There Are Voice Narrators Who Are Forcing Writers to Write Horror Stories On Reddit In Order To Profit On YouTube: Difference between revisions

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My weekly scary stories that I post on subreddits to include r/scarystories and r/wholesomenosleep had caught the attention of a moderator on the Discord app group "OnlyTheBestWriters," where a collaboration of other writers were also invited to work together and discuss current reader trends.

There were 10 other horror writers who were selected for the exclusive Discord group where each writer had a minimum of one hundred thousand Reddit post karma points from the various stories that they have have posted and had over 500 Reddit followers.

The moderator who went by the username, u/medusa$ was a really nice woman who went out of her way to make sure everyone was properly introduced to the group and felt welcomed. Being that we are all writers, it didn’t take long for us to start typing away and finding additional information about each other. All of the writers in the group are from the United States and our occupations vary from being professional writers to construction workers, where there are a mix of five woman and five men.

u/medusa$ was proactive in the group where she created “ice breaker activities,” where we even learned more about each other like our occupations, ages, and where each other lived. Though we were all talented writers, we all felt like individual islands prior to joining the Discord and now there was a sense of a community within the group.

As the weeks went on, u/medusa$ started her own narration business where each of our stories would be narrated on YouTube. In the past, this was quite a common thing to occur to have our stories narrated but u/medusa$ promised us $1 per 100 views which was by far the best offer any of us writers in the Discord group had ever received especially considering some YouTube videos could receive 100k views or more.

u/medusa$ had us link her subreddit page that contained all of her YouTube links at the bottom of our stories, so our readers could access her YouTube account.

All of the Discord members in the writers group would check their respective YouTube narrations and we would all comment on how the number of views would rise each day. One of my stories was at fifty thousand and was continually growing. Another writer had close to a half million views and we were celebrating every day knowing we were eventually going to get more and more money.

u/medusa$ had us all open a PayPal account and we would all check it daily to see when we would receive our first payments from her.

Weeks went by and we continued to send u/medusa$ our stories, where she would narrate them and we were all talented writers in the Discord group so most of our stories would get well over the one thousand upvotes on the various subreddits, that we posted them on. However, one writer in our Discord group u/sixheadedtoad posted a message on the Discord saying that he had received a private message from u/medusa$ that the stipulation of our contract for the narrations was that each one of our stories we posted had to get a mandatory one thousand upvotes and that he was in violation for not meeting the contractual amount of upvotes. u/sixheadedtoad then said “I’m being threatened that I have to personally reach out to my followers to beg for upvotes and also has anyone actually been paid yet?”

The comment from u/sixheadedtoad set off a tidal wave of other comments from writers in the Discord group where everyone was getting pissed off because no one else had actually received any money either. Also the so called contract was embedded in small print in the rules section of the Discord group that no one had bothered to read.

u/sixheadedtoad commented on our Discord group that he wasn’t reaching out to any of his followers until he was paid as promised for the six previous stories that were narrated by u/medusa$, which everyone agreed was an appropriate measure.

Two days later u/sixheadedtoad posted on our Discord group that he got suspended from his elementary school teaching job because of “bogus” photos of him with an unknown underage boy. He swore that the photos were photoshopped and he has no idea of the identity of the photographed Korean looking boy. To make matters worse the mother of the boy came forward to the superintendent of the school district and corroborated the story so he’ll likely face criminal charges and be fired from his job.

There was collective silence in the group because not only did we feel an eerily coincidence to u/medusa$’s threat towards u/sixheadedtoad and his current demise but if you listen really carefully to u/medusa$’s narrations you can pick up on a very slight Asian accent. An accent where English was her first language, but she probably also spoke an Asian language frequently at home, based on approximately one in 20 of her words she spoke that would have an Asian tone to it. It kind of reminded me of watching the movie, The Goodfellas, where you could tell the character’s. first language was English, but they talked with Italian slang mixed in.

With all the stuff going on with u/sixheadedtoad, u/medusa$ sent him another private message saying that his most recent story was still below the one thousand upvote mark and that he needed to fix it immediately or there would be consequences.

U/sixheadedtoad posted that message on our Discord group in a panicked state saying “I can’t even go to the grocery store without someone calling me a ‘pervert’ for something I had no involvement in and now I’m be threatened with ‘consequences’ if I don’t get more upvotes on my story. What do I do?”

Everyone in our Discord group was in a panic as well and we all felt unsafe posting anything negative in our Discord group for fear of reprisals from u/medusa$.

