Pixu's World - Little Baby (Original)

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So before my 1st Newgrounds cartoon is made, I've decided to make this creepypasta. I'm afraid that it might be bad so I will put it here. Also, I have cancelled the Rom Show. Any further references to that show are now just fanon.

Day 1

Before I finalized Pixu's World as The Rom Show, I made a pilot called Little Baby, which is a copy of the Greeny Phatom episode of the same name. But it originally was well animated in Pencil2D and had a darker storyline.

It all began when I found Greeny Phatom. I have decided that i wanted to make a cartoon at this point, so it might be obvious why Pixu's World was made. I made a pilot and put it on a disc. Three years later, I found the original version of the pilot episode i made, but it said "The UN-Aired Pilot". I still decided to watch it, but I really shouldn't have.

The intro is normal, but has no sign of Sony Wonder, Sesame Workshop, or Cookie Jar. Not even Disney XD out of all this shit.

Pixu's house is (unexpectedly, but not scary to me cuz it was obviously going to be different) bloody and his sister, YellowDragon, is gone. We see Pixu with YellowDragon's head in his hand. He says, "Oh, hi! Didn't expect you there! I'm Pixu! Let's do something fun, and that's watching VHS tapes!"

The episode then continues as normal, until when we get to the point where Pixu chases Dr. PBS, we see Dr. PBS saying this:

"Oh no! No Pixu, I didn't mean it! Please, please, no!"

We then cut to Pixu, holding a knife. he then catches up to Dr. PBS and then stabs him. Dr. PBS then screams painfully. Pixu then has red eyes for a single. Fucking. Frame. I am not kidding.

The episode continues as normal until the elephant scene. Of course, the elephants are drawn badly, but Pixu rips them to shreds eats their remains and brains and sucks up their blood, leaving skeletons. Pixu runs to the Tiny Loser Chamber and kills everyone inside, including Brush (who was made in 2020 by co-creator of the afromentioned The Rom Show, Berayah Jones), who says, "SHIT! NOOOO!" before he gets killed. Then, Pixu of course, eats their remains.

He kills his parents, both in terrible ways.

Pixu's mom just gets turned into Mondo Butter and Pixu eats it all in one sitting with Blood Maple Syrup on some meaty pancakes.

Pixu's Dad is thrown to the ground, shot by a red laser blast 7 times, and tries to escape, but fails and Pixu scratches him until he bleeds, throws him off a building, blinds him, makes him inaudible and deaf, blasts him again, stabs him, shoots him, makes him paralyzed, gets him lit on fire, and finally rips out his heart and eats it, and then Pixu rips out all of his organs and stuff and eats all of them. Is he a cannibal? Is this a joke? Is this all a dream? WHY THE ABSOLUTE SHIT DID I LET THIS SLIP BY ME?!?

He then says,

"I. AM. GOD."

Then it shows an animation of his true form, and he is red, has red bloody eyes with white pupils, 8 monster-sized spider legs, no arms, 666 eyes, and has tentacles and spikes out of his back. He slowly walks up to the screen.

Then the credits pop up. The text is red and everything just says "Pixu is your god. You will die in 6 days."

I don't remember making this version at all. It must have been a demon or it actually was Pixu. I would later just turn him into a normal yellow cat instead of a shapeshifting dragon/demon in 2019. I later made him a normal cat in 2021 (which is now), and I have never made this mistake since the episode. I have kept the video, though.

Day 2

I tried deleting the video today. Nothing worked. I just got a TrustedInstaller error.

I tried using Adobe Animate today. It brought me to Pencil2D, which opened the Pixu file. This also happened when I tried opening Flash CS4.

I deleted the .pclx file but it kept reappearing.

I tried to make some Roblox GFX, but I couldn't. Everything was just replaced with Pixu.

I feel like something bad will happen.

Day 3

Recently I got a letter with 100 bucks inside. But it said this Fgwhgadese text:

offtitkgjfkrk jfkfkv jjfjfifk didkfjfjfjckcj. fifjfjfffjk jffjjf fjfk iiffii ifkrjfuf. ydgdb, ssjdjsshsdjssj.

It translates to:

Here's your money, mortal. I hope you die in a fire. Hey, at least let me eat your soul and remains.

I burned the letter and saved the bill for a physical copy of Flash MX. Of course, I got it.

Day 4

I have noticed on Vidlii (where I post videos now), Newgrounds, and YouTube that someone or something found the video and called it : The Rom Show : Lost Episode. I have reported the videos uploaded by the person. The username is Pixu666.

I think Pixu's 2018 version's soul is haunting me by trying to get me to bring him back. I am declining it but he always seems to reupload the episode under a new username. Please help me. I might even need to call Ghostbusters, if they existed. Just please, get rid of him.

Day 5

I finally fixed Flash and Animate. I made a video warning people of Pixu's World. And, surely enough, everyone listened.

Some people viewed the episode on accident, so I prayed so they won't die.

What also happened is that I tried calling Robert Stainton (creator of Greeny Phatom) to help me get rid of Pixu. He came over, but we only got to make some of Greeny Phatom, and he learned some techniques I used in Flash from me. So what happened?

Well, he gave me a plush of Dr. PBS, but it got ripped for some reason. We both saw a silhouette of Pixu in his cat form. We both screamed and Robert just asked to do something else.

Robert is suprisingly a really nice guy.

Also, Geoshea (yes, THAT Geoshea) tried to help me, too. But she got blasted 8 times, just like Pixu's dad.

I also tried to develop more of my Roblox game to get my mind off Pixu, but there was one slight problem.

When I tried loading Blender, Blender just crashed as soon as I imported a Roblox rig.

I just decided to watch Newgrounds instead.

Day 6

I prepared by eating a bunch of McDonalds.

Can you guess who I saw on my computer? Yup, it was Pixu's dad, trying to warn me that I might die. Pixu killed him, and then he says this :

"There is no escape. Release me from hell or you'll DIE. Please."


Then Pixu just screamed horrifyingly. I shit my pants.

I smashed my computer today because of that. I will never forgive Pixu.

Day 7



This is a pretty weird journal. I have noticed that it is by that newgrounds user named undeadmule. I think I should put this on the Trollpasta Wiki. But I hope the Pixu's World video goes away.

Alternate Ending

Pixu, after the animation of his true form, wakes up as a normal cat, and it turns out he had a bad dream. Rom asked him what was wrong, and Pixu meows, and of course Rom understands, and he says, "That's horrible! I hope you feel alright soon. For now, I'll just give you your snacks, but not too much, and that's it." Then Pixu hugs Rom, and then Rom picks him up and hugs him. Then the episode ends. The credits are normal and the logos are somehow plastered with the NduruToons logo. I decided to put it in the Long Toons category on The Rom Show's Toon Selection page. I am not deleting it. Instead I will delete the revised version. See you soon, this is BKAS, signing off.

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