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Hello my name will be censored for identity safty and other bullshgit. So I was super duper pooper mega exided for splatoon ever science it was annoiunced. To pass the time for the splatoon realsease Ive been watching Charlie brown. Fighting luggy falling from the sky, and talk to my friends about the future of sonic X.

The Realease date came Both figuratly and litterally. I was about to grab my car and get there sunky speedz. I was a store called Generic Game store that sells satanic games #43124214. I flew to there And saw splatoon at the price of free. I guess I didnt read enough creepypastas to avoid that trick. I then grabed that game and flew back to my house having my clothes fly off. I then went to my house with my girlfriend, My right hand. Scince My right hand was part of my body she went with it.I booted up splatoon with my girlfriend. I skipped the splatoon tutorial science tutorials are for sckrubs and same goes for grammer.

The splatoon title screan was wiered the just had white ink... I then passed it off as it being the part of my large splatoon porn collection. So i booted it up with my Ex-waifu the inkling I created. I then went to multplayer but then knowlized that the servers where shutdown due to nintendo wanting to jack off and worsahip evil pastrixx or some shett... I then played the campain then... Things where wiered my ink was white and the squid sisters were there. With evil pastrizz hyper realisiticly staring and saying spoopy shet like "PATRIZZ IS WATCHGING YOU!" I passed it off as a hyper realistic glitch and talked to the squid sisters, I talked to the one with the white hair and options for what to do with her sowed on screen with each of the ABXY buttons.

A button would lead me to sodomize her. B Said" show testacles" X said Convince her to fuck you. Y said to be with her and worship evil patrixxx. I pressed A I dont have a true girlfriend give me a break... It then showed a video of my smexing her my dong expoanded in such great lenghts that I used my girlfriend to jack me off. It was untill that moment I realized that the horrid kid suid commercials say "Youre a KID now, youre a squid now." for nothing I was terrified that I converted into a pedophile. Now that I realised that I'm fucking a 14 year old squid Chris hansen Busted into my room like kool aid man. He was In super saiyan modeI was spooped shitt less I flew to my car and floored it, and darude sandstorm started playing. I the car ran out of gas because the plot required it to unforchanettly... Chris hansen was coming up to me And screamed to me saying "WhY DoNt YOu havE A SeaT OVeR ThERe???" Well I guess you know what happended next... To this day I'm a soul trapped in splatoon wandering the turf wars for the rest of enternity. If you find this styory share it with the word.

-Suffering soul of splatoon