Trollpasta Wiki:User blog:GodzillaFan1/The History of Trollpasta Wiki: Difference between revisions

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'''NOTE: This blog may get updated from time to time, so be on the look out for possible updates.'''
'''This blog gets updated from time to time, so be on the look out for updates.'''

'''NOTE 2:''' Please do keep in mind that this is all coming from my perspective (aka 1st person narrative).
'''NOTE:''' Please do keep in mind that sense I'm the one writing this, most of this is coming from my perspective.

==My Story==

<center>CHAPTER 1</center>
(2012 - present)

'''''My Beginning'''''
===='''''A Legend Was Born'''''====

'''''<small>(November 2012 - May 2013)</small>'''''
'''''<small>(July 2011 - April 2013)</small>'''''

On July 21st, 2011, [[User:Dronian|Dronain]] founded Trollpasta Wiki. Creepypasta Wiki only allowed [ a handful of trollpastas on their site], so Trollpasta Wiki was created in order to be a site only dedicated to trollpastas. Trollasta Wiki's content ranged from being ALL CAPS poorly written stories about the most random things, to making fun of certain creepypastas and creepypasta cliches, and eventually hosting [[:Category:Deletion Log Refugees|deleted]] [[:Category:Bad Creepypasta|failpastas]] from Creepypasta Wiki. Dronian was the only one running the site at the time, that is up until June 20th, 2012 when he made [[User:Furbearingbrick|Furbearingbrick]] (Fur) an admin. 4 months later, [[User:LOLSKELETONS|LOLSKELETONS]] (Skelly) joined the wiki, and started helping out. Fur took notice of Skelly, and suggested that he should apply for adminship. So he did just that, and [[User talk:Dronian#Admin_2|asked Dronian if he could be an admin]]. Dronain agreed, and made Skelly an admin on November 13th, 2012. Together, Fur and Skelly helped the site out with category organization, adding deleted pastas from Creepypasta Wiki, and blocked people who didn't update [[Project:List|The List]] [[User blog:LOLSKELETONS/ATTENTION ALL|within 24 hours]]. However, problems started accruing in January 2013 with troublesome anonymous users.
I joined the wiki on November 12th, 2012. The only thing I did was create shitty spam pastas, and had no intentions of editing. I even got [ banned twice for not updating the article listings]. The first time I got blocked, I [ added this to my profile on the Creepypasta Wiki]. Real mature, am I right?

An anon [[User talk:Furbearingbrick/Talk Archive 1#Duplicate images|started harassing Fur]] [[User talk:Furbearingbrick/Talk Archive 1#Blocked, (Not Raging)|on her talk page]], making threats, and ranting about how "corrupt" she and the other Creepypasta Wiki staff were. Fur went to Dronian about this, and proposed that anonymous editing should be disabled. Skelly and a user by the name "[[User:TheShadyNerd|TheShadyNerd]]" supported this proposal. A few days later, [[User talk:Dronian#HELP|Fur went to Dronian once again, but this time in a crisis]]. She suggested that anonymous editing should once again be disabled due to the anon vandalizing pages and switching IPs, and also suggested that TheShadyNerd should be an admin to help combat these problems. While anonymous editing didn't get disabled, the issues with the troublesome anon eventually got resolved.
[ March 21st 2013] and onward. I start helping out the wiki by removing unnecessary categories from pages. LOLSKELETONS (I'll refer to him as "Skelly") noticed how I've been [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#Hello|"quite the contributer lately"]], and asked if I wanted to help out with the [[User blog:LOLSKELETONS/Category Reorganization Update|category reorganization effort]]. I agreed to help, and two days later I became a rollback.

On February 7th, 2013, TheShadyNerd [[User talk:Dronian|applied for adminship]]. Dronian agreed, and made him an admin on the same day. 1 month later on March 13th, 2013, Skelly [[User talk:Dronian#LOLSKELETONS' Application for Bureaucrat |applied for bureaucrat rights]], stating that "the wiki has become too big for only five admins and one bureaucrat." Despite the app gaining a lot of support, Dronain wasn't so sure about it (more on that later). During this time, another user was recently making the rounds. And that user would be me.
April 9th, 2013. Skelly just became a bureaucrat, and one of the first things he did [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#HAI U UPDAYT)|was make me an admin]]. I was pretty ecstatic about this, because I've always wanted to be admin ever since I started helping out. Though, I never did ask for it.

I joined the wiki November 12th, 2012 (1 day before Skelly became an admin). I forget how I discovered this site, but when I joined, I had no intentions of editing or helping in any way. I only wanted to write trollpastas (really terrible ones at that). [ I got blocked twice for not updating the list], [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#Categories Reminder|and I received a warning about adding categories that weren't on the]] [[Project:Genre Listing|Category List]]. The first time I got blocked, I [ added this to my profile on Creepypasta Wiki]. So things weren't looking too good for me. However, on March 21st, 2013, I took a break from making trollpastas, and [ started editing more]. Skelly took notice of my editing, [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#Hello|and messaged me asking if I was interested in helping out in the]] [[User blog:LOLSKELETONS/Category Reorganization Update|category reorganization effort]]. I agreed, and started removing [[:Category:Unneeded|unneeded categories]] from pages. However, I couldn't edit protected pages, so that kind of slowed down the process of getting rid of the categories. But after two days of cleaning-up the site, [[User talk:Dronian#HAU DRONIAN|Skelly suggested to Dronian that I should become a rollback]]. On the same day Skelly left the message (March 28th, 2013), Dronian decided to make me a rollback.
I continued to help out the wiki frequently, until May 10th, 2013. What happened on that day? Well, let me explain.

After nearly a month since Skelly's bureaucrat app, Dronian was still undecided on whether or not he should give Skelly the rights. But Skelly couldn't wait much longer, he needed an an answer sooner rather than later. [[User talk:Dronian#I need halp|So he messaged Dronian once again, wanting a definite answer]]. Dronian finally gave in, and made Skelly a bureaucrat on April 9th, 2013. On the same day, Skelly with his newly granted bureaucrat abilities [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#HAI U (UPDAYT)|promoted me to adminship]]. It's also interesting to note that since that day, Dronian has become inactive. TheShadyNerd also became inactive, which he was later demoted because of it.
'''''My Fall and Return'''''

While things were looking bright for the future of Trollpasta Wiki, some shady things were going on behind the scenes.

<center>CHAPTER 2</center>

===='''''Shady Socks and Global Blocks'''''====

'''''<small>(May 2013 - August 2013)</small>'''''
'''''<small>(May 2013 - August 2013)</small>'''''

It was about two weeks after I became an admin. I was in the chat talking to two random users I just met for the first time, [[User:TheToaMaster|TheToaMaster]] (Toa), and [[User:Trigger Hurt|Trigger Hurt]] (Trigger). Toa showed me a wiki of his, the [ Have Fun Wiki]. I wanted to help him out with it, so I took a break from Trollpasta Wiki, and focused on the Have Fun Wiki. Me, Toa, and Trigger would chat on Have Fun Wiki regularly. Toa and Trigger were messing around with sock accounts, and would often roleplay with them. Toa gave me the passwords to some of his sock accounts so I could join in on the roleplaying fun. Me and Toa decided to bring the fun outside of the Have Fun Wiki chat, and raided other wiki chats with the accounts. Needless to say, we were having the time of our lives goofing around with the accounts. It was so fun that I decided I would take my socking fun to the next level... by vandalizing wikis. Silly me thought I could vandalize pages and get away with it. This was because I had no idea about "global bans" at the time. A global ban is where Wikia bans your IP address from editing on all wikis. Had I known this, I probably wouldn't have vandalized. But let's continue.
In early May, I thought it would be a GREAT idea to vandalize multiple wikis under a [[User:EVIL PATRIXXX|sock-puppet account]]. This got my sock account blocked on multiple wikis, and even my IP. On May 10th, 2013, I was doing my thing. Vandalizing shit on other wikis. In this case, on the [ Donkey Kong Wiki]. After I got done with that, I noticed that my main account was blocked. Not just on that wiki, but ALL wikis. Wikia had enough of my bullshit, and blocked my IP for 4 months, meaning I wouldn't get unblocked until August 10th, 2013. I was on the Have Fun Wiki chat when this was happening, so I started losing my shit. If I left the chat, I could never re-enter it again for good 4 months. So I wanted to stay on for as long as possible. However, TheToaMaster joke kicked me off the chat for whatever reason.

For vandalizing wikis, I used one sock account, [[User:EVIL PATRIXXX|EVIL PATRIXXX]]. My first "victim" was the Call of Duty Wiki. I inserted random images, and false information on one of the pages. I eventually went on to the Mario Wiki, Nintendo Wiki, and a few others. I got away with it for about a week, until May 10th, 2013. [ I was vandalizing an article on the Donkey Kong Wiki]. Someone undid my edit, so I tried vandalizing it again. But instead of the editor popping up, I got a message telling me that my IP address has been banned from May 10th - August 10th. I went to other wikis, and got the same message. I was on the Have Fun Wiki chat while all of this was happening, so naturally, I started losing my mind in the chat. If I left the chat, I could never reenter for 3 months. So I stayed on for as long as I could, until Toa "joke" kicked me off the chat for whatever reason.

I was really upset, because I had duties to fulfill on Trollpasta Wiki, and I didn't want to be away from it for 3 whole months. But luckily, I discovered a glitch where I could unblock myself for about 30 seconds. I have no idea why the glitch happened, or what triggered it, and it seemed to happen at random. I used it at any chance I got, but I mainly used it for chatting, because even after the glitch stopped working after 30 seconds, it wouldn't kick out of chat, so I could stay on for as long as I wanted. However, the glitch stopped working sometime in June, so I stopped checking Wikia for a while.
Early May 2013 was an extremely tough time for me in terms of Wikia. My blog on the Fantendo Wiki on why Call of Duty "sucks" was getting 400+ comments, all going against me, (I would love to link it, but it's been since deleted) which really stressed me out. [ And the Have Fun Wiki was getting overthrown by 343]. Yeah, I had all that shit going on, plus I get global blocked. And to be honest, I deserved it. All of it. Except maybe the shit that was going on the Have Fun Wiki. That was bullshit.

Fast forward to August 3rd, 2013. I decided to check Wikia because I hadn't checked it in a while. I went to my profile on Have Fun Wiki, and the "BLOCKED" tag wasn't showing up next to my name. At first I thought the self-unblocking glitch came back. But then I edited a few pages, and that's when I realized my global blocked expired 1 week early. I don't know why it did, but hey, I didn't complain.
Despite being global blocked, I could sometimes edit. Yeah, Wikia had this weird bug where you would temporarily get unblocked (and when I mean "temporarily", I mean like 30 seconds.) It seemed to work at random. But sometimes I would get it to work just by staying on a user's page for about a minute. Upon this discovery, I abused the bug heavily. Unfortunately for me, the bug stopped working in late June 2013.

I returned to Trollpasta Wiki, but not to edit, but to advertise the Have Fun Wiki on chat. The wiki wasn't getting much traffic, so I was trying to spread the word of it to gain more active users. That didn't necessarily work out, but I eventually stopped the advertising, and started visiting the chat regularly just to hang out and talk. I was on the chat almost everyday though out the year of 2013, and met a ton of new users, some of which eventually became an admin. Like [[User:SOMEGUY123|SOMEGUY123]], [[User:Fatal Disease|Fatal Disease]], [[User:Haramonia|Haramonia]], and [[User:Superplankofdeath|Superplankofdeath]]. The Trollpasta Wiki community was growing faster than ever, and many users were becoming admins, chat mods, and rollbacks. Our staff at the time was massive. In fact, we had about 9 admins at one point.
August 3rd, 2013. My ban was originally supposed to end on August 10th. However, I got unbanned on the 3rd for some reason. This day is a special to me. In June, [ I told myself I was going to act more mature and lay off the troll grammar]. Beforehand, I was very immature, obnoxious, cringeworhty, and I wouldn't stop using troll grammar, even on sites that weren't the Trollpasta Wiki. It was quite annoying, and gave me a bad image. I changed up my act, because I wanted to be taken seriously and treated with respect. If it weren't for that block, I probably wouldn't be the same person as I am today. Some I'm very grateful for that, and is why I cherish that day so much.

