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The Blood Written Words

Today is the 8th of December 2012 and this is my story leading up to this point, I Fear I Have to Write this down as What occurs next may be the end of me.

Every night, the same routine occurred, I Would turn off my laptop, sneak into my bedroom and go to sleep, in the morning I would go to work, return home and go onto the laptop as if on an everlasting loop of boredom, I didn't get out much and my house hasn't seen anyone but me for years. I always did my shopping on the Saturday of every week as I was not at work on that day and it was the most convenient, Every Saturday it seemed I would return home to an empty house with the same Food and Drinks as the week before it was always Milk, Cereal, Toilet Roll, Pasta and Cheap pizza, Sometimes I Would spoil myself bring home some ice-cream or something, this week I decided I wanted Potato Chips, no reason in particular, just to pig out and get fat, the usual. I put my things away and did what any other geek would do, I headed straight for the laptop, Turned it on and went on an everlasting quest of websites and gaming that would not end or be put on hold unless I felt the need to cook up some pasta or pizza.

It was around the time 1am when it started to become creepy, I heard a door creek open and then slowly shut again, I wasn't the bravest of all men and from that sound I refused to get up until my mind went into all possibilities of what it could be, I Slowly arose from my chair and Tip Toed slowly the door which lead out into the hallway, My hallway was pretty empty except a path to another room, a closet and the front door, I slowly stepped out into it, and crept ever so slowly to the door as if each step was one to my death, I Tip Toed to the front door as if getting slower by each step, I placed my now Goosebumps ridden hand onto the handle of my front door and turned the handle, Slowly, I opened the door and looked both directions outside, There was nothing there but I still felt as if some source of fear was in my presence, But with no factual evidence I shut my laptop and seemingly Sprinted up stairs as if a ghost was in my presence chasing me, I jumped into my bed and pulled the cover over my head, My eyes began to close as I head a door creek open again, at this time I was starting to believe it was some effect of the wind that In the past I had not noticed... CRUNCH, "What was that" I thought to myself, I couldn't bring myself to investigate, I had already had enough of that today, my heart was beating fast but I couldn't do it, It was probably my imagination or just a noise from a heater or something, That's what they usually say it is. (Read more...)

Written by Appdicted