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(Created page with "I have trouble sleeping at night, in fact, I rarely sleep at night. I spend my nights on the computer, reading this and that on the internet. Creepy stories, philosophy and psychology related documents, it interests me greatly. I stay awake all night, reading, or talking to friends on Facebook while drinking cups of tea. I like my tea. I gather my lost sleep during the day, like at school. I find that English is the easiest, or music class. Last night I read this one pa...")
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I have trouble sleeping at night, in fact, I rarely sleep at night. I spend my nights on the computer, reading this and that on the internet. Creepy stories, philosophy and psychology related documents, it interests me greatly. I stay awake all night, reading, or talking to friends on Facebook while drinking cups of tea. I like my tea. I gather my lost sleep during the day, like at school. I find that English is the easiest, or music class.
Last night I read this one particular story that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It was titled, ‘the'the boogie man’man.' I thought that is sounded cliche`cliché, but my curiosity bested me once more, so I decided to read, there wasn’twasn't much else to do at 3:30 in the morning.
The story was pretty long, it took me an hour to get through it, but I am glad I read it, it was really well written. According to this, the boogie man comes when everyone but its victim are in a deep sleep. He walks around your house and gently taps on the window, trying to find which window is the one for your bedroom. He starts to tap louder and more violently as he gets closer to you.
The victim in the story I read was at her computer in her bedroom just surfing the internet, and she started to hear this tapping sound. She turns her head, looking around her room cautiously, but the tapping stopsstopped. She continuescontinued what she was doing, and the tapping startsstarted up again, this time, a lot louder. A little paranoid, the victim standsstood up and walkswalked to her bedroom door and makesmade sure that it iswas locked. She then walkswalked towards her bedroom window to make sure that nothing cancould see or get inside.
Just as she was about to sit back in her chair by her computer, the tapping returnsreturned, this time it soundssounded like it iswas coming from within her room. Starting to freak out, she startsstarted to search her room for the source of the noise. She checkschecked in her closet, in the drawers of her desk, under the dunadoona on her bed, and under her bed. As she lieslied on the floor, she seessaw two bright green eyes staring back at her. She screamsscreamed and jumpsjumped up hitting her head on something hard. She fallsfell to the ground. She strugglesstruggled to roll over and she seesaw a giant, furry creature, too tall for her room. It started to breathe heavily and leaned over her, studying her. It movesmoved its hand and reachesreached down for her throat. He gripsgripped her by her throat and pullspulled her up, choking her. She claws on the giant hand around that iswas cutting off her airways and kickskicked and beatsbeat at the monster, but to no avail. Her face changes colourscolors from red to blue to green and then to brown, the colourcolor of the monster. As its grip tightenstightened around her fragile neck, she goeswent limp, she stopsstopped flailing her arms and legs at it and the monster letslet the limp body fall to the floor.
With a flash of bright light, the Boogie Man instantly vanished.
I turn my computer off as my eyes arewere starting to fail to stay open. Just as I amwas about to crawl into bed, I hearheard a tapping.
{{by-cpwuser|Previous|date=May 5, 2012}}
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