All was good, and Trollpasta Wiki was better than ever. Then drama occurred.
I returned to the Trollpasta Wiki, but didn't really edit much. Instead, I went to work on another wiki I was on; the Have Fun Wiki. The Have Fun Wiki wasn't getting much traffic, so I decided to advertise it via the Trollpasta Wiki chat. While I was doing that, I met Fatal Disease (who later became admin). We talked for awhile, and became very good friends.

<center>CHAPTER 3</center>
At this point, I started caring about the Trollpasta Wiki again, and became obsessed with the chat. I was on the chat almost everyday though out the year, and met a ton of new people. Some of which who eventually became admin. Like SOMEGUY123, Haramonia, and Superplankofdeath. The Trollpasta Wiki community was growing really fast, and many users were becoming admin and chat mods. In fact, we were a bit overstaffed.

'''''The Oderyus Saga'''''
===='''''The Oderyus Saga'''''====

'''''<small>(August 2013 - January 2014)</small>'''''
'''''<small>(August 2013 - January 2014)</small>'''''

August 26th, 2013. A user by the name "Oderyus" came to chat. He took note of all the shitty spam pages on the wiki, and decided to do something about it. He added the [[Template:D|delete template]] to a shit ton of pages, and nearly every single one of them were deleted. The Trollpasta Wiki lost over 400 pages because of this. Sense he kept adding the template to a shit on of pages, his edit count grew. Grew to the point where he was eligible for adminship. He asked Skelly if he could become an admin, but Skelly didn't approve, stating he was "too new" to become an admin. Oderyus was disappointed by this, but he instead became a rollback and chat moderator.
"The Purge™" is what we like to call it, is a process where the wiki goes through a mass deletion of hundreds of pastas (yes, the admins are the ones deleting them, not bots.) The Purge™ usually happens once a year, and typically lasts no more than a week. The first ever purge to happen to Trollpasta Wiki was on August 23rd, 2013. The Purge™ was started by a user who was at the time relatively unknown, and had recently returned from a 7 month hiatus. That user would be "Oderyus". He was very unhappy with a lot of the content on the wiki being ALL CAPS poorly written garbage, so he wanted to do something about it. He requested rollback rights (he also became a chatmod), got them, and started adding the [[Template:D|delete template]] to over 300 pastas, and nearly all of them got deleted. Due to this, his edit count grew. Grew to the point he was eventually eligible for adminship. On August 26th, 2013, Oderyus contacted Skelly on his talk page, requesting for adminship. Skelly didn't approve, stating that he was "too new" to become an admin just yet.

While pretty much all the admins liked Oderyus, one of them didn't. Which was me. Many days I would be in the chatroom all alone with Oderyus, and his attitude was just awful. An example being sometimes whenever anyone would say something, he'd reply back with "idc" (meaning "I don't care.") He was just a dick about everything. Not to mention he was extremely arrogant, douchey, and vandalized many wikis, such as the [ MLP] and [ Seddie] wikis. The other admins also took notice of his shitty attitude and behavior. We had enough of his bullshit, and
Oderyus was well-liked among the admin team. He got along with them well, and quickly became friends with them. But there was one admin who couldn't stand him, and didn't like him at all. That admin was me. While the other admins weren't on chat, I'd often be in the chat all alone with Oderyus. He seemed to have a darker side to him (his true self) when the others weren't around. He was disrespectful to the users of the chat, often saying "I don't care" or "no" whenever someone would say something that didn't interest him. He was also extremely arrogant on top of that, often praising himself for his "intelligence." He even took part in cross-wiki vandalism, vandalizing wikis such as the [ MLP] and [ Seddie] wikis (which some of the admins took part in for whatever reason). Oderyus' poor behavior and attitude only got worse as time went on. So bad in fact, we all came to an agreement to [ block him for a month on September 19th, 2013]. It's also worth noting he got demoted from chatmod status due to reports of mod abuse two days before the block (September 17th, 2013.) He also applied for adminship once again on the same day, but it was ignored.
[ banned him for a month].

Before the ban, me and Oderyus would use sock accounts regularly in chat. We would roleplay often, and exchanged several sock accounts with each other. These sock accounts were mainly based on celebrities, and they were only used for shitposting in the chat. However, Oderyus took one of my socks and vandalized the Seddie Wiki with it. Of course, [ he tried putting the blame on me for it] a little while after he got blocked. He also said that I harassed a gay guy with the [[User:Donald Trump|Donald Trump]] sock account. Needless to say, [ I was fucking infuriated by this]. So I extended his current block to Christmas. SOMEGUY later undid the ban on Halloween, stating that I shouldn't block people for personal reasons.
Before the 1-month block he received, and despite me disliking Oderyus, me and him would often roleplay with sockpuppet accounts in the chat. Oderyus would give me the passwords to his sock accounts, and I would give him the passwords to mine. Needless to say, it wasn't the smartest thing of me to do, as Oderyus took my [[User:Donald Trump|Donald Trump]] sock account and vandalized the Seddie Wiki with it on August 29th, 2013. Two weeks after his 1-month block, [ he tried putting the blame on me for it, saying I harassed a gay guy with the account, and also said I spammed the Trollpasta Wiki chat with] [[User:GodzillaFan2|another sockaccount]]. Of course, [ I was absolutely infuriated by the lies he said about me]. So I took it upon myself to extend his block all the way to Christmas on October 7th, 2013. SG later undid the block on Halloween, saying I shouldn't extend blocks for personal reasons.

Taking a small break from the Oderyus drama: A week or two before Halloween 2013, Haramonia randomly went inactive for 2 weeks (no one to this day still knows why). He came back to chat after his 2 week hiatus, but he didn't stay on long though (about 30 minutes or so). Ever since that day, Haramonia was never seen or heard from again. He didn't give any warnings or hints prior to his disappearance. He also hasn't logged in since that very day either.
After he got unbanned, his behavior was slightly better... but not for long. Weeks go by and we start noticing him going back to his old ways. He caused more drama bullshit, so we decided that we had enough of his shenanigans, and blocked him infinitely.

Anyway, back to the Oderyus drama: With him getting unblocked, he returned to Trollpasta Wiki. However, he didn't get unbanned from chat until November 16th, 2013. When he returned to chat, his behavior appeared to be slightly better, but not for long. As the weeks went by, we start to notice him going back to his old ways. We finally had enough of his shenanigans, and blocked him indefinitely on December 1st, 2013, 2 days after he won the chatmod contest. Oderyus wasn't done with us yet though.
A week or two before Oderyus got unbanned (this takes place in October), Haramonia randomly went inactive for 2 weeks. No one really knows why he did. He came back to chat after his 2 week hiatus, but he didn't stay long though (around 30 minutes IIRC). Ever since that day, Haramonia was never seen or heard from again. It's weird, because he never gave a warning prior to leaving. Very strange...

January 2014. It's a brand new year, and whadya' know, Oderyus is back! He kept bothering us to go to chat on the [ Wolfenism Wiki] throughout the entire month. We'd go to the chat, and the only thing Oderyus did was spam and throw immature insults at us. We tried talking sense to him, but he wouldn't listen to anything we said. He said "we betrayed him" and "we were his only friends" or some shit like that. After a while, he decided to leave us alone, and [[Special:Contributions/Oderyus|disabled his account]]. Oderyus was never seen or heard from again since then.
2014 rolls around, and Oderyus starts pestering us to go chat on the [ Wolfenism Wiki] throughout the entire month of January. Me and the admins would go to the chat, and the only thing Oderyus did was spam and throw immature insults at us. We tried talking sense to him, but he wouldn't listen to anything we said. He was upset with his block, saying we betrayed him and that we were his only friends. After a while, he decided to leave us alone, and [[Special:Contributions/Oderyus|disabled his account]]. Oderyus has never been seen on Wikia since.

<center>CHAPTER 4</center>
'''''New Community, More Drama'''''

'''''<small>(All of 2014 - May 2015)</small>'''''
===='''''Who Should be the Third Bureaucrat?'''''====

'''''<small>(October 2013 - December 2013)</small>'''''
After all of that, everything went back to normal... Or did it? In the beginning of 2014, we all still chatted, and we all still had a good time. But after that, I don't recall that many "good times." Things just didn't feel as alive as it used too, and I really don't know why. But yeah, I don't remember that much from 2014. It just wasn't that memorable to me. It wasn't as of fun as 2013, but there was still some fun moments.

We're not going to 2014 just yet, because there was another issue that arose during all the Oderyus drama: inactive bureaucrats. There were only two bureaucrats at the time, which were Dronian and Skelly. Dronian wasn't doing much, and he would rarely visit. Skelly on the other hand was losing interest in the site. So we needed a third bureaucrat that would be consistently active. The three most active admins at the time were Me, Fatal, and SG. So who ended up applying for bureaucrat rights? All three of us, actually. Let's get right into that.
The beginning of 2015. Fatal Disease (one of the most respected admins on the site) [[Special:Log/Fatal Disease|demoted himself from adminship on January 17th]] (and so did Steam Pheionx). Sack of Nuts and Superplankofdeath were demoted the same month as well. The Trollpasta Wiki only had 4 admins at this point (Me, Skelly, Dronian, and SOMEGUY). So we were desperate for more staff.

Fatal applied for bureaucrat rights on October 5th, 2013. On the same day, Skelly got rid of his admin rights, stating that he is "semi-retired." Fatal applied because he was afraid that Skelly would quit being a bureaucrat. I told Fatal to close his application, because his edit count was low, and that applying out of fear was stupid. So he shut it down the next day. SG also applied for bureaucratship, 1 hour after Fatal made his.
After all the admin demotion, a bunch of new users came in, creating a new community. However, every community isn't without it's faults. A bunch of bullshit drama started, and it just wouldn't stop. In February - March, two users by the names "TheDarkMaster99" and "Lolmasters" got into a huge fiasco that went on for far too long. Something about a pasta or some shit, I don't know. After all of that was settled, DarkMaster created a thread about raiding the Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki, which in turn [ got him banned for a month], and the [[Thread:87557|thread itself got over 200+ replies]].

The day after Fatal shut down his app, [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#Psst|SG left a message on my talk page]] saying that I should apply for bureaucratship, since Fatal backed down on it. I agreed, and [[Trollpasta Wiki:Requests for bureaucratship/GodzillaFan1|applied]] the same day. The next day, Skelly voted neutral on my app, stating that he was unsure if he could trust any of us with the right, since it can't be revoked once given. But he did say that he would consider giving the right to one of us if he failed to check the applications semi-regularly. He also re-gave himself his admin rights back the same day.
Some other minor drama bullshit happened as well. Particularly with some small incidents with ~Boggy B~, and some nonsense with raiders. Then... possibly the biggest drama outburst in TPW history (besides the Oderyus saga) happened.

On December 12th, 2013, Skelly was leaning towards electing SG for bureaucrat. He was still a little hesitant, because again, you can't revoke bureaucrat rights once they are given. But on December 14th, Skelly made his final decision, and officially made SG a bureaucrat. To this day, Dronian and Skelly still aren't that active, so he definitely made the right choice in giving the rights to SG.
'''''The Celtic Saga'''''

With the conclusion of that, let's finally get right into 2014.
'''''<small>(May 2015 - August 2015)</small>'''''

<center>CHAPTER 5</center>
April 2015. User by the name "ThatCelticFurry" was a chat moderator on the Trollpasta Wiki since January 2015. He did his job, and he did it well (at least from what I could tell). On May 9th, 2015, we were all fucking around in chat, acting like complete idiots but all having a good time. The My Little Pony emoticons were [ recently removed], so I thought it would be funny if we [ brought them back] and spam the chat with them. However, one user didn't find this funny at all. Going by the name "Kerbin", he was a huge anti-brony (he was also a chat mod at the time), and him and many others would participate in brony circlejerks regularly in the chat. So, he was extremely offended by all the pony nonsense flooding the chat. But instead of doing the smart thing (AKA leaving the chat), he stays. Celtic (ThatCelticFurry) jokingly says we should add clop emotes. At this point, Kerbin starts losing his fucking mind while shouting in ALL CAPS, saying glorious things such as "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FAGGOT IN THE UNIVERSE".

===='''''New Year, New Beef'''''====
(Don't believe this all happened? Well, here's the [ chatlog]. Have fun!)

