Thomas Visits the Scrapyard

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Have you ever heard of the television show called Thomas And Friends? If you haven't, it Is About a talking tank engine with a face named Thomas, he has been a televison series sense the 80s, but was based on a book series from the 40s, I used to watch this show sporadically when growing up, and I had all the merchandise, i had a bunch of wooden versions of the engines, tons of DVDs and even went out as Thomas for Halloween one year. "Thomas Isn't Scary.", My friends would say while walking to get candy, but I didn't care, I wasn't trying to be scary like my friends, I was just being me. But, i have a story that is scary. It all started on the day of my little cousins birthday, i had forgotten to give him a present, and the party was starting in 30 minutes, i slapped myself hard in the face, i was such an idiot, then I had remembered something, last year, I donated some of my old wooden trains to him as a gift, so maybe this year, I'll give him my DVDs, I went into my garage to get them out of the attic, I searched around for a while, and I finally found a box of them i looked inside all of them to make sure they we're the right DVDs, they weren't, of course, just my luck, I was running out of time, I could just to the store to get one, but then I would be late, Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that my neighbor was having a yard sale. "I'll Check There." I thought, but I didn't have my hopes up, usually when going to yard sales, it's just a bunch of junk that the owner doesn't want anymore. I went over, and I looked around, through the toys, and the books, and finally in the DVD section, there was one Thomas DVD at the bottom pile in a stack of 10 or twenty DVDs, I asked how much, and She Said I can get it for a dollar, i bought it, I was happy with my decision to buy it, now all I had to do was drive over to the party, while I was putting My Seatbelt on, I took a better glints at the case, the title was "Thomas And The Really Brave Engines".

I took a look at the episodes on the back, there were 6.

Thomas And The Search For Fergus

Bad Day At Castle Loch

Toby And The Windmill

The Runaway Elephant

James And The Queen Of Sodor

And Thomas Visits The Scrapyard

I then decided to see the ratings of each episode on IMDB to see if they were good, the first 5 episodes on the disc were positive reviews, but the last one was not even on the website, I checked of rating websites, and they weren't listed on there either, I wanted to look more into it, but the party was starting soon, so I just concluded that it must be a typo, soon the party was almost over which meant it was time to open presents, he opened my present first, he was so happy that when all the presents were opened he decided to watch it, I helped him get it set up though, i opened the plastic casing and popped the disc into the DVD player, once it was playing, I decided to watch it with him to kill some time. After all the trailers were done, it went to the main menu screen, I had seen this screen before, because I had a lot of Thomas DVDs as a kid, but something was off, usually, Sir Topham Hatt (Who Is The Fat Controller Of The Railway), would say how to use the menu, and then music the would play, but there wasn't music at all, it was just silent, it was sort of spooky, but it was not playing the audio because of the old age of the DVD, after all, it was from 2006.

My cousin pressed play and the DVD started, everything was normal, for a bit, finally it came to the last episode of the DVD, "Thomas Visits The Scrapyard". So it wasn't a typo, I thought to myself, then my heartbeat went up fast, It realized something, the scrapyard, is were things go to get scrapped, "Could That Mean... No" I reassured myself, this a kids show, nothing like that would ever happen, maybe Thomas goes to bring something to the scrapyard, but then gets scared, then goes back to tell Sir Topham Hatt, but then Sir Topham Hatt, would reassure him, like I did myself, there's nothing wrong. but, my first hypothesis was correct. The episode started With Thomas Sleeping, but at least for a minute, he wouldn't wake up. (my cousin started to yell at the screen, "Wake Up Thomas".) Finally, he woke to a honk, it was Bertie "Thomas" Bertie Said. "Sir Topham Hatt wants you, he's at Knapford Station". Thomas Went To See Sir Topham, he was eating a box of donuts while talking to Thomas, so his voiced was muffled, and hard to understand, at this point, the quality, started to get worse, and the video, got darker. The Camara, then panned over to Thomas, but he had a sad face now. (Or was it supposed to be a worried face, I couldn't tell.) The episode Then Transitioned to the scrapyard, we couldn't see Thomas yet, then, he puffed up. I was expecting to have some trucks filled with metal, he was just by himself. I was starting to get worried. suddenly, a huge claw came down. (There was one episode I had seen before, were another engine almost got grabbed by this claw, but Sir Topham Hatt Stopped It, but this time, no one stopped it.) The claw grabbed by the cab, Thomas blew his whistle really loud. (It was ear-piercing, At this point, my cousin had ran out of room, but i kept watching.) Soon Thomas was on a platform, and he couldn't move, suddenly, a knife flew towards Thomas' face, and hit him directly in the eye, but no blood came out. (I wanted to turn off the TV, but couldn't get myself to do it, my eyes were glued to the TV.) Then Another Knife came, and stabbed him in the other eye, but still no blood, but then his face slowly started to fall off, behind his face was just black, just like a normal steam. (but if you were to look at a normal steam train, it wouldn't be scary, but this was.) The Camara then started to zoom in towards Thomas' face. i didn't want to go any further, so ejected the DVD, and threw it out the window. I looked out to see if it broke or not, and it did... on someone's head. I'm now in court for my actions, and the don't think the jury believes me.

The End.

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