The Code

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Don't ask me when it was created. I feel not even God knows. All I can do is tell you what I know. If you choose to heed what I have to say, you'll probably live a long and enjoyable life (that is, if this thing doesn't go viral). If you pass off my words as insanity and choose to avoid all mentions of it, you'll probably be fine too. Just don't become curious.

Don't be one of those skeptical little bastards who thinks they can be Sherlock Holmes, cause you can't. This thing is beyond all of us, and once you start looking for it, it will find you. It already found me once, and though I broke of it's grasp, it will return to receive its claim. I can't be saved, but you can. That's why I'm here now, typing this warning in the middle of the night. This isn't one of those bullshit ghost in the closet tales. Whether you choose believe it or not, this is TRUE.

It was yesterday when I was first told of it. I was right about to turn on the TV when I got the call. My friend was usually a very happy man, but during that call, I could almost feel the anguish in his voice. He had told me that his brother had been hospitalized after being severely burned. He asked me if I could make it up there, and since me and him had been friends for years, I decided to take the 30 mile trip. When I finally arrived, I noticed that my friend looked exhausted. It was at this moment that things started becoming... weird.

I first learned that his brother was out of his freaking mind. A few nights ago, my friend had left to go on vacation with his girlfriend. His brother had offered to mind the family dog, and everything seemed fine until the night before. My friend received a call at 2 AM from his brother, who was frantically screaming. Him and his girlfriend rushed home to see a site of brutality. The dog was nailed to the wall with 3 large kitchen knives, it's blood draining onto the carpet.

It's tail had been sliced off, and it had been gutted down the middle, it's entrails hanging an inch above the floor. The smell of gasoline was in the air, and my friend quickly ran to his office. His brother had been pouring diesel fuel onto my friends computer, and when he had opened the door, he was just about to strike a match. My friend tried to calm him down, but he kept screaming some untranslatable words. He was so out of it that he had not noticed the fuel on his arm when he lit the match. He was now in the next room, covered in 3rd degree burns, and by the talk of the doctors, he was probably not going to recover.

It was then that I found out the true reason for me being there. My friend had discovered his brother's journal containing an entry from the previous night. He was too busy trying to take care of the situation at hand, and asked if I could try to understand it.

I had not known his brother very well, but I did know that he was a pretty normal guy when I met him, so I took the challenge, intrigued by what could have caused this. After reading the journal 10 times over, I took away a few key points. First was that the night of the fire's entry was completely illegible. Second was that up until the day before the fire, everything seemed normal. It was on that entry in which things started changing.

He wrote that his co-worker had recently sent him a strange file who's origin was unknown. All that was certain was that the file they discovered wasn't.....from here. It was sent to my friends brother for safe keeping, but something went wrong. Apparently, he saved an online backup of the file, but when he returned to the website, the file was missing.

The last few sentences of the entry were about his impending decision to open the original copy up. I didn't have enough info to make any progress, and was about to give up, when I saw carved into the back of the journal, the words THE CODE. I told my friend that I needed to do some more research, and returned home to my computer.

After looking through 10 pages of worthless results, I received an email. This was the first time in a while that I had received any personal mail, and the first time ever that I had received a letter from an unknown addresser. The letter had the words THE CODE written in a hyperlink format. I decided to ignore the suspicions of bank schemes/viruses and clicked the link. That is when the nightmare began.

I'm not going to tell you what I saw on that screen, because I can't. What happened on that monitor is indescribable, yet engraved in my mind for the rest of my short life. All I will say is that after flipping out for about a minute, the computer crashed. At this point, I was scared, yet I was willing to believe the whole thing could be some crazy hoax. When I rebooted and discovered that the email, URL, and history of the event had all miraculously disappeared, that's when I knew something was really up. It was around that same time when sanity started falling away.

It began with a major freaking headache. I thought it could have just been from the computer's flashing lights (sadly, I was correct only about the computer part). Then my vision started getting really jacked up, like someone had just reversed all the colors in the room. No matter where I went in the house or what light I changed, the colors would not go back. I couldn't see the computer or the phone, and thought I should try to wait it out. That's when I first saw it.

I was in my living room when I happened to see the figure in the doorway. It was tall, in white garb, and it's face (or lack thereof) was pitch black. I ran to the stairs, hoping to get the gun in my bedroom, this thing in pursuit. I was in the upstairs hallway when the house started morphing. The hallway began to grow longer and shorter. I ran down it as fast as I could, but tripped halfway through and banged my head against the hardwood floor. I lied their, waiting for that thing to come. When I finally looked up, I found that my vision had been restored. I quickly ran to my computer, the cause of this nightmare, and started typing.

And that's where I am now. Finishing this manuscript, hoping that this will reach some poor soul before THE CODE does. There's no hope for me, and I feel my brain beginning to seep back into that pit of insanity. I hear it climbing up the stairs. It's almost at the door now. Please, whatever you do, don't try to find


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