YouTube Surfing

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Revision as of 02:49, 10 November 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You know when you're up all night on the internet? Got something that was getting on your nerves all day and you're trying to get your mind off of it? Well so do I! I was on my computer all night mainly due to the fact that my girlfriend just dumped me for some other guy. So I was on my computer since then and I was on sites such as Facebook and Myspace. I was even on 4chan trying to find something interesting on the image board that would take my mind off all this. Pa...")
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You know when you're up all night on the internet? Got something that was getting on your nerves all day and you're trying to get your mind off of it? Well so do I!

I was on my computer all night mainly due to the fact that my girlfriend just dumped me for some other guy. So I was on my computer since then and I was on sites such as Facebook and Myspace. I was even on 4chan trying to find something interesting on the image board that would take my mind off all this.

Past midnight I went on YouTube, maybe I could find a video that would make me laugh and forget about it. I was watching random videos and I got tired, so I decided to look up scary shit to keep me awake so I typed up "the scariest shit ever" in the search bar.

The first video was called "Scariest shit I've ever seen" and it had around five million views. Neither it nor any of the other videos interested me, so I went to the next page. And the next. And the next.

Eventually I got to page thirteen (the last page in the results). Up until this point it was just "paranormal" stuff, screamer reactions and people playing Slender. The very last video, just below "Scary car commercial" was a ten minute video titled: "...."

The thumbnail was that logo that has the grey video camera with a clock in the middle. The logo that comes up if a video has been deleted, or is still uploading. It had ten views and the description was just random numbers. I clicked it not knowing whats going to pop up. When it loaded it worked. Surprised as I was, I checked the description, and at the end of all the jumbled code was this: "ki11 m3 p13ase435436 1 cant tak3 1t4883276".

Comments and rating were disabled, so I just watched the video. By the looks of it, it was made with Windows Movie Maker by the way the title played out. It had the default title animation and font with a blue background. Just like the description, the opening title was just random numbers. The clip that played looked as if a child had gotten hold of a camera and ran around his house filming everything out of excitement. Trust me, I never seen a kid this excited over getting a camera. I couldn't even make out what was on screen, and all I could hear was the kid laughing. After around three minutes he dropped the camera and it was pointed at a wall. I could hear the kid crying in the background. He said something, but all I could make out was "He made me. He made me do it. Please don't hit me!". After that I heard a gurgling noise, and silence.

It cut to another Windows Movie Maker title with another random jumbled number text. The next clip was a little boy (must of been the boy from the first clip) just staring at the screen as if watching me. He looked like he'd been abused. His right eye was black, the top left side of his face was trickling blood, lips were busted and I could he sores and wounds all over his face.

He just stared blankly at the screen from 3:12-8:47. I was about to close the window when he screamed "YOU DID THIS!". He instantly pulled out a pencil that looks like its just been sharpened. He takes it and stabs himself in the wrist. Blood squirts out on to the camera leaving a few stains on the screen. He then sticks the pencil in his left eye and pushed it in until he finely drops down dead.

It remained silent until the last 30 seconds, when the shape of a man became just visible through the bloodstains. He walked up to the camera and he talked. His voice was warped, as though it was put through a filter of some kind. He said "YOU DID THIS". And the video ended.

I had trouble sleeping, but it was 6:43 am anyway so I seen no sense in sleeping. I tried telling people at school but no one believed me. I even told them how I found the video and they said it was just my imagination going wild due to my lack of sleep. I checked to see if the video was still there, but of course I found nothing. The video simply disappeared.

It was two weeks later...

I just got home from school and went up to my room. As I dumped my bag onto my bed, I noticed a small piece of paper on my pillow. I picked it up, and what it said chilled me to the bone.

It read:


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