The Monster Within

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Jonathan Bailey was only 14 years old when he was going through hell. His home caught on fire during early February, so he and his family moved to a nearby motel until the insurance on the house finally was processed. While on a late night run for groceries his father he disappeared for a month. Nowhere to be found his mother expected him to have left her but she did not know the reason. A decomposed body was later found in a warehouse, strung high on its rafters by new owners looking for storage needs for old junk. His entrails rotted out and liquefied as they lie in a grey and green puddle of pure toxicity. For some reason he was intact... for his state at least but.. They could never find his head. The body was his fathers. After 3 days pass before embalmment of the body was approved the body vanished. He and his mother were the only ones left but his mother became insane due to the stress and misery. One night his mother grabbed a kitchen knife and came after Jonathan just as he was put to sleep. He ran away into the dark streets with nothing but the clothes on his back and tears in his hands.

"Why.... Why me?" he softly said to himself when he walked back to his old house touching the singed windows and pushing aside the yellow police tape and turning the melted knob. Suddenly the door fell with a loud thud as the hinges supporting it cracked and making Jonathan shriek in a brief terror. He calmed himself and slowly walked in the house as the smell of burnt wood and drywall entered his lungs. He stared at smoke decorated walls remembering the inferno that danced like a ballet as it swallowed his house. Walking through the living room he saw the metal coils of the couch sticking out towards him, twisted like the reality that now stared him in the face. The white walls now abysmally black left him with the memories of his past. How he would wait on the couch for his father to come home in the late hours and his warm embrace destroying any doubts he ever had.... But now that's just a fantasy...

He walked towards his bedroom staring at the puddle that used to be his TV and saw a small arm sticking out from underneath his dresser drawer. He forcibly pushed it as the burnt smell and residue stuck to his hands and face. He managed to move it and he saw an old plastic G.I Joe with his face caved in. Memories flooded as he remembers when he begged his parents to get him one so he could play with his friends in an imaginary war. Later losing it he eventually forgot about it. He then noticed a weird glimmer that gleamed from the rubble. He moved the burnt paper and ashes out of the way and found a golden ring on his floor. "It must've belonged to mom and she maybe lost it..." he pondered. "Maybe I can take it. I mean, it's gotta be worth something right?" He pulled on it but it seemed stuck. He pulled harder but it seemed as if it was glued vertically upwards. "What's on this thing!?!?!" He pulled with all his might was heard a loud snap has he was flung back. The ring seemed to be a handle to a door the he somehow opened. Dust danced and fluttered in all directions as this ancient passage revealed itself. "Crap.. I wonder where this leads to..." he whispered as curiosity took the better of him. He picked himself up and walked towards the hole.

The hole seemed endless. "I've gotta find a flash light or something. Who knows what's down there." He looked around frantically until he searched his parents' bedroom and found a safe box in their closet. He quickly opened it to find 3 glow sticks and a flare gun with a flare inside. "This could be handy" he shouted as he placed them in his pockets happily as he ran back to his room.

When he entered it seemed... Different. Like he was being watched... he looked down the hole and heard a low whisper. "Hello?" he asked with some fear in his voice... The whisper grew slightly louder but still low. "Hello!?" he shouted as his legs trembled. "Ta Chosar" the voice responded still sounding low.. "What!?" he asked. "COME CLOSER JOHNNY BOY!!" the voice shrieked loudly as the house shook in a tremor like fashion. Jonathan tried to run away but a long dark hand with long chipped nails grabbed at his ankles. "No!!! Please!! Stop!!" he begged as the long dark hand pulled him even closer to the black pit. "DON'T FIGHT THIS!! IT'LL TAKE JUST A SECOND" He screeched as he slowly began to reveal his blood red eyes shining lowly in the darkness. Johnny choked in terror hoping to pull himself away but the skin of the creature was cutting away at his ankles like a grindstone. He noticed his flashlight dimming out and thrown away from him and made a short attempt to grab this beacon. He quickly grabbed it before the being pulled sharply, almost to a point where his ankle broke loose. He rapidly pointed his guidelight towards his assailant and watched it burn and scream in pure agony "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!! ILL RIP THE FUCKING SKIN OFF OF YOUR FACE AND EAT YOUR EYES!!" it screamed like a banshee throwing Johnny against the wall and slashing at the ground with great speed. Its beady jagged red eyes dripped blood all over the almost unnaturally black skin. Its slim and bony arms lead up to his hands that looked jagged and scarred from what seems was climbing. The body revealed a ribcage that extruded and broke through the stomach, showing the intestines spilling out from him.

Johnathan kicked himself away and ran out of his room. he held his flashlight close as it began to flicker. "oh no.. no no no! Not now.." he begged his flashlight and smacked it trying to keep it alive. He can still hear the wailing of the creature but then.. Nothing... as if he was snuffed out suddenly. he ran to his parents room and looked for a way out of the house and found a small window, not too big could but Johnathan squeeze himself through. he pushed against the painted shut window to no avail. "I've got to find a knife or something" he thought in his fear driven mind. He slowly walked to the kitchen keeping in mind that whatever was out there may still be there. he looked carefully when crossing the short hallway only less than 10 feet away from his parents' bedroom. he then ran as fast as his stubby legs allowed him to and rummaged around the various cabinets that contained a clutter of old cable bills and torn and written on scraps of paper with grocery lists or phone numbers. he found a short and rusted flat head screwdriver and smiled as his hope and escape was hand in hand. he ran into the room and began to chip away the paint quickly seeing how every corner he hit was just another step closer to salvation. The crimson paint finally gave away when the final corner was struck. He giggled in ecstasy and slithered out pushing himself through to the window.

he laughed and jumped as he ran away from the house then unknowingly crashed into something grainy and foul smelling. the smell made him vomit uncontrollably and cry due to the pain of vomiting with an empty stomach. he stumbled backwards and slipped on his fluids and found maggots crawling on him slowly creeping from the nape of his neck down to his hand and lips. he brushed and frantically squirmed around until he laid tired. Crying quietly he looked up. "HELLO MY FRIEND" said in the familiar raspy and deep voice "HOW IVE MISSED YOU YOU SMALL FUCK!! YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD LEAVE!?!? THIS ISNT SOME FUCKING FAIRY TALE! ITS MY WORLD... MY FUCKING WORLD!!!" Johnathan cried louder then began to vomit again this time.. it was blood. the creature took his forked black tongue and tasted the dark red liquid and slowly whispered... "You'll Taste Just Fine....."

Johnthan weakly stared in his hazy vision at the creature in front of him and realized something he couldn't in his panicked attempts to out run his assailant. There was something about its face that was familiar.. something strange. He noticed that the creature had jagged teeth that seemed to have scarred the inside of the creatures mouth. "what...are you?" he groaned weakly fading in and out of consciousness . "IM YOUR WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!" screamed the beast with breath smelling of rotten flesh and feces. Johnathan tried to hold back but he vomited one final time making him choke on his own vomit of blood as it trickled down his face.. and passed out.

A 5 days go by and police get a report from a neighbor about a foul smell in the house. After searching they found the body of Johnathan Bailey lying decapitated next to the missing rotted corpse of Charles Bailey. Stomach contents confirmed by the autopsy report shows that Johnathan was eating the corpse of his father over the last few days. As they investigated the rest of the house they found a recently shifted table and a small golden ring. More reports expected soon.

Credited to Nevin39

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