'''''<small>(January 2014 - July 2014)</small>'''''
All of this snow-balled into a huge fuck boy drama fest extravaganza. Celtic and Kerbin argued and bitched at each other for hours on end. And for what? Fucking My Little Pony emotes? Give me a fucking break. While I do think Celtic was being a bit annoying in the situation, Kerbin could have just simply left the chat. But that would be too smart of a thing to do, would it? Anyway... after hours of pointless bitching, we had enough of all of this, so we ban and demote Celtic, and gave Kerbin a free pass. He didn't face any consequences.

On January 4th, 2014, the first [[Thread:34063|joke thread]] was made. The thread stated that new rules and changes were coming to Trollpasta Wiki. Such as: no swearing, no deletion log refugees, you must use proper grammar in chat, and more. Of course, nearly all these new rules sounded outlandish and ridiculous, but since a joke thread like this was never made before, I thought it was serious. I was very upset by these proposed changes, so I deleted my profile, and was about to revoke my admin rights. That is, until I went to chat, and everyone told me it was just a prank. Similar threads like this were made after, but mainly directed towards admins. Such as joke demotion threads.
Wait... So, we punish Celtic, but not Kerbin? What kind of shit is this? The only thing Celtic did was act like a complete moron while poking fun at Kerbin. Kerbin on the other hand, got trigger'd by pony emotes and made a huge fucking deal out of it. I have no idea why he didn't get punished for it, and I don't know why I didn't speak up about it. Probably because the whole situation was exhausting by this point, so I didn't really care what happened.

A few weeks after that, Me and SG got into an "undo war" over [ TEH DAY OF ALL THE BLOD]. He was adding the [[:Category:SUGGESTED READING|SUGGESTED READING]] category to the page, even though it was already tagged with [[:Category:Ghastly Macaroni|Ghastly Macaroni]] (it is against the rules to add those two categories together on the same page). Skelly intervened and stated there are some exceptions to the rules, so the SUGGESTED READING category stayed. I got into other little undo wars with SG before this as well. Anytime he would undo my edits, I would undo his. I started to dislike SG as time when on, but we'll get more into this later on.
Stepping aside for a moment, this is all very similar to what happened in November 2014. I'll briefly explain what happened. So basically, Trigger Hurt and Animefan9999 were arguing over the rollback right for some reason, which lead to Trigger finding Animefan's social media accounts and making fun of his posts in the chat. How is this situation similar? Well, they both play out similarly. User 1 jokes about thing, which upsets User 2, then it turns into a huge drama fest and they argue for hours. But here's the thing; which situation would you get upset by? Someone spamming emotes in the chat, or someone digging through your shit and humiliating yourself in the process? Yeah, I think you know the answer to that one.

For now, let's discuss a minor issue that somehow got a lot of attention and caused a lot of controversy: The YouTube auto-play template. This template was typically used for songs, and users would place it on their profiles, to which it would automatically play the song upon arrival. This was a pretty annoying feature. So much so, that on March 22nd, 2014, [[User:Sack of Nuts|Sack of Nuts]] (who was an admin at the time) [[Thread:41512|created a thread proposing the removal of the YouTube auto-play template]], and that anyone who used the template should be banned. The thread received a mixed response. Some users were for the removal, and some were completely against it. Most of the thread replies consisted of me throwing a tantrum over how annoying the template was, all while spouting outlandish statements. This was the first case of my "sperging", but we'll talk more on that in just a few more chapters.
(You can read the chat log to the Trigger and Animefan fiasco [ here].)

But anyway, the thread was closed on May 10th. The template stayed, but the auto-play feature was removed. Since then, the popularity of the template dropped to the point that no one uses it anymore. Now more on my beef with SG.
But anyways; after that morning, Celtic bitched on his Tumblr blog, making immature posts insulting the Trollpasta staff and the community in general. So we all raided his Tumblr (aka we all came together and spammed his Ask feature with stupid shit, a lot of it relating to the drama.) Instead of easily ignoring the messages we sent him, he replied to nearly every single one of them. Plus he wouldn't shut up about being banned and demoted. I can see why he would complain about it, considering this is mostly Kerbin's fault. But he just got down-right obnoxious about the whole situation, and handled it rather poorly. Not to mention when people would bait him, he would take the bait. Yeah... After that, we all lost respect for Celtic.

On March 29th, 2014, [ I wrote a "secret" rant on my Sandbox Wiki] about how frustrated I was with SG's (at the time) recent actions. My main issue with him was his laziness. He would say certain chat rules didn't apply anymore (like the "don't say random shit rule"), but he never removed them from the chat rules. He was also asked many times by various users to check the rollback apps, but still didn't check them. Of course, no one was happy about his laziness. So much so that on April 6th, everyone in the chat declared I become the next bureaucrat so I could check the apps. Sack of Nuts [[User:SOMEGUY123/Talk Archive 3#Our Next B-Crat|even messaged SG about it]]. Though, he never did respond to it.
The next day, I invited Celtic to the Have Fun Wiki chat so we can discuss the situation civilly. We talked it out, and it went well. So we unban him from Trollpasta Wiki. However, we wouldn't give back his rights. He would have to work his way back up to get them again.

Sack of Nuts then later told me on chat that SG started something called "NO RULES WEEKEND". He also removed the spam related rules from the chat rules a few days prior. So I updated the rant on the same day, expressing more distaste for SG. 3 hours later, [[User:SOMEGUY123/Talk Archive 3#So...|I left a message on his talk page]] confronting him about "NO RULES WEEKEND". [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 2#RE: 16|SG replied to my message]], stating that it was a test to see if anyone would protest against it. This isn't over just yet, so buckle up. But before we continue, let's discuss Trollpasta Wiki's first exclusive user right, and the first Creepypasta Wiki chat shutdown.
(You can read the chat log to that [ here].)

On April 8th, 2014, the AVAST right was created. The right was similar to the admin right, just with a few more minor restrictions. This was inspired by a right on Creepypasta Wiki, called "VCROC", which was pretty much the same thing as an AVAST. The first user granted the right was [[User:Superplankofdeath|Superplankofdeath]], whom later became an admin on July 11th, 2014. AVAST was granted to over 9 different users until it was retired on April 24th, 2016, due to a new Wikia user right called "Content Moderator", which is similar to AVAST.
Celtic had a bad rep at this point, so he would get baited in chat often, which caused more unnecessary drama. Due to this, Celtic made various "[[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually leaving|I'm]] [[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually leaving II: Leave Harder|Leaving]]" [[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually Leaving III|blogs]] announcing his departure from Trollpasta Wiki. However, he would always come back shortly after the announcements.

On June 30th, 2014, the popular Creepypasta Wiki chat was shut down due to drama getting out of hand. The users who frequently chatted there migrated to the Trollpasta Wiki chat shorty after the shutdown, and stayed until September 15th, when the Creepypasta Wiki chat reopened. Okay, ''now'' back to the beef.
Ugh, so yeah. After all of that, Celtic changed accounts, became a chat mod again, but decided to quit later on due to his horrible rep. And Kerbin is no longer a mod due to inactivity. So that ends that saga.

On July 12th, 2014, the first ever real demotion thread was made. And you guessed it, it was for SG. The thread was created by Fatal, and pretty much reinstated what I already said in my rant. The thread proposed that SG should remove his bureaucrat rights (not his admin rights), as he was lazy when it came to his job: checking the apps. The thread received a mainly negative reception, with 7 supporters and 9 opposers. The OP was a bit drawn out, and it mentioned some unnecessary things that didn't need to be mentioned (like trying to pass [[User:GodzillaFan1/Talk Archive 1#ENGLISH RULE|this]] off as harassment for no reason.) Despite this, the thread did an okay job at getting across the point that SG was lazy at his job, and why he should remove his bureaucrat rights. The supporters gave reasons why he should be demoted, and the opposers hardly gave any reasons why he shouldn't be demoted, and when they did give reasons, none of them defended or addressed his laziness. Even SG himself didn't address it either (which was the main point the OP was trying to get across).
'''''The Retirement Fiasco'''''

We eventually worked it out, and the thread was closed the same day, and was deleted the next day (that's why it isn't linked). During and before this time, Fatal was having some issues. Let's talk about that.
'''''<small>(August 2015 - November 2015)</small>'''''

<center>CHAPTER 6</center>
After the whole drama fiasco, I avoided chat more often. It really took a lot out of me. I was also getting increasingly bored of the wiki in general. So, in early August (like the idiot I was) I started teasing the chat that was leaving the wiki. On August 3rd, I temporarily retired the Trollpasta Wiki, giving up my admin rights, and grayed-out my icon. The thing is though, it was intended to be a ''permanent'' retirement. So why did I change my mind? Well, the main reason was... this blog post. Despite "permanently" retiring, I didn't want to leave this blog hanging. So I continued to update it constantly, adding loads of new info and details. Getting so involved with the history of the wiki really made me miss being an admin again. So I asked for my rights back, and became admin again on August 25th.

===='''''The Fall of Fatal Disease'''''====
After I got my rights back, I edited/deleted things and stopped by the chat occasionally, as usual. But as of late, my editing has been very sparse. And I've stopped visiting chat, because I got tired of the shitposting, shittalking, and the memes were becoming tiresome and less dank.

'''''<small>(March 2014 - June 2015)</small>'''''
So that's the end of this blog post... until something interesting happens, of course. And please leave a comment if you've noticed any errors, or would like to request something to be added here.

On March 12th, 2014, ['s_Final_Words Fatal announced that he would be retiring from Wikia]. He changed his mind only two days later, and asked for his admin rights back, which he did receive back. Later on June 5th, [[User blog:Fatal Disease/Inactivity Notice|Fatal announced that his activity on the computer was limited]] due to his parents being concerned with his depression. Then on July 28th, he created his most infamous blog post (which I can't link, because its deleted).
Enjoy the trivia and table of events below.

This blog post was titled "Another Inactivity Notice", and detailed the issues he was going through at the time. He was having issues with depression/anger, and tried to slowly kill himself because of it. He took his anger out on his family, and cried at one point due to Spinpasta Wiki users insulting him. Fatal figured that taking a break from Wikia would "cure his pain", and so he did. He returned only 2 and half weeks later, and seemed to be just fine. Although, users on chat made fun of him for making the blog post.

<big>Facts about Me (relating to TPW)</big>
On January, 16th, 2015, Fatal demoted himself from admin rights. He wrote this as the demotion summary: "I don't want to be an admin on this site. This wiki is just beyond repair." [ I messaged him on his sandbox wiki] about the situation. [ He replied the following day], stating that he was sick of users on all three pasta wikis acting hostile and rude towards each other, which is the main reason why he decided to quit.
*I don't remember how I discovered this wiki.

*The first thing I said on chat was me calling something "gay". Skelly PM'd me and told me not to use "gay" as an insult because "it might offend someone".
After his retirement, he revived an old wiki he created called Starpolar Wiki. The wiki became the home of the Creepypasta Wiki chat community, and ended up being a disaster because of it. Drama and controversies were happening on its chat almost everyday, which led to it getting shut down on June 26th, 2015. After the shutdown, most of the users on the site left, and has since been abandoned (until memes took over it in 2016).
*I applied for bureaucrat in October 2013. However, it was rejected and SOMEGUY123 was made bureaucrat instead.

*I used to hold [ monthly Trollpasta Wiki tier lists] in 2014 on my sandbox wiki. I only did March - July, however.
<center>CHAPTER 7</center>
*I thought about retirement as far back as 2014.

*I was originally going to make a "Goodbye" blog on August 3rd relating to my retirement. But while I was writing it, the words just wouldn't come to me, so I canceled it.
===='''''A Rough Beginning'''''====

'''''<small>(January 2015 - April 2015)</small>'''''

Oh man, what a year ''this'' was.

On January 1st, 2015, the Creepypasta Wiki chat closes again, this time permanently. The users who frequently chatted there once again migrated to Trollpasta Wiki, but this time they caused pointless drama. Luckily, they were only on chat for a week, and they jump-ship to the Spinpasta Wiki chat, which would be there home until the Starpolar Wiki happened. But that's a whole other can of worms we'll get into later.

