Two Lights Lane

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There's a place in Maine. It's called Two Lights Lane.

Don't ever drive down this fucking road. Don't ever think getting in your car and finding this exact road is ever a good idea. This road totally exists off of the route connecting the town of Gray and the city of Portland. There's allegedly another Two Lights Road (which is a road to an actual destination in Maine in Cape Elizabeth), but that's not Two Lights Lane. This one really exists, you can find it if you seriously want to if you want to explore a part of Maine that nobody -- nobody -- in their right mind should attempt to explore.

See, there's a really bad story about Two Lights Lane. It's not really haunting. In fact, it might be a comfort for some of those who think "haunting" stories being a reality would be a relief, if you're really that sick.

If you head to Two Lights Lane during the day, as in when the Sun is visible in the sky if it is not hidden by the trees, you will not be able to capture this particular scenario and instead you will find yourself on a one-way drive down some random road in Maine. Not exactly the best place to be considering there are Moose and a lot of other nasty stuff in Maine. There are a few houses occupied by normal residents. They're not aliens or slenderman or ghosts or any of that bullshit. Just normal people on a seemingly normal road.

If you head to Two Lights Lane during the night, as in when the moon peaks over the silohuette of shadows that is a forest of untouched pine and oak trees...

Things are different. Much, much different.

The following story is a recollection of my gatherings on what happened that fateful day.

My friends Jerron and Lucas normally joked with horror stories, and since this is Maine and everything, we try to one-up stories that would terrorize the listener for at least a couple days. One day, Lucas joked that there was a real place called Two Lights Lane, and that at night, if you were outside on that particular road - you would be lost down it and "no matter which way you went, the end result would be somewhere you wouldn't believe."

Me and Jerron instantly categorized it as a shitty Creepypasta. We both fundamentally discussed that under the law of physics, there is no possible way. Unless you somehow opened a wormhole to "another possible dimension," it was totally impossible to have a "different end." Lucas got sort of offended by this and told us that it's negligent for non-believers to not accept something that wasn't known.

He told us that in 1025, an old-age New World explorer named Leif Ericson "suddenly vanished somewhere in Greenland." He knew this wasn't true because he was the highest blood relative of Leif Ericson still alive and the legend was passed on. Lucas' last name was Ericson. I never quite noticed he was actually related to someone with historical importance. I was keen on listening, but Jerron just laughed it off like it was just a stupid horror story.

Lucas told us that Two Lights Lane was actually an unclaimed part of America, among a few other infamous "vanishing roads." Some really question their purpose and skeptics instantly disqualify these vanishing roads as pure hoax and "total hype."

Two Lights Lane was explored by Leif Ericson 2 years before he died (he didn't die in 1025, he died in 1027 when he explored this part of New England). However, the chronicles for this journey were not only lost in time, but they were also covered up. It was mostly in part due to the CIA operation, Operation "WIPE-OUT." As time moves forward, though...

More evidence appears as Time moves forward. It's unstoppable, and the CIA have known about it. So, they (in part with banking giants/elites and allies, Goldman Sachs/Fannie Mae) sold homes over the evidence that slowly started to appear in the run-off after huge rainstorms or after Winter when all the snow melts. They occasionally pop in to make sure none of Ericson's texts reach public eyes, and even leveled the ground about twenty feet higher after finding the documents in the early 60's.

When you walk down Two Lights Lane, you'll begin to notice that Time feels totally nonexistent. That's because it is. You are entering a Time absent zone on Earth when the Earth is turned a certain way in this dimension at specific times of its day and opens an impartial portal because of these binaural conditions (this whole incident seems to occur because of a particular noise in this place). It's an impartial portal because you can go through one-way, but you can't go through it again. In other words, you get a one-way ticket to where ever the end spits you out.

