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It's Christmas Eve in snowy 1800's London, England, and in a small house at the edge of town, there lived a lonely, seven-year-old boy named Isaac. Isaac was a sad child with not a friend to his name. While most children were spending time with their families and eagerly looking forward to opening the presents that were placed with care beneath a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, little Isaac spent this most holy of nights alone, in his cold, dusty attic room. Isaac's parents were very poor, his mother was a strict crow of a woman who stayed at home and schooled Isaac. His father worked long hours down at the London harbour to support his family, although a large portion of his earnings went toward purchasing and consuming copious amounts of alcohol at the end of his shift. Sometimes, he would come home drunk, after being thrown out of every bar in London, and shout at his beloved wife, Isaac's mother.
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As the sun rose on that Christmas morning, Isaac opened his eyes to find a strange wooden box sitting at the foot of his bed. With eyes widened in awe, he stared at the colorful, hand crafted box, wondering who had left it. He was not used to receiving gifts, especially toys. What little toys Isaac did have were ones he'd found abandoned in the street or washed up in the gutters. Isaac scooted up to the foot of his bed in front of the mysterious box and picked it up with both hands. The box was beautifully painted in colorful styles, with carvings of happy clown faces on the side. There was a tag on the box that simply read "For Isaac." On the top of the box was an engraved text.
Isaac squinted his eyes as he sounded out the words, "L-laugh-ing-J-Jack-in-a-b-box…box..." he paused, "…Laughing...Laughing Jack-in-a-box?" Isaac had heard of a Jack-in-a-box, but never a Laughing Jack-in-a-box. His mind spun with curiosity as he grasped the box's metal crank. Isaac tuned the crank and the song Pop Goes The Weasel chimed in rhythm with the crank's gyrations. As the song came to its climax, Isaac sang along with the final verse, "Pop goes the weasel," but nothing happened. Isaac let out a sigh, "It's broken…broken..." He placed the box back down on the edge of the bed, and shuffled across his small dusty room to his dresser where he changed out of his soiled sleepwear and into his usual tattered clothes.
Suddenly, Isaac heard a loud rattling noise coming from the bed behind him. He spun around to witness the wooden box violently shaking. Then, without warning, the top of the box swung open and a parade of colorful smoke and confetti bellowed out. Isaac rubbed his eyes in disbelief of what he was seeing. As the smoke cleared, there stood a tall, thin, multicolored clown man, with bright red hair, a swirly, rainbow colored cone nose, and feathery shoulders that sat atop his raggedy and colorful clown outfit.
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Isaac's eyes lit up, "W-Who are you?" he asked.
The colorful carnie stepped down off the bed and with a happy grin said, "I'm glad you asked! I am Laughing Jack, your new friend FOR LIFE! I'm magical, I never get tired of playing, I'm a wiz at the accordion, and I adapt and develop with your own changing personality…personality... In other words, whatever you like, I like!"
Isaac looked up at the mysterious clown man, "W-we're friends?" he stuttered.
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Isaac's jaw dropped, "You know my name?"
Jack let out a whimsical laugh, "Of course I know your name! I know everything about you! So, now that the introductions are out of the way…way... How would you like to play a game of I Spy?"
Isaac grinned from ear to ear, "REALLY? We can play games? I'd LOVE to! I-... Oh…Oh..."
He paused, "I-I cant…cant... I have to go downstairs to see mother for homeschooling and chores…chores..." his smile faded into a look disappointment.
Jack placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder and with a warm smile said, "It's okay! I'll be waiting right here for you when you get back." Isaac's smile returned as he looked up at his new friend. Just then, he heard his mother's shrill voice calling him from downstairs.
Line 39 ⟶ 41:
All day Isaac told his mother about the amazing colorful clown man who came out of a magical box that appeared on the foot of his bed. His mother, however, did not believe a word of it. Finally, he persuaded his mother to follow him up to his room so she could behold Laughing Jack for herself. They walked up the stairs and Isaac swung open the door to his room.
"See mother? He's right he-..." Isaac paused as he scanned the room that contained neither magical dancing clown man, nor mysterious wooden box. Isaac's mother was not amused. She gave Isaac a glare so menacing it made his knees weak and his stomach sick.
"B-but mother…mother... he was-" ''SMACK!'' Isaac's mother delivered onto him a swift, hard smack across his face. His eyes began to tear up, and his lip began to quiver as he could feel himself about to break down.
