The Prison

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I started playing Minecraft a couple months ago when one of my friends came to me, claiming it was the most fun game he had played. A bit of an exaggeration, but for the most part, he was right. I bought it and couldn't stop playing. My favorite part by far was creative, where I could simply build whatever I felt like building, with no restrictions at all.

A few days ago, I built a Minecraft 'prison'. In each cell I kept a hostile mob, except for Creepers and Endermen, who were given 'special' torture rooms on the second floor. I put one hole in each cell, a block wide, so I could hit them with swords/arrows/etc. And when they died, I would simply spawn in another one, and continue where I left off from.

My personal cycle of digital death went on for several days. Two days ago, after returning home from the movies, I walked into my bedroom and found my desktop on and Minecraft already running. This screen was different from the normal screen, however; Instead of the regular Minecraft overworld, it showed the Nether, with various hostile mobs running around, each on fire and letting loose very realistic, very human-sounding screams. What creeped me out the most however, was the Minecraft slogan. Instead of saying 'Better Than Prey!' or 'Haley loves Elan!', it said 'What did we ever do to you?!'

I couldn't 'X' out of it, because it was in fullscreen and there was no options menu to turn it off; there was only single player. My computer wouldn't turn off either, even when I unplugged it from the outlet. Without a choice, I sat down and clicked 'Single Player'. The only saved game available was the creative world with the prison. For some reason, it was renamed 'Hell'.

I logged in, but instead of being outside the prison, where I logged off at, I was inside the Creeper torture room, surrounded by all the mobs I had been abusing, from zombies to witches. The leader, an Enderman, looked at me - not at my character, Steve, at me - and said, "now you will feel our pain."

They descended upon Steve, beating him mercilessly. Normally when Steve is struck, he jumps back and grunts. Instead, Steve was screaming - again, with very human screams - and actually holding his hands in front of his face to protect himself. Once his hearts ran out, he fell over, but I was not given the option to respawn or quit. I did, however, get to watch Zombies gruesomely tear at his body, ripping out bloody chunks of flesh in horrifying detail. While they feasted, the Enderman looked at me and said, "this is your only warning. Destroy the travesty you created."

"Or?" I said without realizing it.

"You don't want to experience 'Or'." He said in a voice so disturbingly monotone, so devoid of emotion, I didn't realize he had just talked directly to me until the power went off soon after.

Suddenly, I was very afraid of being alone. I dove for the light switch and it thankfully came on. I was so distraught, I slept with the light on. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep after what felt like hours. I had scarcely gotten into the comforting darkness of sleep when a pair of distinct, purple eyes invaded it. "Remember, one warning." it said, and was gone.

I woke up and the light was off. I didn't think, just sat down at my desktop and ran Minecraft. This time the screen was normal. I even had access to my other saves again. I clicked the prison save, but before I clicked delete, I decided to show them I wasn't scared, and that I didn't believe in their false threats. I loaded my save and surrounded each individual cell with TNT. I then walked outside and did the same to the building. After placing the final block, I lit it and flew to a safe distance. I watched and laughed as it exploded and left a nice-sized crater in the ground. To add insult to injury, I even filled in the hole with Lava. Satisfied, I went on with my day as usual. When I returned to my bed, there was a message in what appeared to be blood: "Remember, I warned you."

Undeterred, I simply threw away my pillow case and got another one. I went to sleep quickly, and found myself in the same cell poor Steve was murdered in the night before. There were no enemy mobs, save the Enderman leader from last night. "You are brave," it said in that same monotone voice. "It's a shame you have to die." Before the last word was out, he was slowly shambling towards me. I turned and faced the brick wall, and thinking quickly, began stamping on the ground. Just like in Minecraft, it began to break. Soon, the floor broke, but before I could jump through, the Enderman's long, slender arms pinched my waist. They were deadly strong, turning me over and pressing me against the wall. In fear, I made the fatal mistake of looking it in its eyes. I heard the telltale scream of the Enderman before it opened its maw and shoved my head inside. I felt sharp teeth dig into my neck before I woke up in my bed screaming.

That was this morning. I've been looking over my shoulder all today. Weird things keep happening, like putrid, rotting flesh being in my refrigerator, my dog finding random bones around the house, and what looked like gunpowder all around my yard. Just in case something happens to me, I decided to sit down and write down everything that had happened to me. The sun is going down, and I'm starting to get really worried, because I swear I feel like there's a pair of eyes watching me.

Several days later, a large explosion rocked the author's peaceful neighborhood. When the source was believed to have originated from his house, his charred body was found limbless and hollow. Strangely, a curious dark blue pearl was also found next to his body.

Credited to NoelCanHazKeeboward

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