016 POTM''' - [[Sonic.exe/RoundThe Legend of Finger 2Guy]]
*'''November 2016 FOTM''' - LIARS <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to potential licensing issues)''</small></span>
*'''December 2016 POTM''' - [[Fuck You, CharlieMonkey BrownCloning]]
*'''December 2016 FOTM''' - [[Spongecry.aviThe Truth Behind Super Mario]]
*'''POTM'''- ''Same as previous month''
*'''FOTM''' - [[SpongecryII.avi]]
*'''POTM''' - ''Same as previous month''
*'''FOTM''' - [[K Y O K I]]
*'''POTM''' - [[The Legend of Finger Guy]]
*'''FOTM''' - LIARS <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to potential licensing issues)''</small></span>
*'''POTM''' - [[Monkey Cloning]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[The Truth Behind Super Mario]]
*'''January 2017 POTM''' - [[The New Toy - A Lost Toy Story Beta Tape]]
*'''POTMJanuary 2017 FOTM''' - [[The New Toy - A Lost Toy StoryJeff Betathe TapeKiller]]
*'''FOTMFebruary 2017 POTM''' - [[JeffSonic.exe: Vietnamese theCrystal KillerEdition]]
*'''February 2017 FOTM''' - [[Hi um i am having trouble posting. so heres my story.]]
*'''March 2017 POTM''' - [[Sonic.exe:Pearl VietnameseGets CrystalHerself EditionDead]]
*'''March 2017 FOTM''' - [[Hi um i am having trouble posting. so heres myMario's story.Mistake]]
*'''April 2017 POTM''' - [[I HAT U]]
*'''POTMApril 2017 FOTM''' - [[Pearl Gets HerselfZelda's DeadDeath]]
*'''FOTMMay 2017 POTM''' - [[Mario'sMorgan Freeman Loses His MistakeVoice]]
*'''May 2017 FOTM''' - [[Charlie the Killer]]
*'''June 2017 POTM''' - [[IThe Curse of the HATOvercooked USteak]]
*'''June 2017 FOTM''' - [[Zelda'sRouge Deathexe]]
*'''July 2017 POTM''' - [[HitLEr.exe]]
*'''POTMJuly 2017 FOTM''' - [[Morgan Freeman Loses HisSuch VoiceWords]]
*'''FOTMAugust 2017 POTM''' - [[CharlieHow to theSummon KillerHerobrine]]
*'''August 2017 FOTM''' - [[I Tried to Submit this Pasta to the Creepypasta Wiki but it was Rejected and it Made me sad because it was an ok Pasta]]
*'''September 2017 POTM''' - [[TheDonald CurseTrump ofKills the OvercookedCreepypasta SteakUniverse]]
*'''September 2017 FOTM''' - Lucario's Pain <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to containing graphic descriptions of underage rape)''</small></span>
*'''FOTM''' - [[Rouge exe]]
*'''October 2017 POTM''' - [[The Totally Legit iCarly Theory]]
*'''POTMOctober 2017 FOTM''' - [[HitLEr.exeTime Cube]]
*'''FOTMNovember 2017 POTM''' - [[SuchSexual Offender WordsMan]]
*'''November 2017 FOTM''' - [[The Destruction of Bikini Bottom]]
*'''December 2017 POTM''' - [[HowHELLO I toHAVE SummonNO HerobrineEYES]]
*'''December 2017 FOTM''' - [[IA Tried to Submit this Pasta to theChristmas Creepypasta Wiki but it was Rejected and it Made me sad because it was an ok Pasta]]
*'''POTM'''- [[Donald Trump Kills the Creepypasta Universe]]
*'''FOTM''' - Lucario's Pain <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to containing graphic descriptions of underage rape)''</small></span>
*'''POTM''' - [[The Totally Legit iCarly Theory]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[Time Cube]]
*'''POTM''' - [[Sexual Offender Man]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[The Destruction of Bikini Bottom]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[A Christmas Creepypasta]]
*'''January 2018 POTM''' - [[A Kirby Fanfic (HIGHLY NSFW)]]
*'''POTMJanuary 2018 FOTM''' - [[A Kirby FanficTeletubbies: (HIGHLYThe NSFW)Truth]]
*'''FOTMFebruary 2018 POTM''' - [[Teletubbies:MY HAIR IS TheON TruthFIRE!]]
*'''February 2018 FOTM''' - [[Rayman 4]]
*'''March 2018 POTM''' - [[MY HAIR IS ON FIRE!BOB.EXE]]
*'''March 2018 FOTM''' - [[RaymanEyeless 4Jack]]
*'''April 2018 POTM''' - [[Mario says the fuck word]]
*'''POTMApril 2018 FOTM''' - [[BOB.EXESassy Mama The Hungry Blood Lover]]
*'''FOTMMay 2018 POTM''' - [[EyelessEvery Creepypasta JackEver]]
*'''May 2018 FOTM''' - [[I Tried to Submit this Pasta to the Creepypasta Wiki but it was Rejected and it Made me sad because it was an ok Pasta]]
*'''June 2018 POTM''' - [[Mario says the fuck word]]None
*'''June 2018 FOTM''' - [[Planktonisdead.exe]] <small>''(actually a trollpasta, but won anyway)''</small>
*'''FOTM''' - [[Sassy Mama The Hungry Blood Lover]]
*'''July 2018 POTM''' - [[Mom.txt]]
*'''POTMJuly 2018 FOTM''' - [[EveryYoshi's Safari: CreepypastaDeath EverRally]]
*'''August 2018 POTM''' - [[A Small Bit of Belt]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[I Tried to Submit this Pasta to the Creepypasta Wiki but it was Rejected and it Made me sad because it was an ok Pasta]]
*'''August 2018 FOTM''' - SCP-2721 <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to official SCP pages not belonging on this site)''</small></span>
*'''POTM''' - None
*'''FOTM''' - [[Planktonisdead.exe]] <small>''(actually a trollpasta, but won anyway)''</small>
*'''POTM''' - [[Mom.txt]]
*'''FOTM''' - [[Yoshi's Safari: Death Rally]]
*'''POTM''' - [[A Small Bit of Belt]]
*'''FOTM''' - SCP-2721 <span style="color: red;"><small>''(deleted due to official SCP pages not belonging on this site)''</small></span>
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