I could really start to see the panic in u/sixheadedtoad where he started posting messages nearly every hour on our Discord group such as “I reached out to all of my followers to upvote my story but I’m still short. What do I do?” The sad part was that nobody responded back to him for fear from u/medusa$. So the next hour he said he randomly gifted other Reddit users coins with a message begging them to upvote his story. By the end of the day and spending close to five hundred dollars of his own money, he finally got the one thousand upvotes.

I could only assume that u/medusa$’s motivation for the one thousand upvotes was for her listeners to see that she only gets the best quality stories and also to force us writers to write good quality stories, but also she is a deranged psychopath who has control issues.

u/sixheadedtoad messages changed gears to him being suspended at work to him pressuring the police to further question the unknown Korean women and her son, who he apparently had an inappropriate relationship with based on the “bogus” photos.

Today is Friday and u/medusa$ posted on the Discord group that our “Stories must be posted by Monday morning!”

The joy we all once received from entertaining our readers on Reddit has now turned into absolute fear. For we know that we have to get at least 1000 upvotes or else u/medusa$ will do something to terrorize us.

The scariest part that we all learned from u/sixheadedtoad’s situation was that u/medusa$ knows everything she needs to know about us, which includes our names, where we lived, where we worked and our families, so we couldn’t even just leave Reddit and stop writing.

Monday came and we all posted our stories on our chosen subreddits. Then each one of us vented on the Discord group saying things like “my story is crap because I felt so pressured” or “I’ll be lucky if I get 10 upvotes.”

It seemed like last week we were all waiting to see how much money our narrations would bring us but now not only did none of us expect any money, but we were much more worried about if our individual stories would get the minimal one thousand upvotes, so we wouldn’t be terrorized.

So now everyone’s posts on the Discord group were for given updates on the status of their upvotes. For some, the upvotes were trending to a point where they would exceed the required upvotes but for about two others they knew they were far short and were going to have to rely on some desperation tactics to gain more upvotes.

Fortunately for me, I knew that I would be fine for this week because I had a good quality story already written about a month ago that I was holding on to, but I was more concerned about the following week.

u/sixheadedtoad had posted on the Discord group that the photos were taken to the police crime lab where indeed they were determined to be photoshopped. Also, u/sixheadedtoad said that the original Korean women who had stepped forward had also vanished. He went on to say that the damage has been already done and he will always be labeled as a pervert in his school district even when he gets reinstated in his job.

Today is now Friday and u/darkknightkillers, who had only gotten 500 upvotes, posted that when he returned from work yesterday his house was burnt down by a suspected arsonist.

To try keep herself safe, u/femininerocky has been sending random Redditor’s lewd pictures of herself to try to garnish more upvotes because u/medusa$ had been threatening her but hasn’t done anything drastic yet.

By Friday night u/femininerocky might have sold her soul by sending the lewd photos but she managed to get the 1000 upvotes. She was really emotional in her Discord posting’s commenting how she’s married with kids and just sending photos wasn’t good enough for some of the Redditor’s to get an upvote, so she had to do some really regrettable things just to protect her family and her job.

We also received another message from u/medusa$ saying that our stories were due on Monday. The whole week, I was working on a story about being the only passenger on a plane and landing in an abandoned airport. It wasn’t my best and it wasn’t my worst story that I have written, but it had hope .

Everyone else on the Discord group were posting that they couldn’t come up with any good stories because they were too stressed out to think clearly. Six of the Redditor’s on our Discord group had deleted their Reddit accounts and their Facebook accounts. After I posted my story on Monday, I tried calling each of the six Redditor’s respective employers, where I was told for each six of them that they had abruptly quit, so I have no idea of their whereabouts or what happened to them.

The sad part is that u/medusa$ found six new replacements for them on the Discord group, where u/medusa$ repeated the same cycle of initially being nice and welcoming in order to gain their personal information from the new group members.

I have a wife and a young daughter so I was really feeling the pressure. I have a federal job with good pay where I couldn’t just run and hide somewhere, where I work as a psychologist in a federal correctional institution. A lot of my stories are derived from hallucinations that the psychiatric inmates have told me or actual real life events that the inmates have told me as well, so I have no shortage of horror stories that I have a tendency to add my own twist.

My mindset was that, I just had to do what u/medusa$ expected of me so my daughter, Grace could continue her happy suburban life.

However, I also had a plan up my sleeve, where I was going to wait for u/medusa$ to get sloppy and leave a clue to her actual identity whether if it was through her Discord harassment posts, or through her narrations, or through one of her henchmen or henchwomen that she contracts to carry out her evil deeds, but I was determined to find her real identity.