We also lost 4 admins during this month. One of them being Fatal, another being Callie, who quit due to some Trollpasta Wiki users making fun of her on the Spinpasta Wiki chat. The other two admins, Sack of Nuts and Superplankofdeath, were demoted due to inactivity. The only remaining admins were Me, SG, Skelly, and Dronian. However, SG took a break from the wiki on January 30th due to personal reasons, Dronain was inactive, and I wasn't editing/chatting much. So Skelly was pretty much the only one looking after things. A new Trollpasta Wiki community was formed during this time as well, with most of the people on chat and on the site being new users. They were bit a troublesome at times though.

In February 2015, two users by the names "TheDarkMaster99" (Dark) and "Lolmasters" started causing a lot of drama on the main site. This was because of Lolmasters vandalizing Dark's pasta which won pasta of the month. They constantly argued with each other in the comments section of pastas and [[User blog:Lolmasters/I'm back|blog posts]]. Lolmasters' wiki even got raided by vandals, which Dark claimed he had nothing to do with. Dark jumped the shark on March 12th, 2015, by creating [[Thread:87557|a thread about raiding the Five Nights at Freddy's wiki]]. He got banned for 1 month for it, and thread itself had over 200 replies.

At the end of the month, the first version of [ The History of Trollpasta] was created. As you can tell (if you clicked the link), the tone of it was very different than what it is now. It mainly focused on me, and had more bias in it. I moved the post to here as a blog on August 2nd, 2015. There's a reason why I did, but we won't get into that until a few chapters from now. On April 23rd, 2016, this entire blog was rewritten to have a more neutral perspective, and included a chapter about the beginnings of this wiki. We've come a long way, haven't we?

On April 21st, 2015, SG returned from his break. From this day forward until the end of the year, the chat regularly had 15-20 users on chat at once. We were also getting a lot more staff. Things were going smoothly, and we had a good time. That is, until May 2015 to the end of the year, where endless drama occurred.

<center>CHAPTER 8</center>

===='''''Celtic Vs. Kerbin Drama'''''====

'''''<small>(May 2015)</small>'''''

On May 9th, 2015, Me and a lot of other users were messing around in the Trollpasta chat. You know, like shitposting, memeing, and just all around acting like a goofball. The My Little Pony were [ recently removed], so I thought it would be funny if we temporarily brought them back to spam them in chat. When I announced that I brought them back, a user by the name "Kerbin" told me to "fuck off". He was serious, and he wasn't happy at all that I brought back the emotes. You may be wondering, "Who is Kerbin?". Kerbin at the time was a chat moderator, and had been one since February 22nd. He was also very anti-brony, often participating in anti-brony circlejerks in chat. There was also another user on chat at the time named "ThatCelticFurry" (Celtic), and he was a chat moderator as well, since January 10th.

We started to spam the emotes in chat, not taking it very seriously of course. Kerbin, however, took it ''very'' seriously. During the spam, Kerbin said that I should have made a poll about the MLP emotes coming back instead "doing shit without the community's approval." Me and Celtic called him "butthurt", and continued the pony spam. You'd think if Kerbin was that upset over the emotes returning, he would at least just close the chat. Well, he did, saying "Fuck all your shitty gay ass ponies", followed by "I'm done, bye". Then he left. Actually, no, he didn't. But that would have been the smart thing to do, and this whole drama fiasco would have never happened. Things got worse from here.

Celtic accused him of being butthurt, then joked about how we should have "butt-pony" emotes. Kerbin completely snapped, saying "FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT". After he said that, I joked about how we should replace all of the emotes with pony emotes. Then Celtic joked about adding rule 34 pony emotes (which he couldn't do since he wasn't an admin, which makes it all the more confusing why Kerbin got so upset at him.) Kerbin then said this to Celtic: "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FAGGOT IN THE UNIVERSE", which was later followed by "JUST BECAUSE I DONT WANT YOUR GAY PONY CLOP EMOTES IN THE CHAT DOESNT MEAN IM BUTTHURT". Yes, he actually thought we were going to add rule 34 My Little Pony emotes for some reason.

Kerbin's friend, PrinceCreeper, came to the defensive for him. He mocked Celtic, saying "Kerb doesn't agree with me, he must be butthurt lol time to insult him with an edgy maymay". Celtic still wasn't taking this seriously at all, so he started posting more nonsensical stuff, which fulled Kerbin's anger even more. He even went out of his way to [ message SG on the main site about the emotes returning]. After that, Kerbin took a 30 minute break from chat. Things in the chat calmed down, and we started having discussions instead of spamming emotes.

Celtic was also adding categories articles on the site while on the chat. Kerbin returned from his break, and accused Celtic of [[Trollpasta Wiki:Pointsgaming|pointsgaming]] because he was editing articles at a rapid rate. Celtic then decided to lift the spam rule for 2 minutes, and started spamming. Kerbin at this point stopped typing in all caps, and accused Celtic for breaking the rules by spamming. They went back and forth with that, all while PrnceCreeper helped defend Kerbin even more. After the arguments died down a little, Skepolo posted "This should be in the Trollpasta History". I replied to him saying that I wouldn't add the drama to this blog, but I would ''maybe'' write about it in the trivia section. We've come a long way.

Anyway, Celtic started trolling Kerbin even more. Kerbin tried arguing with him, but Celtic only replied back with more trolling. PrinceCreeper then posed in chat that he got a PM from Kerbin saying we were making him nervous. Since Celtic was trolling Kerbin literally every second, I kicked Celtic off the chat. He came back, and started to act more serious, and got mad at me for kicking him. Me and Celtic called Kerbin sensitive, to which he replied with "sorry for being a human being." Then PrinceCreeper said I shouldn't be an admin anymore. That's when Me and Celtic decided it was best to change the subject, and to forget about this. SG shortly arrived there after, and I told him about the drama. He told me to ban Celtic from chat for a week, and to revoke his chat moderator rights. But nothing for Kerbin. He was never banned, and his user rights were never touched. I'm not sure why we let him off scott-free.

''You can read the full chat log of the drama that happened on that day [ here].''

Later that morning, Celtic started furiously ranting on his Tumblr blog about Kerbin and the Trollpasta Wiki staff. Celtic's blog also had a "ask me anything" feature, so we all took it upon ourselves to raid his Tumblr ask. Instead of ignoring the messages we sent him, he replied to nearly all of them. This went on for days.

The next day, Celtic left a [ rage-filled messaged on my talk page on Have Fun Wiki]. [ I made a witty reply], and then blocked him, because I didn't want the drama on that wiki. The day after that, Celtic made a "top 10 reasons why GodzillaFan1 sucks" on his Tumblr. [ I left him a message on Have Fun Wiki], countering the stuff he said about me. Then I decided to unban him from the Have Fun Wiki, and invited him to come to the chat so he could defend himself. I also invited a few other users to come as well. When things were all said an done, we decided to unban him from Trollpasta Wiki. His user rights, however, were not re-granted.

''You can read the full chat log to what happened in the Have Fun Wiki chat [ here].''

At this point, Celtic had a really bad rep. Users in the chat would constantly bait him daily, and he would take the bait every time. It got so bad to the point where he made various "[[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually leaving|I'm]] [[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually leaving II: Leave Harder|Leaving]]" [[User blog:ThatCelticFurry/Actually Leaving III|blogs]], announcing his departure from Trollpasta Wiki due to the hate. However, he would come back almost immediately every time.

Celtic's bad rep went away after a few long months, and is now seen as a respected user. And Kerbin got his chat moderator rights taken away in July 2015 due to inactivity.

<center>CHAPTER 9</center>

===='''''The Starpolar Wiki'''''====

'''''<small>(March 2015 - June 2015)</small>'''''

Although the Creepypasta Wiki chat community moved to Spinpasta Wiki, they also used Skype as another form of communication. If you have read chapter six, you'll know that after Fatal left Trollpasta Wiki, he moved on to work on his own wiki, the Starpolar Wiki. The wiki wasn't getting much traffic, so he decided to show it to the Creepypasta Wiki community on Skype sometime in early 2015. Word got out, and they all eventually left the Spinpasta Wiki chat, and moved to Starpolar Wiki. Fatal regrets ever showing them the wiki, and you'll soon find out why.

As the Starpolar Wiki chat grew in popularity, users started promoting it via PMs on the Trollpasta Wiki chat. In early April, pretty much everyone on Trollpasta found out about Starpolar, and started going to chat there and "contributing" to the site. However, the Starpolar community didn't like us very much at all. They were very hostile to Trollpasta users on the Starpolar chat, and they would sometimes come to the Trollpasta chat to talk trash about us. Here's some of the colorful things they've said about the Trollpasta community and the site: "they're fucking retards", "they're immature" "their whole entire site is spam, why hasn't it been shut down yet?", "they stick their heads into other peoples business", and last but certainty not least, "fucking psychopaths like them ruin peoples lives."

Due to all the disrespect from the Starpolar chat users, Trollpasta users took part in anti-Starpolar circlejerks frequently, and would often go to the Starpolar chat to shitpost, and act like complete idiots to annoy them. One incident on April 9th, took it a step farther. A user by the name of "XXProValenciaXx" (Val) got 8chan to raid the Starpolar chat, and around 13 members took part in it. Val even tried to get Trollpasta to raid the chat as well, and was blocked for 2 weeks because of it. One of the most frequent shitposters in the Starpolar chat was SG. He was banned from the chat multiple times due to his purposely annoying behavior, and was accused of raiding the chat and rigging votes on voting applications. He was "permanently" banned from the wiki on May 15th, 2015, but he was later given a second chance, and was unbanned on June 25th.

In June, Starpolar users thought one of them was conspiring with Trollpasta Wiki to raid the chat, and Trollpasta users were spreading lies about various Starpolar users, which in the end made them turn on each other. Drama was happening in the Starpolar chat almost every day, and it kept getting worst. Users constantly getting banned for breaking the rules, users complaining about being banned, chat mods not doing a good job to the point all of them had their rights revoked, and of course, Trollpasta and Starpolar users always being hostile towards each other. Of course, due to all of the drama, there were talks about shutting down the chat. One June 8th, [ a thread] was created on the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki proposing a chat shutdown. The Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki was basically a wiki where Starpolar admin/bureaucrats would come together and discuss things about Starpolar, and the wiki was generally kept a secret. Anyway, the Starpolar chat was shutdown the same day, but was brought back only a few hours later. This however, wasn't the only temporary chat shutdown.

Just a few weeks later on June 23rd, the chat was shutdown again, presumably due to excessive drama. [ A thread was created by Callie] (whom was a former bureaucrat on Starpolar) on the same day, showing distaste to the admins for shutting down the chat despite most users being against it. Fatal and the other admins apologized, and the chat was re-opened. But not for long.

On June 26th, a former Starpolar admin by the name "Shining-Armor" (Maria) was caught misbehaving in chat. [ She demoted herself from admin-ship a few weeks prior] due to constantly being accused of being power-hungry, and abusing powers. In the chat, she called a user by the name "Maulle" an "edgy dumbass", and other things. I was there when it happened, and I didn't think it was right. So I told Fatal about it, and he banned Maria for 3 days for "insulting a user". The ban was later extended to infinite, and she was also banned on the main site. She wasn't too happy about this, so she complained to Fatal about it on [ his talk page]. Later, she posts an image (now deleted) of an old Facebook post criticizing Fatal to the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki.

Later that same day, a meeting was held at the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki about whether or not the chat should be shutdown for good. It was ultimately decided it would, and the chat was closed down permanently the same day. After the shutdown, most of the community moved back to Spinpasta Wiki, and Starpolar essentially became a ghost town ever since.

The wiki was "revived" in May 2016, and is currently used as a shitposting wiki.

<center>CHAPTER 10</center>

===='''''My Downfall'''''====

'''''<small>(May 2015 - May 2016)</small>'''''

Ever since 2014, I've wondered what it would be like to retire from being an admin. An odd thought, considering I've only been an admin for a year at that point. But it was something I thought about. On May 9th, 2016 I pulled a prank that I was retiring. I changed my avatar, cleared my [ talk page] and [ my profile]. [ Some people] fell for it, but I revealed it was all a prank a few minutes later. At this point, I seriously considered retiring. It's not like I was super needed as an admin anymore anyway, because the site at this point had a lot of people helping out, and had more admins than usual.

