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I finally arrived from a long and rough day and went on my computer, I decided to watch some videos on YouTube, however, I noticed something strange in my inbox, a creepy message sent from a user called "DontLetItCry", the message simply read


Below that was a download link to something called "Yoshi.exe", out of curiosity, I downloaded the file on a virtual machine for safety, and then I launched the game

The game loaded with a black screen before the logo for Yoshi's Island appeared first before a background of the game's story appeared, this is what it said:

"One day, over the peaceful island of Yoshi's, it seemed like something was falling from the sky into the deep blue ocean, the Yoshi's on the island instantly recognized the white bag... It must be one of those babys what the stork must have lost again"

"Without a long discussion, the yoshi's decided to follow the cryings of the baby all over the island"

"This was their worst mistake"

After the last line was a black screen that lasted for 38 seconds when finally, the text "Shrine of Wine" appeared, most likely the name of the map, afterwards was a happy and colorful map, somewhat themed like Yoshi's Island, this game got disturbing after the first screen

4 seconds into the second screen, Baby Mario cried, static suddenly appeared, and the map was more darker and surreal than before, and one of the mountains appeared to have a sad type of face

The music also changed to something eerie and creepy from the cheerful music from the original SNES game, when I jumped over the second somewhat hill, static appeared again, and i was teleported to a different area, after jumping over another hill after that static, i saw a pale, white, dead piranha

After that, it moved on to the third screen, the camera was closer to Yoshi, for a split second, I saw a normal version of the dog from the game, before the static appeared and turned it into a monster with that creepy smile

The First Screamer

That type of the dog also appeared 4 times, and seconds afterwards, I saw blood all over the grass and stuff, HYPER realistic blood also, a few seconds in, I heard Baby Mario's cry again, and then seconds afterwards, more static that lasted for a split second, when I got to the fourth screen, it got more disturbing

Yoshi could NOT run this time, and the music got more eerie, the camera was still zoomed in, and the level was a castle type of level also in the inside, I saw blood under a platform in 10 seconds, a pool of it, and the same thing seconds later, and then guess what, THE SAME THING AGAIN, except it was a little longer this time, near the end of that platform when I was getting near the castle floor, Baby Mario started to cry again

The Second and Final Screamer

After the last cry, the music stopped, I figured that after the music stopped, there would be some screamer seconds later anyway, but curiosity kept me going

Nearly a minute later, I saw Baby Mario, I walked closer to him, when I was very close to him, the first screamer appeared in the game, basically, black holes in place of Baby Mario's eyes and mouth, with hyper realistic blood, after the not so loud scream, I heard Baby Mario cry again, along with the sound a timer makes when it's done

Seconds after the sound was over, another screen appeared that said "GAME OVER" and told me to press space to continue, I did, and it paused for a few seconds before the second and final screamer of the game appeared

The second and last screamer had Yoshi with demonic eyes and a mouth with sharp, demonic teeth, hyper realistic blood coming from the mouth and eyes, and afterwards, a fake explorer.exe error message appeared, and then the game crashed

I never played a Yoshi game since and burned all my Yoshi merchandise

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