Halloween: The Man

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Before we begin let us firstly set the scene. Our story took place during the winter in a regular town way out in the English countryside. A man was working late in a lonely office building. Tack tack tack was the sound of his keyboard. Click click click was the sound of his mouse. He glanced at his watch and saw it was already six in the evening. He shut down his computer and pushed his chair back allowing him to stand up. The wheels scratched the floor and the sound echoed through the office, everyone else was on vacation. He exited his cubicle and grabbed his jacket on the way. The sound of his steps filled the maze of half walls as he walked to the elevator.

The man stepped out of the elevator on the ground floor and as he strolled out of the lobby he tipped his hat to the receptionist but was surprised when the kind old lady did not reply. He glanced over his shoulder and remembered that she too was on vacation.

The man stepped out the door and into the cold, although there was no snow. He walked down the road with his hands in his pocket to the bus stop. He waited a few minutes and saw the bus driving towards him. He stepped up and entered the bus, greeting the chauffeur on the way down to the back of the bus. He greeted an old man on his way but did not bother to converse. The man sat in the back of the bus as usual and closed his eyes. He knew how many stops there were until his destination, but oddly enough time seemed slower because even after a few minutes the bus had not stopped. He opened his eyes and simultaneously the bus stopped. He saw the old man step out of the bus and the man glanced out of the window. “That's odd” he thought to himself. He wondered why the old man had stepped off near to mall instead of near the factory as he used to, as he had for years. The man shook the thought out of his head and leaned back waiting only two additional minutes until he had reached his neighbourhood. He stepped of and began walking to his home.

The man grabbed hold of the fence gate but it had not been closed. He shut the fence gate behind him and continued towards the front door which he unlocked and entered. He turned on the lights and took of his shoes and jacket. “I'm home!” he called but was only answered by his own echo. Now this was peculiar. His wife could not have gone shopping as she always did so in the afternoon. She could be having a glass of wine with the neighbour, but thinking that through again the man realised that the neighbours had gone on vacation as well. The man went into the kitchen to find that she was not there. He looked in the living room and she was not there. He looked in the dining room but she was not there.

The man decided to go upstairs to look for her. As he stepped up the stairs they creaked. He walked into the bedroom and found nothing but the nightstand and an untidy bed. He stepped out into the hallway again and checked the guest room which has not been used for years. There were a couple of spider webs in the corners as usual but nothing else. He even looked into the bathroom but she was still not anywhere to be seen. The man put his hands on his waist and sighed. He glanced up in frustration and noticed strange scratch marks on the attic hatch. He pulled down the ladder and peeked his head above the attic floor. He turned around and saw nothing but some old dusty boxes, although one seemed to have been dusted off.

The man climbed down the ladder and pushed it up to its usual position. He decided to check the basement before asking around in the neighbourhood. The stairs creaked again as he walked down the stairs. He walked through the empty hallway to the basement door and opened it. The man entered into the darkness. When he had reached the bottom of the stairwell he turned on the lights. He immediately noticed a long streak of a stained red substance. His heart started beating rapidly. He followed, what he had now realised was blood, with his eyes and gazed upon the wall where there were written in blood:

u left le stove on

Credited to Sebskyo 
Originally uploaded on October 31, 2014

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