Now the weird part:

The texts that were intercepted were found by the CIA only because Lucas' great grandfather stumbled on Leif's alleged diary. He knew that this was in fact, Leif Ericson's actual journey diary, because it was mentioned that this was to be secretly passed down to his son. His son never received it because Leif wasn't finished using it.

This diary appeared nearly one millenium after Leif's purported disappearance. Naturally, you'd image it was old. According to Lucas, it looked as if it was written just a few days prior to when he found it. There was never a system of copying that was very duplicative of the manner we have today, so Lucas' great grandfather wrote copies of every recording of each page... and as he did, he became a lot more disturbed and troubled by exactly what he was reading.

He somehow knew this was a family memoir, for one. Most families realize the importance of something materialistic, to show that it was a sort of heirloom. There are quite a few for Leifson, but his diary has been sought after by enemies of the explorer, families, and historians alike.

Most of the final pages were allegedly about Leif's declining health... and the "Two Light Lane." Lucas emphasized that it was indeed called "Two Light Lane" and has been called that since Leif Ericson explored deeper parts of Maine. By his account, a small colony was set up by the Norse... but out of nowhere, there were strange invaders. They invaded the colony's dreams. They invader their crops. They invaded only at night, and Ericson only could describe it as one entity:


There was apparently a lot of information on defeating these Shades. Perhaps one case why the CIA wanted control of this information was to utilize or control the entities known as Shades. There are a lot of paranormal cover-ups, so to scrutinize this would be a bit questionable.

Jerron still thought that Lucas was full of shit, and Lucas got up in Jerron's face about it. He said out of the things taken away by the CIA in the 60's, it was the only first and real knowledge of the translated code of the Voynich Manuscript and Leif Ericson's diary that were taken with close-to same day knowledge of the existence of these appearing.

Lucas' great grandfather felt he found something "crippling to the scientific community; baffling to the religious community" - so he recorded, by handwriting several copies of each page. After he was finished the last pages, he got a knock on the door by an agent who requested the diary. He somehow had knowledge from out of nowhere about this. Lucas' great grandfather eyed this, and knew never to trust the Suits - he went back inside to politely hand the diary to the agent, but slippped a few of the "key" pages into his fireplace. He said there were "screams of agony and relief" as he threw those pages away.

After he slipped the agent the book, the agent never returned. However, there have been things washing up recently on Two Lights Lane that have been questionable in their own nature...

When we decided to venture out to explore Two Light Lane at day, we began to notice that there were big, deep ditches where run-off could get caught. In Maine, to not have run-off ditches would be like having a river four feet from the ground a road is nestled on - in other words, total disaster.

Well, we dug around the ditches most of the day. As Lucas was digging around, he noticed something - something valuable, with a glass eye, a plastic frame. It was rusting, and the plastic had been warped. He pulled it out of the dirt as if it had been sitting there for years.

To Jerron's surprise (and horror...), it was... Jerron's video camera. From now.

We couldn't believe it.

There was just something fucked up. We just looked at the camera in total shock and awe.

Jerron just asked why the fuck Lucas would do that to his camera and shoved him around. Lucas pushed Jerron to the ground and told him to calm the fuck down, because he didn't do this, it wasn't a prank, and showing Jerron the obvious age of the camera - to give you an idea, it looked like it aged nearly a decade. It just blew us away because this was a new Sony handheld HD camera.

So to avoid this nonsense, we went back to Jerron. The sun was setting, and I was starting to get worried. Jerron was keen on getting these answers; Lucas told Jerron we really shouldn't do this and kept telling us about what Two Lights Lane really was. Jerron didn't want to hear it, and got his camera from inside.

We compared the two cameras, and regretfully, I don't have my picture (I guess the reliability of this article is down the drain because of this). We knew this was Jerron's camera. In fact, it had JERRON sketched into the apparent aged camera's side. It didn't seem to exist on Jerron's actual camera.

Following this, we left to go back to Two Lights Lane. The sun was set at this point. Lucas was practically whining for us to leave, and I wish I wasn't with Jerron on testing the limits, because that was the last decision I ever made about this predicament.

