Static Shock: Jimmy's Final Day

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Most of you likely Remember these Cartoon shows. You liked super heroes right? But I'm not a big fan of reading comic books. Since. Well I worked on Warner bros animation from a Animated series in W B channel Named Static Shock. Yeah I basically Know this show a long time ago. How I still live? Let me tell you. I really Dreamed to be a animator at Warner Bros in the 1990's. I drew cartoons characters when I was only 7 years old. Until I finally got my Job there. My dreams become true.

But What is the show I said from the title. Well Here. I can Explain.

The plot is about a kid called Virgil Hawkins Living with his Father Robert and sister Sharon.Even his best friend Richie Foley. He was 14 years old and being bullied by Francis Stone which Nick named him as F-Stop in the series. while in a restricted area Virgil later got static powers after being exposure by mutagen gas when it explode in a Gang Fight with F-stop's Crew Causing them turning into mutations. He can control magnetism and Etc. Yeah I just know the powers Virgil do. Other Characters also turn into Super Villains Or just of them became just good. they later Became Meta Humans.

That's the whole story. Its because that Dwayne told us about it. It was a good plot about Mutated People getting powers. Like The Tmnt series did. they where not similar to their counterparts.

Well I wanna tell you. One episode That ended Season 2 of Static Shock in 2002. Its called "Jimmy". Yes its just the name of a boy. But who is Jimmy? U see he was a Mentally ill kid in High school. in this special He was Being Bullied by the vicious bullies after a Prank which cause him to be mad and gets the gun from his dad. Then he try's to shot them but accidentally shot Richie's leg.

it was a flashback told psychologist

This episode was very Heartwarming and mostly traumatized to kids who watched it back in the day. I don't know why Dwayne wanted to make this. I asked about the episode while in production of the 24th episode and he said that he want to learn about the anger issues and the feelings. It wasn't the time I was confused of the last episode of season 2 but I heard there's going to be a sequel to this.

Yes. I was the person who saw the upcoming episode. I actually watched it but I never see it again. Why? I shouldn't Do that. Else I will be fired.

It began at may 5 of 2002. I was animating some papers for a cartoon. Then break time arrived. I'm drinking some coffee and talking with the workers I did. after the break ends I go back working at animations once. I heard someone talking in the background about a 25th episode of static shock. I just don't wanna get distracted. Well I was done when everyone leaves and go home. I go to the room where the boss sits and saw 4 people Talking each other. I asked. "what are you telling about the new episode of Static Shock?". Then One person response."well yeah. we are just trying to plan a 25th episode before the second season of the series end".

I was Thinking. Are they trying to make a newer episode? I thought the 24th was the last. I decide to tell back to them when the boss talked to me " well buddy. Static Shock is going to continue. We are just planing to animate it. you should go home. Its night." So I go home and went to the bed after brushing my teeth.

3 days later I was back in Warner Bros Animation Studios. I still Animating the Frame until I heard again Talking in the background like yesterday. I turn around and saw a worker with a tape. He was talking to a Women. Its her I already talked at night before going home. when break time arrives I go to the worker. I told him whats that VHS tape? then He told me "That's the new episode she gave me to see the 25th episode of Static Shock at my home.". I was surprised. He got a Tape from a female Employee? I asked again and he said "well they finished it and just made it into a Tape to test. So she walked to me and gave it to me.".

I guess that she wants to Give it to him to See the full episode of it. I wanted to told him about the episode until he said that He can invite me to see the 25th Episode.

after going out of the studios I went to the person house and he open the door.

Inside the house we just talked about normal things. He was just a lone person. No friends. I did Have friends in my childhood days. Well they worked in different places. While we are done I wanna watch the tape. I asked him and he said that He can't watch it until he was finishing his Hamburger from Burger King.

Now he can Watch with me. But he can't miss the whole Episode without Eating the Hamburger. So the guy Put the Tape on the VHS. Pressing start on the player and The static show up. it faded into a black screen and show a text saying. episode test date 5/5/02.

