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Not a day goes by that I don’tdon't miss my hun, Lyle. When we first met at a frat party at his Ivy League school, he gave me major Patrick Bateman vibes, which I found incredibly sexy. 5 years later, he was a yuppie working in Austin, while I slaved away on my master’smaster's thesis in Biological Anthropology and took care of our two doggies. One morning we were eating a scrumptious breakfast when Lyle turned to me and said in his dreamy voice, “Hun"Hun, if you ever tell anyone you’reyou're attending a state school, I will chop you up into little pieces and feed you to our adorable doggos."
“I’ll"I'll never tell, hun”hun" I said, trying not to cum at the table.
One night we were hosting a party at our apartment. We called it our 5th anniversary gala. My idiot sister was super wine drunk and let my secret slip.
“Hey"Hey Savannah how is UT Austin going?!?!" She thoughtlessly blurted out.
“Molly"Molly shut the fuck up!!!!" I whispered furiously.
Luckily the music was so loud that nobody else heard except Lyle and I, but he couldn’tcouldn't risk her blowing my cover like that again. Lyle pulled me aside and gently laid his hand on my shoulder.
He said sexily “I’m"I'm sorry Hun, your sister is nice and all, but I have a very classy reputation I need to uphold."
“I"I understand Hun," I said as I started to choke up. “Do"Do it in the bedroom away from the guests. We’llWe'll tell them she got so wasted she passed out. I’mI'm gonna come watch. If anyone asks about the screaming we’llwe'll tell them it was from passionate boning."
His smoldering eyes pierced my sternum. “You"You think of everything, hun."
He took his chainsaw from our bedroom closet. I couldn’tcouldn't look away. I’llI'll miss my sister, but I’mI'm not gonna lie I came about 20 times so it wasn’twasn't that bad. We made love for literally 5 hours afterwards.
I woke up the next morning looking forward to a bright new day, when I saw a horrific and sexy sight. My hun had belly flopped onto the chainsaw, which was sitting upright and was still on. He must’vemust've tripped over one of the puppers while getting out of bed. I nutted a few times and then sobbed for an hour.
I’llI'll never stop missing my hun. That’sThat's why his sexy body can never leave our bedroom. He’sHe's my hun forever.
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