I know u/sixheadedtoad told the police about u/medusa$ but once he was cleared of his charges he didn’t want to pursue u/medusa$ or the unknown Korean woman for fear of further retaliation from u/medusa$ and the police had such a back log of other criminals to pursue that they were more than happy to drop the case.

So on top of my job, I continued to post my weekly stories where some weeks I barely came close to the 1000 upvotes.

I even sent a private message to one of the new Discord writer’s, warning her not to reveal any personal information on the Discord group and in fact leave Reddit altogether before it was to late, but she foolishly forwarded the message to u/medusa$ and luckily the only thing that happened to me was that my 2006 Camry was fire bombed in the parking lot of my job. I figured an old car was much easier to replace than my house or the loss of my wife and daughter. So now I post nothing in the Discord group and watch as these poor new writers dig their own graves.

Once u/medusa$ gets all the personal information she needs on the writers, then she’ll start getting more and more evil and nonchalantly throw out u/sixheadedtoad or u/femininerocky usernames to the new members and brag how she “altered” their lives. She would even post how erroneous accusations against her to YouTube are pointless without actual police charges or an arrest. She really was a true sociopath who lived off of power and fear from others.

As much as I tried to just post my stories on Reddit and pretend that I had never met u/medusa$, I found my self constantly looking at the Discord app to she if she would mistakenly post a comment that was too revealing about herself that she was too slow to erase or I’d listen for countless hours to her narrations for any type of background noise that she inadvertently let slip into her recordings.

As the weeks went on my wife made me go see a therapist because I “looked horrible” and because I was more and more detached from her and Grace, where I never told either of them that I was being forced to write stories under the threat of physical harm.

So I went to the therapist and blamed my lack of sleep and emotional detachment on a mid life crisis versus some psycho path who was trying to use me as slave labor.

Ironically as I was driving home from a therapist appointment, I was painfully listening to u/medusa$’s voice in one of her narrations, when I almost slammed my car into a tree when I heard a voice that wasn’t her’s in the background.

I knew she just posted this story so I quickly pulled over knowing that she would erase the story at any moment once she realized the mistake she made.

I pulled over and listened over and over to her narration and I yelled out “I got you, I got you, you dumb witch. I got you,” because after replaying the recording at least ten times, I was certain that I heard the distant automated voice on a passing train say “Temple University.” I had visited Temple as a potential college when I was in high school and I remembered hearing that voice then taking the train to go see the campus of Drexel.

I figured she must have a house or an apartment on Temple’s campus and for whatever reason, she got sloppy for this narration and inadvertently left a window open or something for the train sound to be heard.

Though this woman was a complete psychopath, I also knew from my years as a psychologist that she wasn’t dumb and more than likely she probably held a faculty position at Temple.

I was really fortunate that I pulled over when I did to listen to the mistake in the background of the narration, because she had erased the story from YouTube no more than five minutes later.

When I got home, I went right on Temple’s website and sifted through all the women that fit the profile of u/medusa$, which I narrowed the candidates down to 10 potential women.

Because it was 9:00 p.m. at night, when I attempted to call each of them, I got their voicemails which made my job 10 times easier of trying to hear hear their voices. I wasn’t a voice expert but some of the woman could be easily excluded based on the pitch of their Voice’s or more so if they had a distinct accent.

Then I was in total disbelief when it came to voicemail number seven on my list, because based on only about 20 quick words she spoke on her voice recording, I was 100% certain it was her, because I had listened to thousands of hours of her voice narrations, where I just wanted to stick a butter knife in both of my ears, but all those painful hours of listening to her recordings had just paid off.

Her name is Mary Kim and she is an associate professor at the university. Out of all the years, I worked as a psychologist in the prison, she wins the prize for being the biggest sociopath, where she thought she could just terrorize people under an alias of u/medusa$ and never having to show her face, so she could hide and live a “normal life.”

One of her students had actually posted a short YouTube video of her lecturing in front of the class, where I was even more convinced after listening to her lecture that she was u/medusa$.

The next thing I did was reach out to all the current and past Discord group members and I sent them the YouTube message of Professor Kim lecturing in front of the class.

I learned that not a single one of the Discord members went to the police but instead took matters into their own hands where they had each devised their own ways to torture u/medusa$ or who they just call Professor Kim now.

u/medusa$ like me just couldn’t leave her job, so when she gets “kidnapped for the weekend” or comes home to her apartment by the train station and finds everything missing, it’s no wonder she’s developed a terrible stuttering problem and probably couldn’t do the YouTube narrations anymore if she tried.

Credited to mtp6921 

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