As the months went on, the more I got bored of the site. I was also starting to not like the chat, because it was more shitpost-y than usual, and it felt like people tried too hard to imitate SG. In late July, I decided it would be best to just retire my admin rights, and to stop going on the chat. I chose August 3rd as the date, because that was the two year anniversary of when I got globally unblocked from Wikia. On August 2nd, I changed my icon, and posted a cryptic image to the Trollpasta chat. Inverting the image shows hidden text: "August 3rd." The next day later, I threw in the towel. However...

On March 29th, 2015, I created [ The History of Trolpasta Wiki]. But instead of it being here, it was on a different wiki. It looked very simple compared to how it looks now, and it was more focused on my history with the wiki rather than the wiki as a whole. On August 2nd, I decided to [ move it here]. Despite retiring the following day, I still wanted to update the blog, and so I did. I began to seriously revamp it and add a ton of new info as the days went by. Going through all the history of the wiki made me miss being an admin, so I asked SG when I should come back. I asked that, because this was only about a week or two after I "retired". I didn't want to come back too soon. So SG suggested I come back the next week later. On August 25th, my admin rights were regranted. I officially returned to the wiki (even though I didn't really leave). I even started chatting again. But this just lead to me having more problems with it.

I really didn't like the direction the chat was heading in. Too much shitposting, and again, everyone trying to act like SG. I didn't really enjoy it. In September, I remember expressing my anger to the chat, telling them how much I missed the old days. In May, I created [ this image]. It's supposed to be a "in a nutshell" type of image, but of the Trollpasta chat. In October, I decided to make a [ second one]. But instead of making it for fun, I made it to mock the chat. I even named the file "Cancer.png". Later, I made a [ second version of it], mocking the chat even more. I became increasingly more vocal of my distaste with the chat. In fact, if you go to the comments of this blog post, and scroll down to posts from 2015, you'll see SG mocking me for constantly complaining about the chat, So yeah. I ''really'' didn't like the chat at the time.

On December 26, 2015, I created a blog post (now deleted) titled "SOMEGUY123 SUCKS". I created it after [ SG left me a message] telling me to stop replacing the chat emotes with Bobby Kimball's face. It was a satirical and heavily exaggerated blog post of me complaining about the community. If you remove all the exaggeration and whatnot, most of what I said was I felt. It got about 60 comments, and apparently, some people thought that it was a "ruse", meaning they it was legit freak-out disguised as a joke, which isn't true. SG even temporarily revoked my admin rights over it. After the blog post was made, people started to get more annoyed with me. Me constantly complaining about the chat and community, and some people thinking the blog was a ruse ''probably'' had something to do with it.

''You can view an archived version of the blog post [ here].''

A few weeks later on January 18, 2016, the fist demotion thread for me was created. It was later revealed to be a "joke", but they tried to make it seem as real as possible. The OP of the post said: "This admin is absolutely atrocious, so why not demote him? He's inactive, he doesn't use chat, he also vandalized the emoticons, also that retarded leaving forever blog he made back in December was him clearly sperging out and presenting it as a ruse like the idiot he is." I later saw the thread, and I didn't react too kindly to it. I had no idea if it was serious or not. Because at the time, a whole bunch of joke demotion threads were made. However, the [[Thread:117437|last demotion thread for a user named Skepolo]] was actually serious, and he got demoted because of the response the thread got. I thought it was all a joke, but no. So naturally, I assumed my demotion thread was possibly serious, and I treated it as such. I then got people replying to me on the thread calling me a "fucking sperg", and that's when it was revealed it was a "joke". However, newer users thought it was serious, and people started posting screenshots of things I said in the chat in the thread. I asked SG to delete the thread, and so he did.

A few weeks later, [[User blog:GodzillaFan1/Frick|my computer breaks]], meaning that I couldn't be as active on the site. The only spare computer I had was borderline unusable, meaning the only thing I could browse Trollpasta with was my Wii U's internet browser (I didn't have a phone at the time). I also had no idea when I would be getting a new computer, so I went a little inactive for a while. Despite not being active on the site for an entire month, a [[Thread:122522|second demotion thread]] was made of me on March 20th. And it made some good points. The main point being, if I really hated the chat and community so much, why even stick around, and why still have admin rights? That's when I realized I messed-up. I left a comment on the thread apologizing for my behavior. I was let off the hook, and life moved on.

Even though I didn't like using Wikia on the Wii U, I would occasionally comment on forums and blogs and whatnot. And whenever I did, I had someone named "2xninto" keep saying "HOLY SHIT AN EDIT!". He then started spreading lies to the chat, saying my computer didn't actually break, and I use using it as an excuse to not edit. He was getting on my nerves, so I started editing more consistently... straight from my Wii U. Which, believe me, was a pain. Despite editing a lot more than usual, I was [[Trollpasta Wiki:Requests for rollback/ALinkToThePasta|still accused of being inactive]]. I got a new computer back in May of that year, and everything seemingly went back to normal.



<big><big>''This section is a work in progress, so continue reading at your own risk!''</big></big>

<big>Facts about Trollpasta Wiki</big>
<big>Facts about Trollpasta Wiki</big>
*[ This is what Trollpasta Wiki looked like on December 10th, 2012].
*[ This is what Trollpasta Wiki looked like on December 10th, 2012].
*As stated in the 1st paragraph of this blog, we used to have an Article Listing (aka "The List"). If you don't know how it went, it basically went like this: "IF YOU DON'T UPDATE THE LIST WITHIN IN 20 MINUTES, YOU'LL GET BANNED FOR 1-DAY." It was an extremely stupid thing to have, so we got rid of it on October 8th, 2013.
*As stated in the first paragraph of this blog, we used to have an Article Listing (aka "The List"). If you don't know how it went, it basically went like this: "IF YOU DON'T UPDATE THE LIST WITHIN IN 20 MINUTES, YOU'LL GET BANNED FOR 1-DAY." It was an extremely stupid thing to have, so we got rid of it on October 8th, 2013.
*We used to have achievements (aka badges) enabled on the site. However, it was disabled on June 16th, 2013 due to some users [[Trollpasta_Wiki:Pointsgaming|pointsgaming]] for badges.
*We used to have achievements (aka badges) enabled on the site. However, it was disabled on June 16th, 2013 due to some users [[Trollpasta_Wiki:Pointsgaming|pointsgaming]] for badges.
*The wiki had zero quality control from the day the wiki was created, to early 2013. It wasn't until late 2013 when we started taking action on unfunny spam pastas. Sexually explicit pastas were also allowed, until we started re-enforced Wikia's Terms of Use.
*The wiki had zero quality control from the day the wiki was created, to early 2013. It wasn't until late 2013 when we started taking action on unfunny spam pastas. Sexually explicit pastas were also allowed, until we started re-enforcing Wikia's Terms of Use.
*The first favicon for this wiki used to be [[:File:Old tpw favicon.png|a recreation I made of the baby from Mario Paint, but colored white.]] (June 1st, 2013 - August 10th, 2015)
*The first favicon for this wiki used to be [[:File:Old tpw favicon.png|a recreation I made of the baby from Mario Paint, but colored white.]] (June 1st, 2013 - August 10th, 2015)
*August 23rd and August 24th, 2013 was probably the most busiest and active time for applications ever. In those two days, SOMEGUY123 and Fatal Disease applied for adminship, and Haramonia, Oderyus, and Mai sentry applied for rollback.
*[ This] was Trollpasta Wiki's background from September 16th, 2013 - September 20th, 2013.
*Anonymous editing was once allowed here. However, on September 27th, 2013 the [[Thread:26146|first thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created. Anon editing did get disabled eventually, but it some how got re-enabled again sometime after (IIRC). So [[Thread:66710|another thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created October 4th, 2014. Unlike the previous thread, this one was heavily opposed, and thus anon editing didn't get disabled. It wasn't until on March 5th, 2015 when a [[Thread:86955|new thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing for the 3rd time finally got it disabled for good. What a long battle...
*Anonymous editing was once allowed here. However, on September 27th, 2013 the [[Thread:26146|first thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created. Anon editing did get disabled eventually, but it some how got re-enabled again sometime after (IIRC). So [[Thread:66710|another thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created October 4th, 2014. Unlike the previous thread, this one was heavily opposed, and thus anon editing didn't get disabled. It wasn't until on March 5th, 2015 when a [[Thread:86955|new thread]] petitioning to get rid of anon editing for the 3rd time finally got it disabled for good. What a long battle...
*We did a Christmas theme in 2013. EVIL PATRIXXX had a Santa Claus hat and a white beard, plus the wiki buttons were red (by "buttons" I mean the "edit" button and stuff like that.)
*We did a Christmas theme in 2013. EVIL PATRIXXX had a Santa Claus hat and a white beard, plus the wiki buttons were red (by "buttons", I mean the "edit" button and stuff like that.) We didn't do a Christmas theme for 2014, but we brought the tradition back for 2015. This time we decorated the homepage with Christmas decorations.
*Trollpasta Wiki has went through many meme fads. A lot of these blew up for a short period of time. Here's a list of them.
*Trollpasta Wiki has went through many meme fads. A lot of these blew up for a short period of time. Here's a list of them.
**Shrek is Love pastas (2013 - 2014). "Shrek is Love" (now deleted) was an incredibly popular trollpasta about Shrek partaking in sexaul acts with two little kids (there was also [[The Tale of Shrek]] which made before Shrek is Love). As fucked up as that sounds, it blew up. Many "X is Love" pastas were flooding the wiki. Not only were most of these pastas blatant rip-offs of the original Shrek is love pastas, they were  also violating Wikia's [ Terms of Use]. In 2014/2015, we decided to delete any shitty Shrek is love clone we see, and delete the original Shrek is love pastas due to their explicit sexual nature. The original (The Tale of Shrek) is still up, however.
**Shrek is Love pastas (2013 - 2014). "Shrek is Love" (now deleted) was an incredibly popular trollpasta about Shrek partaking in sexual acts with two little kids (there was also [[The Tale of Shrek]], which made before Shrek is Love). As fucked up as that sounds, it blew up. Many "X is Love" pastas were flooding the wiki. Not only were most of these pastas blatant rip-offs of the original Shrek is love pastas, they were  also violating Wikia's [ Terms of Use]. In 2014/2015, we decided to delete any shitty Shrek is love clone we came across, and we even deleted the original Shrek is love pastas due to their explicit sexual nature. The original (The Tale of Shrek) is still up, however.
**Gizoogle pastas (2013 - 2014). Sometime in late 2013, a hell spawn known as "Gizoogle pastas" were created. Essentially, a Gizoogle pasta is where you take an existing pasta, and "ghetto-fy" it through []. This was actually pretty amusing at first, but after the 9 millionth Gizoogle pasta, I got real tired of them. I even wanted them banned. However, SG still wanted these walking forms of cancer to take over the wiki. So they stayed. We even made a [[:Category:Ghetto Talk|category]] just for Gizoogle pastas. They eventually lost steam, and died out sometime in 2014.
**Gizoogle pastas (2013 - 2014). Sometime in late 2013, a hell spawn known as "Gizoogle pastas" were created. Essentially, a Gizoogle pasta is where you take an existing pasta, and "ghetto-fy" it through []. This was actually pretty amusing at first, but after the 9 millionth Gizoogle pasta, I got real tired of them. I even protested for a ban against them. However, SG still wanted these walking forms of cancer to take over the wiki. So they stayed. We even made a [[:Category:Ghetto Talk|category]] just for Gizoogle pastas. They eventually lost steam, and died out sometime in 2014.
**Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour (2013). [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour Lost Episode]] is a "creepypasta" that is a retelling of the [ popular video] with the same name (minus the "Lost Episode" part). The pasta was originally uploaded to the Spinpasta Wiki, but was moved to this wiki. Due to the shittyness of the pasta, and the weirdest of the video itself, it got really popular. It was often talked about in chat a lot, and lot of users would shitpost the famous "the pizza is aggressive" line from the video constantly. While no shitty clones or anything like that were made, [ a sequel] to the original video was created. I thought I'd take advantage of this, and create [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour 2]]. It was no where near as popular as the original, but it did get some recognition. The Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour meme died shortly there after.
**Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour (2013). [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour Lost Episode]] is a "creepypasta" that is a retelling of the [ popular YouTube video] with the same name (minus the "Lost Episode" part). The pasta was originally uploaded to the Spinpasta Wiki, but was moved to this wiki. Due to the shittyness of the pasta, and the weirdness of the video itself, it got really popular. It was often talked about in chat a lot, and a lot of users would shitpost the famous "the pizza is aggressive" line from the video constantly. While no clones, rip-offs, or anything like that came from it, [ a sequel] to the original video was created. I thought I'd take advantage of this, and create [[Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour 2]]. It was no where near as popular as the original, but it did get some recognition. The Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour meme died shortly there after.
**Sonic.exe (2013 - 2014). [[Sonic.exe]] is a shitty creepypasta that somehow took the internet by storm. It was originally uploaded to the Creepypasta Wiki, however, it was moved to this wiki a few years later because it sucks ass. This upset a lot of fanboys, and even the creator of the pasta. They tried to begging the admins to add it back to the Creepypasta Wiki, but surprise, that didn't work. Sonic.exe was becoming more relevant than ever at this point, so a spawn of shitty Sonic.exe parodies and rip-offs started flooded the wiki. It got so bad, we had to start deleting them. The Sonic.exe craze died sometime in 2014.
**Sonic.exe (2013 - 2014). [[Sonic.exe]] is a terrible creepypasta that somehow took the internet by storm. It was originally uploaded to the Creepypasta Wiki, however, it was moved to this wiki a few years later because people started to notice its poor quality. This upset a lot of fanboys, and even the creator of the pasta. They tried begging the admins to add it back to the Creepypasta Wiki. But surprise, we didn't do it. Sonic.exe was becoming more relevant than ever at this point, so a spawn of shitty Sonic.exe parodies and rip-offs started flooded the wiki. It got so bad, we had to start deleting them. The Sonic.exe craze died sometime in 2014.
*The Trollpasta Wiki has been reported to Wikia many times. Mainly due to Terms of Use violations, which is why we had put a stop to sexually explicit pastas.
*The Trollpasta Wiki has been reported to Wikia many times. Mainly due to Terms of Use violations, which is why we had put a stop to sexually explicit pastas.