The Screen cuts to the intro of Static Shock. Everything is just normal. Like other episodes does. When it ended it shows the streets of the buildings until a title of the episode fade in. It said. Jimmy's Final day. my eyes wide. this mean't that its a sequel to the last episode by the same shows the story created by Alan Burnett. the man who written the same plot of the 24th episode.

The title fades and shows the window. Jimmy was sitting at the chair staring at the Park. His dad appeared. He was mostly going to be angry at him. But he was not. be being worried to him. He talked to jimmy." Son. I have to tell to you something. I already talked about my gun I used to have til you stole it." Jimmy was sad with his face. Then Jimmy went to the bed and sobs. He was starting to cry. Like he was in time out.

Jimmy's dad was felt that he shouldn't make him fell better. He leaves and talk to his wife. "what should I do?" He asked to her. "You should tell about not being bullied" She said. "OK" Jimmy's dad said. He went back to jimmy's room and said to him "please. I'm not going to be mad at you. here. So I know that your bullied by the bullies at high school. They where making fun of you like jerks. "

Jimmy gets up and looks at his father. "well. I shouldn't do that" He said quietly. "its fine Jimmy. Your Not Sad" Jimmy's Dad said. He sat with him. Then He side hugs jimmy. He told before Going out of the room. "Being shy is not making you a ghost. Since you live alone by yourself when u grow up. just don't be rude to them. Your brave.". the line almost make me felt that I wanna cry. Well It continue. when his dad leaves Jimmy goes to the bed and sleeps. the screen cuts to his Dreams.

It shows the Flashback of the 24th episode where he was bullied by the bullies and grabbed the gun from the drawer.

He wakes up sweating. It was in the middle of the night. Jimmy went back to sleep and the scene faded to black. Then it shows the next day. Jimmy's dad goes to the room "Jimmy. are you there? I have to say very nice to you" He said. Instead Jimmy was not in the bed but a pillow. It was trying to trick him. Jimmy's dad was surprised and told his wife. "I'm not kidding. He was not here"

her eyes slowly open "what did you mean?" She said. the couple went to Jimmy's room and checked. this is until His dad Found a letter from his bed. It said "Dear Mom and Dad. I shouldn't Make a terrible Mistake for the Dumb Bullies Have I done Before. I didn't wanna make another one either. My life is turning down. I can't do it. it haunts in my mind. Forever. I still wanna remove it. I have to. I hate these kids. I'm going to hunt them. I'm sorry."

His dad was shocked. Going to his room and called 911. Jimmy's dad tells the police about his son went missing. After the call He saw that the drawer was open. He goes to it and saw it was his Bag. It was filled with ammo. I was surprised. I'm not like Jimmy's dad in this episode.

So He was scared. The screen shows a flashback of him putting the gun on the bag to keep it away from Jimmy. the scene went back to him once and cuts outside of the streets. Jimmy was walking and saw the bullies chilling in the walls. Acting like gangsters. They where talking each other. Then he shows up. Telling them "You guys. I know you liked to bully me like a very bad person does at school. I'm sorry for the shooting at school. I already suspended." The bullies where not joking but instead just stood there.

This is where he takes his revenge. The one bully who shows up in the flashback of jimmy's dream said "so what are you doing there small kid?" Which made him little bit of mad. "we are sorry about bullying you. we no longer doing that" said by second one. Then Jimmy pulls out a gun."Liar. You did this" He said very angry. "Please don't do that this time" the kid who was in the 24th episode where he try's to shoot him but shot Richie. Jimmy's eyes where filled with tears coming down. He begin to shoot at them causing to run away. He killed one and chase the bullies. while running they hide behind the alley. Jimmy was confused and looked. He later find them and shooting 2 Bullies.