After we went down Two Lights Lane, we began to notice that the houses that were there earlier had actually totally disappeared. In fact, on the picture you see at the top of the article, there was a fence on the left, a couple lights further down the road, and I swear there was a house on the right - it's not there at all anymore. Just trees and two lights.

As we continued, Lucas sighed and told us that the two lights were a sign. Jerron acted like his head was in the clouds with this prideful look on his face. He recorded everything as we were walking, about how he'll spill Lucas' bullshit story all over a Creepypasta article. As he did, we were approaching the second light on the street...

And that's when things got fucked.

The light made a really loud popping noise, as if it totally bursted. We looked really far out to see if we could even see the main street. That was totally dark as well. Jerron started to get worried. He yelled at Lucas like, this is all your fault, we're going to fucking die, all of this hysteria - Lucas just stood still and told us:

"The last page in the diary said that he (Eric Leifson) saw the 'first Light go out.' What that meant was that there was only one light to keep the Shades at bay."

... Sure enough.

The sound I can only describe as some of the most gut-wrenching and omnious noises ever caught by human ears rang out all around us. I felt like the world was flashing and I fell to my knees in absolute pain. I saw these faces of excruciating pain and torment approach me out of the darkness, like they were reaching out to get me. I tried to keep my eyes on Lucas and Jerron - then I noticed Jerron was screaming and crying and something was pulling him away from us. Lucas was having a hard time concentrating, so I lunged for Jerron's foot.

There were so many faces, no eyes, they all were missing eyes, and their mouths were just pure black and pure darkness... I had never seen such an epitomizing face before in my entire life. I tried to hold on to Jerron in all my fear, but the "Hands" were gripping him tightly. He started laughing hysterically, and he seemed to look directly up into the Eyes of one of those things. I saw some embodiment of Jerron get ripped out of his mouth and into the Thing's. Its eyes glowed something fiery, like the totality of absolute fear. Jerron was forcibly pulled away, and the last sounds I heard from him were:

"No!! ... God!!"

What sounded like his blood splashing the unseen ground was filling my ears and I just couldn't look anymore. I started to get frightened and balled up with all of these Things jumping at me. Lucas was holding on to the light post, and told me he could feel "Them" groping him.

Then, in front of my very eyes, one of my best friends was spun around the light post and bent over by rotting hands. They forced his arms up, and his legs inward. He started screaming. His clothing was being ripped off and torn apart. I couldn't do anything. I was scared that we were being attacked and just sat there with a faceless expression in total awe.

First, they pushed him repeatedly against the light post. They kept doing it and his face smashed off the post. He was bleeding from his nose, and then his forehead, and then his ears... then, they grabbed his ears, tore off what was left of his pants, and I saw more hands grab at his waist. I couldn't believe it.

'They' were raping Lucas. He screamed something horrible, and I could hear blood in his throat, and the sounds of something vicious pushing in and out. I was about close to vomitting, but something told me to hold on.

I stood there in a fetal position for what seemed like days. I could hear screams everywhere, and Jerron's, and Lucas'. I could see hands almost completely around me. I could smell the stench of rotting corpse and fecal matter every where. I could still see Lucas' mangled face being very slowly dragged off, those in-and-out sounds still being noticeable and being faint. I wanted to die. I just wanted to die.

I closed my eyes.

Then, I opened them... only to see the day time. Only to see Two Lights.

Only to see a lonely old man at where the other Light was, sitting around thousands of corpses, a village burnt to the ground, and a reddened sky. I approached him. I asked him what his name was and where we were. He shook his head as if he didn't understand me.

I found out that this was a gateway to the future, and that this man sitting across the room from me is really Eric Leifson. Please observe the date I signed this with my signature.

Voltage, 06:66, January 1, 2035 (UTC)

Credited to Wearieddrums

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