Line 147: Line 253:
**[[User:Steam Phoenix|Steam Phoenix]]'s original name was "Princess Callie".
**[[User:Steam Phoenix|Steam Phoenix]]'s original name was "Princess Callie".
**[[User:TotemUxie|TotemUxie]] has gone through too many name changes to count. (lol)
**[[User:TotemUxie|TotemUxie]] has gone through too many name changes to count. (lol)
*In September 2015, an admin by the name "SARDONYXXX" got into a dispute with a user named "FriedTunaWaffles" on chat, and posted their personal info to the /b/ board on 4chan. The other admins thought this was unacceptable behavior for an admin to do, so her rights were revoked, and she left the wiki. This is the first time an admin has been demoted for bad behavior.
*In September 2015, an admin by the name "SARDONYXXX" got into a dispute with a user named "FriedTunaWaffles" on chat, and posted their personal info to the /b/ board on 4chan. The other admins thought this was unacceptable behavior for an admin to do, so her rights were revoked, and she left the wiki (then came back). This is the first time an admin has been demoted for bad behavior.

==Table of Events==
==Table of Events==
This is a list of events that happened on Trollpasta Wiki. It will update on a regular basis, so please check back regularly for new updates. (If there's any errors, please let me know.)
This is a list of events that happened on Trollpasta Wiki.

[[Category:Blog posts]]
[[Category:Blog posts]]

Latest revision as of 22:47, 24 April 2022

This blog gets updated from time to time, so be on the look out for updates.

NOTE: Please do keep in mind that sense I'm the one writing this, most of this is coming from my perspective.


A Legend Was Born

(July 2011 - April 2013)

On July 21st, 2011, Dronain founded Trollpasta Wiki. Creepypasta Wiki only allowed a handful of trollpastas on their site, so Trollpasta Wiki was created in order to be a site only dedicated to trollpastas. Trollasta Wiki's content ranged from being ALL CAPS poorly written stories about the most random things, to making fun of certain creepypastas and creepypasta cliches, and eventually hosting deleted failpastas from Creepypasta Wiki. Dronian was the only one running the site at the time, that is up until June 20th, 2012 when he made Furbearingbrick (Fur) an admin. 4 months later, LOLSKELETONS (Skelly) joined the wiki, and started helping out. Fur took notice of Skelly, and suggested that he should apply for adminship. So he did just that, and asked Dronian if he could be an admin. Dronain agreed, and made Skelly an admin on November 13th, 2012. Together, Fur and Skelly helped the site out with category organization, adding deleted pastas from Creepypasta Wiki, and blocked people who didn't update The List within 24 hours. However, problems started accruing in January 2013 with troublesome anonymous users.

An anon started harassing Fur on her talk page, making threats, and ranting about how "corrupt" she and the other Creepypasta Wiki staff were. Fur went to Dronian about this, and proposed that anonymous editing should be disabled. Skelly and a user by the name "TheShadyNerd" supported this proposal. A few days later, Fur went to Dronian once again, but this time in a crisis. She suggested that anonymous editing should once again be disabled due to the anon vandalizing pages and switching IPs, and also suggested that TheShadyNerd should be an admin to help combat these problems. While anonymous editing didn't get disabled, the issues with the troublesome anon eventually got resolved.

On February 7th, 2013, TheShadyNerd applied for adminship. Dronian agreed, and made him an admin on the same day. 1 month later on March 13th, 2013, Skelly applied for bureaucrat rights, stating that "the wiki has become too big for only five admins and one bureaucrat." Despite the app gaining a lot of support, Dronain wasn't so sure about it (more on that later). During this time, another user was recently making the rounds. And that user would be me.

I joined the wiki November 12th, 2012 (1 day before Skelly became an admin). I forget how I discovered this site, but when I joined, I had no intentions of editing or helping in any way. I only wanted to write trollpastas (really terrible ones at that). I got blocked twice for not updating the list, and I received a warning about adding categories that weren't on the Category List. The first time I got blocked, I added this to my profile on Creepypasta Wiki. So things weren't looking too good for me. However, on March 21st, 2013, I took a break from making trollpastas, and started editing more. Skelly took notice of my editing, and messaged me asking if I was interested in helping out in the category reorganization effort. I agreed, and started removing unneeded categories from pages. However, I couldn't edit protected pages, so that kind of slowed down the process of getting rid of the categories. But after two days of cleaning-up the site, Skelly suggested to Dronian that I should become a rollback. On the same day Skelly left the message (March 28th, 2013), Dronian decided to make me a rollback.

After nearly a month since Skelly's bureaucrat app, Dronian was still undecided on whether or not he should give Skelly the rights. But Skelly couldn't wait much longer, he needed an an answer sooner rather than later. So he messaged Dronian once again, wanting a definite answer. Dronian finally gave in, and made Skelly a bureaucrat on April 9th, 2013. On the same day, Skelly with his newly granted bureaucrat abilities promoted me to adminship. It's also interesting to note that since that day, Dronian has become inactive. TheShadyNerd also became inactive, which he was later demoted because of it.

While things were looking bright for the future of Trollpasta Wiki, some shady things were going on behind the scenes.


Shady Socks and Global Blocks

(May 2013 - August 2013)

It was about two weeks after I became an admin. I was in the chat talking to two random users I just met for the first time, TheToaMaster (Toa), and Trigger Hurt (Trigger). Toa showed me a wiki of his, the Have Fun Wiki. I wanted to help him out with it, so I took a break from Trollpasta Wiki, and focused on the Have Fun Wiki. Me, Toa, and Trigger would chat on Have Fun Wiki regularly. Toa and Trigger were messing around with sock accounts, and would often roleplay with them. Toa gave me the passwords to some of his sock accounts so I could join in on the roleplaying fun. Me and Toa decided to bring the fun outside of the Have Fun Wiki chat, and raided other wiki chats with the accounts. Needless to say, we were having the time of our lives goofing around with the accounts. It was so fun that I decided I would take my socking fun to the next level... by vandalizing wikis. Silly me thought I could vandalize pages and get away with it. This was because I had no idea about "global bans" at the time. A global ban is where Wikia bans your IP address from editing on all wikis. Had I known this, I probably wouldn't have vandalized. But let's continue.

For vandalizing wikis, I used one sock account, EVIL PATRIXXX. My first "victim" was the Call of Duty Wiki. I inserted random images, and false information on one of the pages. I eventually went on to the Mario Wiki, Nintendo Wiki, and a few others. I got away with it for about a week, until May 10th, 2013. I was vandalizing an article on the Donkey Kong Wiki. Someone undid my edit, so I tried vandalizing it again. But instead of the editor popping up, I got a message telling me that my IP address has been banned from May 10th - August 10th. I went to other wikis, and got the same message. I was on the Have Fun Wiki chat while all of this was happening, so naturally, I started losing my mind in the chat. If I left the chat, I could never reenter for 3 months. So I stayed on for as long as I could, until Toa "joke" kicked me off the chat for whatever reason.

I was really upset, because I had duties to fulfill on Trollpasta Wiki, and I didn't want to be away from it for 3 whole months. But luckily, I discovered a glitch where I could unblock myself for about 30 seconds. I have no idea why the glitch happened, or what triggered it, and it seemed to happen at random. I used it at any chance I got, but I mainly used it for chatting, because even after the glitch stopped working after 30 seconds, it wouldn't kick out of chat, so I could stay on for as long as I wanted. However, the glitch stopped working sometime in June, so I stopped checking Wikia for a while.

Fast forward to August 3rd, 2013. I decided to check Wikia because I hadn't checked it in a while. I went to my profile on Have Fun Wiki, and the "BLOCKED" tag wasn't showing up next to my name. At first I thought the self-unblocking glitch came back. But then I edited a few pages, and that's when I realized my global blocked expired 1 week early. I don't know why it did, but hey, I didn't complain.

I returned to Trollpasta Wiki, but not to edit, but to advertise the Have Fun Wiki on chat. The wiki wasn't getting much traffic, so I was trying to spread the word of it to gain more active users. That didn't necessarily work out, but I eventually stopped the advertising, and started visiting the chat regularly just to hang out and talk. I was on the chat almost everyday though out the year of 2013, and met a ton of new users, some of which eventually became an admin. Like SOMEGUY123, Fatal Disease, Haramonia, and Superplankofdeath. The Trollpasta Wiki community was growing faster than ever, and many users were becoming admins, chat mods, and rollbacks. Our staff at the time was massive. In fact, we had about 9 admins at one point.

All was good, and Trollpasta Wiki was better than ever. Then drama occurred.


The Oderyus Saga

(August 2013 - January 2014)

"The Purge™" is what we like to call it, is a process where the wiki goes through a mass deletion of hundreds of pastas (yes, the admins are the ones deleting them, not bots.) The Purge™ usually happens once a year, and typically lasts no more than a week. The first ever purge to happen to Trollpasta Wiki was on August 23rd, 2013. The Purge™ was started by a user who was at the time relatively unknown, and had recently returned from a 7 month hiatus. That user would be "Oderyus". He was very unhappy with a lot of the content on the wiki being ALL CAPS poorly written garbage, so he wanted to do something about it. He requested rollback rights (he also became a chatmod), got them, and started adding the delete template to over 300 pastas, and nearly all of them got deleted. Due to this, his edit count grew. Grew to the point he was eventually eligible for adminship. On August 26th, 2013, Oderyus contacted Skelly on his talk page, requesting for adminship. Skelly didn't approve, stating that he was "too new" to become an admin just yet.

Oderyus was well-liked among the admin team. He got along with them well, and quickly became friends with them. But there was one admin who couldn't stand him, and didn't like him at all. That admin was me. While the other admins weren't on chat, I'd often be in the chat all alone with Oderyus. He seemed to have a darker side to him (his true self) when the others weren't around. He was disrespectful to the users of the chat, often saying "I don't care" or "no" whenever someone would say something that didn't interest him. He was also extremely arrogant on top of that, often praising himself for his "intelligence." He even took part in cross-wiki vandalism, vandalizing wikis such as the MLP and Seddie wikis (which some of the admins took part in for whatever reason). Oderyus' poor behavior and attitude only got worse as time went on. So bad in fact, we all came to an agreement to block him for a month on September 19th, 2013. It's also worth noting he got demoted from chatmod status due to reports of mod abuse two days before the block (September 17th, 2013.) He also applied for adminship once again on the same day, but it was ignored.