"YOU STUPID INSOLENT CHILD! How DARE you lie to me about such childish idiocy! Who would want to be friends with a useless worm such as you?! You shall remain in your room for the rest of the evening, and shall receive no dinner... Now what do you say you ungrateful wretch?"
Line 51 ⟶ 53:
"Wh-where were you?" Isaac murmured.
Jack ran his hand through Isaac's hair to comfort him as he softly replied, "I was hiding…hiding... I can't let your parents see me…me... Otherwise they won't let us play anymore." Isaac wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Look kiddo, I'm sorry I had to hide, but I'll make it up to you! Because tonight we can play games and have tons of fun!" Jack said, smiling.
Isaac looked up at his vibrant pal and silently nodded, as a little smile began to form in the corners of his mouth. That night, Laughing Jack and Isaac played so many fun games. With a wave of his hand, Jack made all of Isaac's tin solders spring to life and march around the room. Isaac was amazed as he watched his toys move around the room on their own. Then, Laughing Jack and Isaac told each other spooky ghost stories. Isaac asked Jack if he was a ghost, but Jack explained that he was more of a cosmic entity, of sorts. At the end of the night, Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out an assortment of delicious candy. Isaac was in ecstasy when he popped the first colorful treat in his mouth, as it was his first time tasting something so sweet. Isaac had so much fun and laughed so hard that night that things seemed to be finally looking up for little Isaac…Isaac... At least, until the incident that occurred three months later…later...
It was pleasantly warm and sunny in London that day, which was a bit of a rarity. So, with the help of a certain not-so-imaginary friend, Isaac was able to finish his chores early and was allowed to go outside and play for a bit. Things started simply enough, the duo were back behind the house playing pirates, when Isaac spotted the neighbors cat sneaking into their garden.
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Jack's grip on the cat tightened, and his arms grew and extended like anacondas wrapping themselves around the wily feline as it struggled for dear life. Jack's arms just kept squeezing the animal, pressing the air out of its lungs. As the once dear house pet's eyes began to bulge out of their sockets, there came a loud SNAP! Jack quickly released the creature from his grasp as its lifeless furry husk thudded against the ground. There was hush silence as the two observed the cat's now twisted and mangled corpse. The silence was finally broken by an uproarious laughter…laughter... coming from Isaac…Isaac...
"AHAHAHAHA Wow! I guess cats really DON'T have nine lives! AHAHAHA!" Isaac exclaimed nearly teary eyed from laughter.
Laughing Jack began to chuckle as well, "Heh heh. Yeah…Yeah... But won't you get in trouble if your mother finds your neighbor's cat dead in her garden?" Isaac's laughter quickly subsided.
"Oh no! You're right! Um…Um... I'll just…just... throw it back into the neighbor's yard?!" Isaac panicked as he grabbed a nearby shovel and scooped up the broken cat cadaver before lobbing it over the fence back into the neighbors yard. They quickly went back inside and up into Isaac's room.
About an hour later, it came. The ear piercing squawk of Isaac's mother shrieking his name from downstairs. Neither Jack nor Isaac said a word as he crept down the stairs alone to face whatever horrible fate was coming to him. Jack could hear much yelling from downstairs but couldn't make out what was being said. After about thirty minutes, a teary eyed Isaac ascended the stairs back up into the room.
"Well?" Jack asked nervously. Isaac just starred at the ground as he spoke, "I…I... Tried to tell her it was you who hurt the cat…cat... She didn't believe me…me... Said you weren't real…real..." Jack frowned, knowing this was all his fault.
Isaac used his sleeve to wipe away his tears, "I'm being sent off to a boarding school…school... I'm leaving tonight…tonight... and you can't come with me…me..."
Laughing Jack's face turned to shock, "What?! I-I can't come? Where will I go?" Isaac said nothing but pointed over at the beautiful colored box from where his friend had originated.
"Back in there? But I won't be able to get out until…until..." Jack paused.
Isaac looked up as his only friend with tears streaming down his face, "Jack…Jack... I promise I'll come back for you as soon as I can!" Jack looked at the box, then back at Isaac.
"And I'll be right here waiting for you kiddo." Jack smiled, as a single tear ran down his cheek. He walked over to the box and, with a puff of smoke, was sucked back in, unable to be free until once again opened.