The last one started to run as fast. Jimmy chased him. The scene cuts to the main character. Since It didn't appeared in the beginning of the 24th episode. So Virgil was doing homework until He got a call from his cell phone. he grab it and responded. Jimmy's dad tells Him about His son going missing. Virgil is scared. He remembers that he try's to shoot the bullies. Then Virgil ran out of the room and told his dad. Robert. So they went to the car and drove to jimmy's home. there they talk to jimmy's dad. He said that he woke up and saw that jimmy was gone.

He also found a letter in jimmy's bed. Virgil and Robert where really shocked. So they decide to find him. Jimmy's dad and mom also go with the two of them. the scene fades to the bully. Now focusing on him He was worried. in his apartment he begin to hide in his room. Locking the door. He stand there waiting for help. He calls 911 like jimmy's dad does before. then a shot was heard showing jimmy seeing him at the window.

he was pissed off. Jimmy breaks in and goes to every room. He heard talking from the door far away.Jimmy went there and began breaking the door. after this he finally enter the room. He hides in the bath tub. the music have a suspense when the door opens. Jimmy is holding a gun looking for him. He moves the Curtains and the Bully screamed until he said "No no no no no.. don't shoot me. please. I will never be Mean again."

at a few second Jimmy later said to him. "I I I I Hate you..". He shoots him off screen. I surprised. The scene cuts to the 4 characters. Virgil saw Jimmy on the window. He told's his dad. Robert stops there and also see's Jimmy too. So they went to the Apartment and went to the bully's room.

There they where shocked because blood were splattered in the ground leading to the bathroom. Jimmy was standing behind and looked at Virgil. He was trying to say something to him.

Jimmy turn around to them. "please listen. I know your depressed. Its OK for being bullied at school. I talked to the psychologist about you" Virgil said. Then Jimmy began to tear up again. He said "why. I don't want to make it more worse."

the tears fall down and he cried Until saying "I'm sorry" Jimmy puts his gun to his head and shooting it. Causing him to be dead.

It was horrifying. I never seen a character commit like this. Its messed up.

the guy was next to me was not scared

Jimmy was laying down in the ground. Virgil was afraid. He didn't save him. Well Virgil was crying and lay down with his knees "No.. I.. I.. wanted to tell him.. But.. Its.. too.. Late..". Virgil said. He gets a flashback to remember he saw him with a gun at Gym. then it cuts back to him but it shows his face. He was sad. Jimmy parents saw it too since they are staying at the car waiting. his dad is shocked in fear. he fall down and looked at him. Jimmy's mom sob slowly too. said

"It can't be."

"Well you didn't see it." Virgil said to Jimmy's dad

The scene cuts to a black screen. a word shows up ."18 days later". Then it shows a funeral where everyone is gathered in circles. a coffin was moving by the Workers and put it to the ground next to the tombstone.It was heartwarming like the 24th did but this time it was more warming. Virgil and his friends where still standing and other characters where also here too.

The Coffin lower down and dug by the dirt. This is until they leave . Virgil goes to the grave and put a flower. Then He leaves. the screen slides up showing the words of the tomb. It says "Rip Jimmy Osgood. 1988 - 2002. Died of Suicide."

The scene faded and cuts to the credits.

I was super shocked of this episode. The guy is also shocked too like me. I pause it and take the tape off of the player.

I give it to the guy. I told him about the episode. He said with a low voice "I can't believe that this episode is too sad. why did they made this." I don't know why Dwayne McDuffie want to learn a lesson about Feelings. mostly he wanted to make a part 2 on Jimmy.

the guy told me to go home because its night. I went home and begin to have Strange voices in my mind while sleeping. they said "Jimmy's gone" Repeating again and again. I just woke up the next day. since over the years I still know the episode of season 2 of Static Shock. I should call the creator right? but he died in 2011 due to a heart attack.

well I guess It makes the 25th episode about the death of Jimmy.

I hope the series return in the future plans.

Credited to Mrwiki2331 

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