Before the 1-month block he received, and despite me disliking Oderyus, me and him would often roleplay with sockpuppet accounts in the chat. Oderyus would give me the passwords to his sock accounts, and I would give him the passwords to mine. Needless to say, it wasn't the smartest thing of me to do, as Oderyus took my Donald Trump sock account and vandalized the Seddie Wiki with it on August 29th, 2013. Two weeks after his 1-month block, he tried putting the blame on me for it, saying I harassed a gay guy with the account, and also said I spammed the Trollpasta Wiki chat with another sockaccount. Of course, I was absolutely infuriated by the lies he said about me. So I took it upon myself to extend his block all the way to Christmas on October 7th, 2013. SG later undid the block on Halloween, saying I shouldn't extend blocks for personal reasons.

Taking a small break from the Oderyus drama: A week or two before Halloween 2013, Haramonia randomly went inactive for 2 weeks (no one to this day still knows why). He came back to chat after his 2 week hiatus, but he didn't stay on long though (about 30 minutes or so). Ever since that day, Haramonia was never seen or heard from again. He didn't give any warnings or hints prior to his disappearance. He also hasn't logged in since that very day either.

Anyway, back to the Oderyus drama: With him getting unblocked, he returned to Trollpasta Wiki. However, he didn't get unbanned from chat until November 16th, 2013. When he returned to chat, his behavior appeared to be slightly better, but not for long. As the weeks went by, we start to notice him going back to his old ways. We finally had enough of his shenanigans, and blocked him indefinitely on December 1st, 2013, 2 days after he won the chatmod contest. Oderyus wasn't done with us yet though.

2014 rolls around, and Oderyus starts pestering us to go chat on the Wolfenism Wiki throughout the entire month of January. Me and the admins would go to the chat, and the only thing Oderyus did was spam and throw immature insults at us. We tried talking sense to him, but he wouldn't listen to anything we said. He was upset with his block, saying we betrayed him and that we were his only friends. After a while, he decided to leave us alone, and disabled his account. Oderyus has never been seen on Wikia since.


Who Should be the Third Bureaucrat?

(October 2013 - December 2013)

We're not going to 2014 just yet, because there was another issue that arose during all the Oderyus drama: inactive bureaucrats. There were only two bureaucrats at the time, which were Dronian and Skelly. Dronian wasn't doing much, and he would rarely visit. Skelly on the other hand was losing interest in the site. So we needed a third bureaucrat that would be consistently active. The three most active admins at the time were Me, Fatal, and SG. So who ended up applying for bureaucrat rights? All three of us, actually. Let's get right into that.

Fatal applied for bureaucrat rights on October 5th, 2013. On the same day, Skelly got rid of his admin rights, stating that he is "semi-retired." Fatal applied because he was afraid that Skelly would quit being a bureaucrat. I told Fatal to close his application, because his edit count was low, and that applying out of fear was stupid. So he shut it down the next day. SG also applied for bureaucratship, 1 hour after Fatal made his.

The day after Fatal shut down his app, SG left a message on my talk page saying that I should apply for bureaucratship, since Fatal backed down on it. I agreed, and applied the same day. The next day, Skelly voted neutral on my app, stating that he was unsure if he could trust any of us with the right, since it can't be revoked once given. But he did say that he would consider giving the right to one of us if he failed to check the applications semi-regularly. He also re-gave himself his admin rights back the same day.

On December 12th, 2013, Skelly was leaning towards electing SG for bureaucrat. He was still a little hesitant, because again, you can't revoke bureaucrat rights once they are given. But on December 14th, Skelly made his final decision, and officially made SG a bureaucrat. To this day, Dronian and Skelly still aren't that active, so he definitely made the right choice in giving the rights to SG.

With the conclusion of that, let's finally get right into 2014.


New Year, New Beef

(January 2014 - July 2014)

On January 4th, 2014, the first joke thread was made. The thread stated that new rules and changes were coming to Trollpasta Wiki. Such as: no swearing, no deletion log refugees, you must use proper grammar in chat, and more. Of course, nearly all these new rules sounded outlandish and ridiculous, but since a joke thread like this was never made before, I thought it was serious. I was very upset by these proposed changes, so I deleted my profile, and was about to revoke my admin rights. That is, until I went to chat, and everyone told me it was just a prank. Similar threads like this were made after, but mainly directed towards admins. Such as joke demotion threads.

A few weeks after that, Me and SG got into an "undo war" over TEH DAY OF ALL THE BLOD. He was adding the SUGGESTED READING category to the page, even though it was already tagged with Ghastly Macaroni (it is against the rules to add those two categories together on the same page). Skelly intervened and stated there are some exceptions to the rules, so the SUGGESTED READING category stayed. I got into other little undo wars with SG before this as well. Anytime he would undo my edits, I would undo his. I started to dislike SG as time when on, but we'll get more into this later on.

For now, let's discuss a minor issue that somehow got a lot of attention and caused a lot of controversy: The YouTube auto-play template. This template was typically used for songs, and users would place it on their profiles, to which it would automatically play the song upon arrival. This was a pretty annoying feature. So much so, that on March 22nd, 2014, Sack of Nuts (who was an admin at the time) created a thread proposing the removal of the YouTube auto-play template, and that anyone who used the template should be banned. The thread received a mixed response. Some users were for the removal, and some were completely against it. Most of the thread replies consisted of me throwing a tantrum over how annoying the template was, all while spouting outlandish statements. This was the first case of my "sperging", but we'll talk more on that in just a few more chapters.

But anyway, the thread was closed on May 10th. The template stayed, but the auto-play feature was removed. Since then, the popularity of the template dropped to the point that no one uses it anymore. Now more on my beef with SG.

On March 29th, 2014, I wrote a "secret" rant on my Sandbox Wiki about how frustrated I was with SG's (at the time) recent actions. My main issue with him was his laziness. He would say certain chat rules didn't apply anymore (like the "don't say random shit rule"), but he never removed them from the chat rules. He was also asked many times by various users to check the rollback apps, but still didn't check them. Of course, no one was happy about his laziness. So much so that on April 6th, everyone in the chat declared I become the next bureaucrat so I could check the apps. Sack of Nuts even messaged SG about it. Though, he never did respond to it.

Sack of Nuts then later told me on chat that SG started something called "NO RULES WEEKEND". He also removed the spam related rules from the chat rules a few days prior. So I updated the rant on the same day, expressing more distaste for SG. 3 hours later, I left a message on his talk page confronting him about "NO RULES WEEKEND". SG replied to my message, stating that it was a test to see if anyone would protest against it. This isn't over just yet, so buckle up. But before we continue, let's discuss Trollpasta Wiki's first exclusive user right, and the first Creepypasta Wiki chat shutdown.

On April 8th, 2014, the AVAST right was created. The right was similar to the admin right, just with a few more minor restrictions. This was inspired by a right on Creepypasta Wiki, called "VCROC", which was pretty much the same thing as an AVAST. The first user granted the right was Superplankofdeath, whom later became an admin on July 11th, 2014. AVAST was granted to over 9 different users until it was retired on April 24th, 2016, due to a new Wikia user right called "Content Moderator", which is similar to AVAST.

On June 30th, 2014, the popular Creepypasta Wiki chat was shut down due to drama getting out of hand. The users who frequently chatted there migrated to the Trollpasta Wiki chat shorty after the shutdown, and stayed until September 15th, when the Creepypasta Wiki chat reopened. Okay, now back to the beef.

On July 12th, 2014, the first ever real demotion thread was made. And you guessed it, it was for SG. The thread was created by Fatal, and pretty much reinstated what I already said in my rant. The thread proposed that SG should remove his bureaucrat rights (not his admin rights), as he was lazy when it came to his job: checking the apps. The thread received a mainly negative reception, with 7 supporters and 9 opposers. The OP was a bit drawn out, and it mentioned some unnecessary things that didn't need to be mentioned (like trying to pass this off as harassment for no reason.) Despite this, the thread did an okay job at getting across the point that SG was lazy at his job, and why he should remove his bureaucrat rights. The supporters gave reasons why he should be demoted, and the opposers hardly gave any reasons why he shouldn't be demoted, and when they did give reasons, none of them defended or addressed his laziness. Even SG himself didn't address it either (which was the main point the OP was trying to get across).

We eventually worked it out, and the thread was closed the same day, and was deleted the next day (that's why it isn't linked). During and before this time, Fatal was having some issues. Let's talk about that.


The Fall of Fatal Disease

(March 2014 - June 2015)

On March 12th, 2014, Fatal announced that he would be retiring from Wikia. He changed his mind only two days later, and asked for his admin rights back, which he did receive back. Later on June 5th, Fatal announced that his activity on the computer was limited due to his parents being concerned with his depression. Then on July 28th, he created his most infamous blog post (which I can't link, because its deleted).

This blog post was titled "Another Inactivity Notice", and detailed the issues he was going through at the time. He was having issues with depression/anger, and tried to slowly kill himself because of it. He took his anger out on his family, and cried at one point due to Spinpasta Wiki users insulting him. Fatal figured that taking a break from Wikia would "cure his pain", and so he did. He returned only 2 and half weeks later, and seemed to be just fine. Although, users on chat made fun of him for making the blog post.

On January, 16th, 2015, Fatal demoted himself from admin rights. He wrote this as the demotion summary: "I don't want to be an admin on this site. This wiki is just beyond repair." I messaged him on his sandbox wiki about the situation. He replied the following day, stating that he was sick of users on all three pasta wikis acting hostile and rude towards each other, which is the main reason why he decided to quit.

After his retirement, he revived an old wiki he created called Starpolar Wiki. The wiki became the home of the Creepypasta Wiki chat community, and ended up being a disaster because of it. Drama and controversies were happening on its chat almost everyday, which led to it getting shut down on June 26th, 2015. After the shutdown, most of the users on the site left, and has since been abandoned (until memes took over it in 2016).


A Rough Beginning

(January 2015 - April 2015)

Oh man, what a year this was.

On January 1st, 2015, the Creepypasta Wiki chat closes again, this time permanently. The users who frequently chatted there once again migrated to Trollpasta Wiki, but this time they caused pointless drama. Luckily, they were only on chat for a week, and they jump-ship to the Spinpasta Wiki chat, which would be there home until the Starpolar Wiki happened. But that's a whole other can of worms we'll get into later.

We also lost 4 admins during this month. One of them being Fatal, another being Callie, who quit due to some Trollpasta Wiki users making fun of her on the Spinpasta Wiki chat. The other two admins, Sack of Nuts and Superplankofdeath, were demoted due to inactivity. The only remaining admins were Me, SG, Skelly, and Dronian. However, SG took a break from the wiki on January 30th due to personal reasons, Dronain was inactive, and I wasn't editing/chatting much. So Skelly was pretty much the only one looking after things. A new Trollpasta Wiki community was formed during this time as well, with most of the people on chat and on the site being new users. They were bit a troublesome at times though.

In February 2015, two users by the names "TheDarkMaster99" (Dark) and "Lolmasters" started causing a lot of drama on the main site. This was because of Lolmasters vandalizing Dark's pasta which won pasta of the month. They constantly argued with each other in the comments section of pastas and blog posts. Lolmasters' wiki even got raided by vandals, which Dark claimed he had nothing to do with. Dark jumped the shark on March 12th, 2015, by creating a thread about raiding the Five Nights at Freddy's wiki. He got banned for 1 month for it, and thread itself had over 200 replies.

At the end of the month, the first version of The History of Trollpasta was created. As you can tell (if you clicked the link), the tone of it was very different than what it is now. It mainly focused on me, and had more bias in it. I moved the post to here as a blog on August 2nd, 2015. There's a reason why I did, but we won't get into that until a few chapters from now. On April 23rd, 2016, this entire blog was rewritten to have a more neutral perspective, and included a chapter about the beginnings of this wiki. We've come a long way, haven't we?

On April 21st, 2015, SG returned from his break. From this day forward until the end of the year, the chat regularly had 15-20 users on chat at once. We were also getting a lot more staff. Things were going smoothly, and we had a good time. That is, until May 2015 to the end of the year, where endless drama occurred.