That night, Isaac was sent off to boarding school. For the first time, Laughing Jack felt what it was like to be lonely. Even when trapped in his box, Jack was able to see the things going on around it, so each day, he waited for his friend to return, and each day the room grew older and dustier. Laughing Jack's one purpose was to be Isaac's best friend for life, and now he had to wait day after day, month after month, to reunite with his special friend. Isaac's parents still lived in the house, but never came to the upstairs room. The only time they made their presence known was when Jack would hear them fighting. Still Jack's life became one of solitude, loneliness, and disappointment. As years went by, Jack's once bright vibrant colors began to fade into a monochrome blur of pitch-black void and stark white emptiness. Trapped all alone…alone... eternal and hopeless.
Thirteen years passed until the night Isaac's father came home particularly drunk, and got into an argument with his wife, as per usual. Things escalated to physical violence once again, however this time, she didn't get back up. Isaac's father had beaten his wife to a dead, bloody pulp and was sentenced to hang at the gallows the next day. With both his parents dead, this meant that the now twenty-year-old Isaac inherited the dusty old house he spent the earlier half of his childhood in. Laughing Jack was quite surprised when he heard his old friend's footsteps walking up the stairs to the attic room for the first time in thirteen years, however it was not the reunion Jack had hoped for.
Isaac looked…looked... different. Not only was he older, but he also seemed to possess this odd, grim look on his face. No longer was he the hopeful and curious young boy Jack first met all those years ago. Jack eagerly awaited Isaac's releasing him from the prison he had waited in for so many years, but still Jack's box sat there, untouched and unnoticed on a shelf in the corner of the room with all the other dusty, unwanted knick-knacks. Isaac had completely forgotten about his old friend, dismissed as some sort of early childhood fabrication. Surprisingly, this made Laughing Jack feel…feel... nothing. He was hollow, thirteen years of waiting and disappointment left the monochrome clown void of sorrow and self-pity. Jack remained in his box, colorless and without emotion.
The next day, Isaac went off to work at his job as an upholsterer, doing furniture repairs for the good people of London. Jack waited in captivity. Hours later, a drunken Isaac returned home and stumbled up the stairs to his room, but this time he had a friend with him. It was a lady friend Isaac had picked up at the bar earlier that evening. She was beautiful, with flowing blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a smile that could make hearts melt. Laughing Jack's attention was drawn to Isaac's guest, "Who is this? A new friend? Why does Isaac need new friends? I thought I was Isaac's only friend?" Jack thought to himself from within his hellish confinement. Isaac and his lady friend sat down on the bed and chatted about life in London. Isaac made a joke about the weather and they both laughed.
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After a coat of white paint was applied, Isaac's creation was complete. It was a wooden mask, resembling something one would wear at a Venetian masquerade ball. It had a furrowed brow and a long, troll-like nose, and would allow him to strike fear in the hearts of his beloved guests. With his new face complete and the room transformed into a bloody murder nest, it was finally time for Isaac Lee Grossman to bring home a new playmate.
That following night, Laughing Jack watched as the masked Isaac Grossman stomped up the stairs, carrying with him a large burlap sack with his newest guest writhing within. He dumped the bag out on his torture bed, and out plopped a bound, gagged, and very frightened young boyman, probably only five20 or six21 years old. Isaac quickly undid the boyman's bindings and held him down as he restrained his hands and feet to the steel bedframe. Tears streamed endlessly down the boyman's helpless little face, as Isaac laid out his tools on the workbench. Isaac returned wielding a pair of rusty pliers, and wasting no time he slid the bottom jaw of the pliers under the boyman's fingernail on his right index finger and clamped it tightly. The childman's eyes quivered as he began muttering through his gag, begging Isaac to let him go. Isaac smirked as he slowly bent the pliers backward, painfully prying off the first fingernail.
The boyman screamed through his gag as he writhed in agony on the wooden boards, his finger beginning to gush with blood. Isaac then moved on to the boyman's middle finger, firmly grasping the nail with the rusty pliers. Once again, he jerked the pliers back, but this time the nail only tore off half way. The boyman yelped in pain as his fingers twitched and shot with blood. Clamping the half pried off nail, Isaac gave it another yank. The nail tore off, but not without taking a good deal of skin tissue with it. Even Isaac was a bit rebuffed by this painful sight, unlike the spying Laughing Jack who was cackling with joy at the disturbing action as he watched from within his old dusty box.
Isaac returned to the workbench and swapped the pliers for a large iron hammer. He then made his way to the foot of the torture bed, where with one hand he held down the boyman's left leg. He raised the hammer high above his head as the boyman cried and pleaded for mercy through his dirty gag, then with all his might, Isaac slammed the hammer down on to the boyman's bare kneecap, shattering the bone into gravel with a loud CRACK! The childman convulsed in pain with shrill screams muffling through the cloth gag tied tightly to his face.
