The 347rd day changed my life

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Day 347:

They still haven't found me. Those monsters still haven't found me.

I have been living in a mountain cabin far from the brainwashed and terrible people that have been controlled by those monsters. But I fear my days of hiding are nearing an inevitable end because of what I saw when I last went down to the nearby village to buy supplies.

The people looked... different. There was something very wrong about the place. It felt... refreshing somehow, but also sinister. It scared me, but I don't know why.

I cautiously walked to the general merchandise store I frequented to buy the things I needed. I got food, water, and several other necessary items. When I got to the counter, I noticed that something was off about the young woman there. It wasn't her creepy smile that was scaring me, it wasn't the all-too-white teeth she had, still it wasn't the clothes she wore or her body structure. What was off was her... hair. It was shorter. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw her hair. I hoped to the heavens that the monsters wasn't the reason for what I saw.

The woman seemed to notice my surprise and so she asked, "Is there anything wrong, Just Perfect?"

I tried to speak, but nothing came out of my dry throat. I wet my tongue then swallowed and tried again. "N-No, nothing at a-all..." I croaked as I paid and got my bags.

As I turned to leave, the woman whispered something disturbing.

"They're coming for you..." she said quietly. When I turned to look, she was busy checking out the items of the next customer.

I walked back to my mountain cabin in solitude, pondering the words of the woman, and fearing my future.

Later that night as I was preparing my dinner, I heard a knock on my door. I looked at the clock which showed 11:59 and wondered who it could be this late at night.

"Who's there?" I asked. When no answer came, I looked through my peephole and saw nothing.

Shrugging it off as paranoia, I went back to preparing my food. Then a knock came again. This time, I heard the sound of metal on metal.

They're here now. The day I feared the most has finally arrived.

Those monsters will take away my most precious...

I looked around for any weapon I could use against them, but could find nothing. Not even a knife from my kitchen.

Will I go down without a fight? Is this how all this would end?

There was nothing I could do now...

The Barbers had come...

And I'm going to have my haircut...

Goodbye my beautiful hair... It was nice growing you...

Tears filled my eyes as the Barbers knocked the door down and walked over to me.


R.I.P. Hair. January 2014 - December 2014.

Credited to HowlEngel 
Originally uploaded on December 19, 2014

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