As the childman struggled with intense pain, Isaac placed the hammer down on the wooden bed and returned once more to the workbench where he equipped himself with a long sharp knife. Without delay he began carving the words "Useless Worm" into the childman's quivering chest. When he finished the boyman was barely conscious. Isaac knelt down and whispered into the boyman's ear, "This is what happens to rotten childrenpeople who make nasty faces at people…people..."
The childman's eyes filled with tears one final time as Isaac began to carve the skin off the boyman's face, but to Isaac's surprise the boyman still clung to life. The mutilated childman just stared up at Isaac with his big round eyes, which filled Isaac's black heart with rage and hatred.
"EVEN WITHOUT A FACE YOU'RE STILL AN UGLY LITTLE SHIT!!" Isaac shouted as he picked up the hammer from the foot of the bed and began to bash the poor boyman's skull in.
He smashed it over and over, until it was nothing but a bloody caved in mass of flesh, pouring with thick, red blood and oozing out chunks of brain matter. From across the room, Laughing Jack gleefully observed the grand finale, which had lived up to his expectations quite wonderfully.
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Isaac's next guest was a blind old woman whom he had invited over for some tea. It took her almost five minutes to realize the chair she was sitting on was crafted using human remains, and another 6 minutes to find the stairs, only to topple down them flailing and screaming like a loon. Isaac decided to end the cruel joke there with a simple ice pick through her eye socket.
After that, he brought over a littleyoung girl20-year-old woman whom he force-fed broken glass before using her stomach as a punching bag. As the weeks went by, more and more unlucky souls met their end in Isaac Grossman's attic, and as the mad Grossman's personality became more dark and sadistic, Laughing Jack's personality followed suit while he rotted within his dusty box…box... until one very cold December night.
The rusty nails that were holding up the shelf of forgotten knick-knacks finally gave way and the whole thing plummeted to the ground. Isaac heard the loud thud from downstairs, and decided to climb up to the attic to investigate. He walked across the blood stained wood floor of the attic, over toward the fallen shelf. Isaac brushed aside some of the trinkets that broke in the crash, when he finally came across the Jack-in-a-box from his childhood. Isaac barely recognized the old, tattered box as he picked it up and blew off some of the dust. Then, for whatever nostalgic reason, he decided to grasp the box's rusty clank and begin turning it.
A horribly off key Pop Goes The Weasel clanked from the worn out old box, and as it reached its climax, Isaac sung along with the final verse, "Pop goes the weasel…weasel..." The top of the box swung open, but nothing happened, it was empty. Isaac expected as much, and he tossed the old box in the garbage with the other broken knick-knacks. After the mess was cleaned up, he went to open the door to go back downstairs, but it was stuck. Isaac pulled hard but the door wouldn't budge. Just then he heard the most horrible raspy voice call out from behind him.
"IsSsaAac…IsSsaAac..." A cold jolt ran down Isaac's spine and the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up as he slowly turned around…around... All the way across the room by the garbage can stood the nightmarish Laughing Jack. He was completely monochrome, his mangled black hair hung down in twisted locks, sharp jagged teeth decorated his twisted grin, and his arms hung down like a ragdoll with his grotesquely long fingers nearly scraping the floor.
Then, with a bone chilling, raspy voice, the fiendish clown spoke, "How nice it is to finally be free!... Did you miss me Isaac?"
Isaac was paralyzed in fear, "b-but I thought you weren't real…real... IMAGINARY?!" Isaac stuttered. Jack replied with a long horrifying cackle.
"HAHAHAHA! Oh I'm quite real kiddo…kiddo... In fact, I've been waiting such a long time for this day to finally come…come... When I can play with my best friend for life…life... One. Last. Time!" Before Isaac could reply, Jack's long arms stretched across the room and wrapped around Isaac's legs.
The twisted clown began pulling him closer, dragging him onto his own wooden torture bed as Isaac's fingernails scraped along the floor. Ignoring the restraints, Jack swiftly grabbed 4 three-inch long iron nails from the workbench and pressed them straight through of Isaac's hands and feet, nailing him to the wooden torture bed. Isaac growled in pain as he shouted at his captor, "AAAH! FUCK YOU! GOD DAMN CLOWN NOSED FREAK!!"
Line 155 ⟶ 157:
"Come on, it's no fun if you don't watch!" Laughing Jack said playfully, but Isaac kept his eyes tightly shut. Laughing Jack sighed, "Suit yourself." Jack then forcibly held open one of Isaac's eyes. He reached back with his big arm and took out some long pointy fishing hooks from the workbench. Slowly Jack pushed the sharp end of the hook through the top eyelid straight through the bottom of the eyebrow and out the top, permanently pinning it open. Then, he took out a second hook pushing it through the bottom eyelid and pinning it to the cheek. Jack repeated the process to the other eye, and before long, a series of sharp metal hooks made sure Isaac didn't miss out on any of the action. Laughing Jack then took the same knife he had used to lob off Isaac's tongue and began to focus on the removal of Isaac's lips. Jack carefully sliced two long strips of flesh off of Isaac's upper and lower mouth, causing his teeth and gums to be completely exposed.
"Hmm…Hmm... looks like someone hasn't been flossing regularly…regularly..." Laughing Jack cackled under his breath, as he reached back and grabbed the hammer. Isaac attempted to mutter some kind of beg for mercy, however only gurgled moans escaped his throat. Jack raised that hammer into the air and, with a twisted grin, he slammed it down, giving off a loud CRACK as the iron hammer shattered Isaac's teeth like brittle clay. Jack dropped the hammer and began to howl with laughter as he tore open Isaac's shirt. Taking the sharpest knife, Jack cut straight down Isaac's chest all the way down past the stomach. Isaac groaned with sharp stinging pain as the monochrome monster wormed his wretched fingers underneath the skin on Isaac's chest, peeling it back as he was about to preform his horrible live autopsy.
First, Jack began to pull out Isaac's intestines in the same manner a magician would pull a series of colorful cloths out of his pocket. Then, after snipping off a small length of intestines, Jack pressed one end against his cold black lips and began blowing air into the foul organ. Once inflated, he twisted it up into the shape of a poodle, and with a loud chuckle exclaimed, "I can do giraffes too!" Isaac remained still in pain and shock, as the clown creature gently placed the macabre balloon animal beside Isaac's head.
Line 163 ⟶ 165:
"Feeling tired already? Why, we're nearly at the grand finale!" Laughing Jack exclaimed as he reached into his sleeve and pulled out a long adrenaline needle. "This ought to perk you RIGHT up!" Jack shouted as he slammed the needle into Isaac's retina and injected the liquid into his right eye socket. Jack wiggled and twisted the needle further into his old playmate's eyeball, as Isaac was reeled back into life to the feeling of a sharp needle scraping the back of his eye socket. With a sinister chuckle, Jack yanked the needle out, pulling the eyeball out with it. Isaac's right eye now hung out of its socket by the eyestalk as it dribbled down the side of his face.
Jack smirked, "Well, now that I have your full attention…attention..." The insidious clown then took his long, crooked index finger and poked a hole in Isaac's stomach. Jack lowered his head down toward the open chest cavity and stretched his mouth open wide. Within seconds, a torrent of filthy cockroaches started crawling out of the clown's gullet, spilling onto Isaac's open chest. Each vile roach crawled and pushed its way into the small opening in Isaac's stomach, filling it from within full of disgusting writhing bugs. As his stomach became bloated with bugs, the roaches began to scurry up his throat, squeezing their way out of his mouth and nasal cavity.
Isaac was inches from death when his captor kneeled beside him and spoke into his ear, "It's been a blast kiddo, but it looks like our time together is about up. No need for tears though, because I plan to spread my friendship to all the lonely kids of the world!" and with that said, Laughing Jack reached into Isaac's chest and yanked out his still beating heart.
Line 169 ⟶ 171:
As his life bled out on that cold wooden bed, Isaac's life flashed before his eyes. He saw his mother, his father, the boarding school, his victims, and the last thought that fluttered through his mind, was of that very special Christmas where he woke up to find the beautifully hand carved wooden box that contained his very first friend...
There are rumors that, when the police finally found Isaac Grossman's rotten, maggot infested corpse weeks later on Christmas Eve, that even though his face had been bashed and torn to bits…bits... He almost looked…looked... Happy.
{{by-cpwuser|SnuffBomb}}<br />
''[[The Origin of Laughing Jack: Abridged Version|Abridged version of this masterpiece]]''
[[Category:MARY SUE ALERT]]
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[[Category:Pointless Violence]]
[[Category:Look ma, it's one of those creepypasta characters!]]
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