Celtic Vs. Kerbin Drama

(May 2015)

On May 9th, 2015, Me and a lot of other users were messing around in the Trollpasta chat. You know, like shitposting, memeing, and just all around acting like a goofball. The My Little Pony were recently removed, so I thought it would be funny if we temporarily brought them back to spam them in chat. When I announced that I brought them back, a user by the name "Kerbin" told me to "fuck off". He was serious, and he wasn't happy at all that I brought back the emotes. You may be wondering, "Who is Kerbin?". Kerbin at the time was a chat moderator, and had been one since February 22nd. He was also very anti-brony, often participating in anti-brony circlejerks in chat. There was also another user on chat at the time named "ThatCelticFurry" (Celtic), and he was a chat moderator as well, since January 10th.

We started to spam the emotes in chat, not taking it very seriously of course. Kerbin, however, took it very seriously. During the spam, Kerbin said that I should have made a poll about the MLP emotes coming back instead "doing shit without the community's approval." Me and Celtic called him "butthurt", and continued the pony spam. You'd think if Kerbin was that upset over the emotes returning, he would at least just close the chat. Well, he did, saying "Fuck all your shitty gay ass ponies", followed by "I'm done, bye". Then he left. Actually, no, he didn't. But that would have been the smart thing to do, and this whole drama fiasco would have never happened. Things got worse from here.

Celtic accused him of being butthurt, then joked about how we should have "butt-pony" emotes. Kerbin completely snapped, saying "FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT". After he said that, I joked about how we should replace all of the emotes with pony emotes. Then Celtic joked about adding rule 34 pony emotes (which he couldn't do since he wasn't an admin, which makes it all the more confusing why Kerbin got so upset at him.) Kerbin then said this to Celtic: "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FAGGOT IN THE UNIVERSE", which was later followed by "JUST BECAUSE I DONT WANT YOUR GAY PONY CLOP EMOTES IN THE CHAT DOESNT MEAN IM BUTTHURT". Yes, he actually thought we were going to add rule 34 My Little Pony emotes for some reason.

Kerbin's friend, PrinceCreeper, came to the defensive for him. He mocked Celtic, saying "Kerb doesn't agree with me, he must be butthurt lol time to insult him with an edgy maymay". Celtic still wasn't taking this seriously at all, so he started posting more nonsensical stuff, which fulled Kerbin's anger even more. He even went out of his way to message SG on the main site about the emotes returning. After that, Kerbin took a 30 minute break from chat. Things in the chat calmed down, and we started having discussions instead of spamming emotes.

Celtic was also adding categories articles on the site while on the chat. Kerbin returned from his break, and accused Celtic of pointsgaming because he was editing articles at a rapid rate. Celtic then decided to lift the spam rule for 2 minutes, and started spamming. Kerbin at this point stopped typing in all caps, and accused Celtic for breaking the rules by spamming. They went back and forth with that, all while PrnceCreeper helped defend Kerbin even more. After the arguments died down a little, Skepolo posted "This should be in the Trollpasta History". I replied to him saying that I wouldn't add the drama to this blog, but I would maybe write about it in the trivia section. We've come a long way.

Anyway, Celtic started trolling Kerbin even more. Kerbin tried arguing with him, but Celtic only replied back with more trolling. PrinceCreeper then posed in chat that he got a PM from Kerbin saying we were making him nervous. Since Celtic was trolling Kerbin literally every second, I kicked Celtic off the chat. He came back, and started to act more serious, and got mad at me for kicking him. Me and Celtic called Kerbin sensitive, to which he replied with "sorry for being a human being." Then PrinceCreeper said I shouldn't be an admin anymore. That's when Me and Celtic decided it was best to change the subject, and to forget about this. SG shortly arrived there after, and I told him about the drama. He told me to ban Celtic from chat for a week, and to revoke his chat moderator rights. But nothing for Kerbin. He was never banned, and his user rights were never touched. I'm not sure why we let him off scott-free.

You can read the full chat log of the drama that happened on that day here.

Later that morning, Celtic started furiously ranting on his Tumblr blog about Kerbin and the Trollpasta Wiki staff. Celtic's blog also had a "ask me anything" feature, so we all took it upon ourselves to raid his Tumblr ask. Instead of ignoring the messages we sent him, he replied to nearly all of them. This went on for days.

The next day, Celtic left a rage-filled messaged on my talk page on Have Fun Wiki. I made a witty reply, and then blocked him, because I didn't want the drama on that wiki. The day after that, Celtic made a "top 10 reasons why GodzillaFan1 sucks" on his Tumblr. I left him a message on Have Fun Wiki, countering the stuff he said about me. Then I decided to unban him from the Have Fun Wiki, and invited him to come to the chat so he could defend himself. I also invited a few other users to come as well. When things were all said an done, we decided to unban him from Trollpasta Wiki. His user rights, however, were not re-granted.

You can read the full chat log to what happened in the Have Fun Wiki chat here.

At this point, Celtic had a really bad rep. Users in the chat would constantly bait him daily, and he would take the bait every time. It got so bad to the point where he made various "I'm Leaving" blogs, announcing his departure from Trollpasta Wiki due to the hate. However, he would come back almost immediately every time.

Celtic's bad rep went away after a few long months, and is now seen as a respected user. And Kerbin got his chat moderator rights taken away in July 2015 due to inactivity.


The Starpolar Wiki

(March 2015 - June 2015)

Although the Creepypasta Wiki chat community moved to Spinpasta Wiki, they also used Skype as another form of communication. If you have read chapter six, you'll know that after Fatal left Trollpasta Wiki, he moved on to work on his own wiki, the Starpolar Wiki. The wiki wasn't getting much traffic, so he decided to show it to the Creepypasta Wiki community on Skype sometime in early 2015. Word got out, and they all eventually left the Spinpasta Wiki chat, and moved to Starpolar Wiki. Fatal regrets ever showing them the wiki, and you'll soon find out why.

As the Starpolar Wiki chat grew in popularity, users started promoting it via PMs on the Trollpasta Wiki chat. In early April, pretty much everyone on Trollpasta found out about Starpolar, and started going to chat there and "contributing" to the site. However, the Starpolar community didn't like us very much at all. They were very hostile to Trollpasta users on the Starpolar chat, and they would sometimes come to the Trollpasta chat to talk trash about us. Here's some of the colorful things they've said about the Trollpasta community and the site: "they're fucking retards", "they're immature" "their whole entire site is spam, why hasn't it been shut down yet?", "they stick their heads into other peoples business", and last but certainty not least, "fucking psychopaths like them ruin peoples lives."

Due to all the disrespect from the Starpolar chat users, Trollpasta users took part in anti-Starpolar circlejerks frequently, and would often go to the Starpolar chat to shitpost, and act like complete idiots to annoy them. One incident on April 9th, took it a step farther. A user by the name of "XXProValenciaXx" (Val) got 8chan to raid the Starpolar chat, and around 13 members took part in it. Val even tried to get Trollpasta to raid the chat as well, and was blocked for 2 weeks because of it. One of the most frequent shitposters in the Starpolar chat was SG. He was banned from the chat multiple times due to his purposely annoying behavior, and was accused of raiding the chat and rigging votes on voting applications. He was "permanently" banned from the wiki on May 15th, 2015, but he was later given a second chance, and was unbanned on June 25th.

In June, Starpolar users thought one of them was conspiring with Trollpasta Wiki to raid the chat, and Trollpasta users were spreading lies about various Starpolar users, which in the end made them turn on each other. Drama was happening in the Starpolar chat almost every day, and it kept getting worst. Users constantly getting banned for breaking the rules, users complaining about being banned, chat mods not doing a good job to the point all of them had their rights revoked, and of course, Trollpasta and Starpolar users always being hostile towards each other. Of course, due to all of the drama, there were talks about shutting down the chat. One June 8th, a thread was created on the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki proposing a chat shutdown. The Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki was basically a wiki where Starpolar admin/bureaucrats would come together and discuss things about Starpolar, and the wiki was generally kept a secret. Anyway, the Starpolar chat was shutdown the same day, but was brought back only a few hours later. This however, wasn't the only temporary chat shutdown.

Just a few weeks later on June 23rd, the chat was shutdown again, presumably due to excessive drama. A thread was created by Callie (whom was a former bureaucrat on Starpolar) on the same day, showing distaste to the admins for shutting down the chat despite most users being against it. Fatal and the other admins apologized, and the chat was re-opened. But not for long.

On June 26th, a former Starpolar admin by the name "Shining-Armor" (Maria) was caught misbehaving in chat. She demoted herself from admin-ship a few weeks prior due to constantly being accused of being power-hungry, and abusing powers. In the chat, she called a user by the name "Maulle" an "edgy dumbass", and other things. I was there when it happened, and I didn't think it was right. So I told Fatal about it, and he banned Maria for 3 days for "insulting a user". The ban was later extended to infinite, and she was also banned on the main site. She wasn't too happy about this, so she complained to Fatal about it on his talk page. Later, she posts an image (now deleted) of an old Facebook post criticizing Fatal to the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki.

Later that same day, a meeting was held at the Starpolar Admin and Bureaucrat Wiki about whether or not the chat should be shutdown for good. It was ultimately decided it would, and the chat was closed down permanently the same day. After the shutdown, most of the community moved back to Spinpasta Wiki, and Starpolar essentially became a ghost town ever since.

The wiki was "revived" in May 2016, and is currently used as a shitposting wiki.


My Downfall

(May 2015 - May 2016)

Ever since 2014, I've wondered what it would be like to retire from being an admin. An odd thought, considering I've only been an admin for a year at that point. But it was something I thought about. On May 9th, 2016 I pulled a prank that I was retiring. I changed my avatar, cleared my talk page and my profile. Some people fell for it, but I revealed it was all a prank a few minutes later. At this point, I seriously considered retiring. It's not like I was super needed as an admin anymore anyway, because the site at this point had a lot of people helping out, and had more admins than usual.

As the months went on, the more I got bored of the site. I was also starting to not like the chat, because it was more shitpost-y than usual, and it felt like people tried too hard to imitate SG. In late July, I decided it would be best to just retire my admin rights, and to stop going on the chat. I chose August 3rd as the date, because that was the two year anniversary of when I got globally unblocked from Wikia. On August 2nd, I changed my icon, and posted a cryptic image to the Trollpasta chat. Inverting the image shows hidden text: "August 3rd." The next day later, I threw in the towel. However...

On March 29th, 2015, I created The History of Trolpasta Wiki. But instead of it being here, it was on a different wiki. It looked very simple compared to how it looks now, and it was more focused on my history with the wiki rather than the wiki as a whole. On August 2nd, I decided to move it here. Despite retiring the following day, I still wanted to update the blog, and so I did. I began to seriously revamp it and add a ton of new info as the days went by. Going through all the history of the wiki made me miss being an admin, so I asked SG when I should come back. I asked that, because this was only about a week or two after I "retired". I didn't want to come back too soon. So SG suggested I come back the next week later. On August 25th, my admin rights were regranted. I officially returned to the wiki (even though I didn't really leave). I even started chatting again. But this just lead to me having more problems with it.

I really didn't like the direction the chat was heading in. Too much shitposting, and again, everyone trying to act like SG. I didn't really enjoy it. In September, I remember expressing my anger to the chat, telling them how much I missed the old days. In May, I created this image. It's supposed to be a "in a nutshell" type of image, but of the Trollpasta chat. In October, I decided to make a second one. But instead of making it for fun, I made it to mock the chat. I even named the file "Cancer.png". Later, I made a second version of it, mocking the chat even more. I became increasingly more vocal of my distaste with the chat. In fact, if you go to the comments of this blog post, and scroll down to posts from 2015, you'll see SG mocking me for constantly complaining about the chat, So yeah. I really didn't like the chat at the time.

On December 26, 2015, I created a blog post (now deleted) titled "SOMEGUY123 SUCKS". I created it after SG left me a message telling me to stop replacing the chat emotes with Bobby Kimball's face. It was a satirical and heavily exaggerated blog post of me complaining about the community. If you remove all the exaggeration and whatnot, most of what I said was I felt. It got about 60 comments, and apparently, some people thought that it was a "ruse", meaning they it was legit freak-out disguised as a joke, which isn't true. SG even temporarily revoked my admin rights over it. After the blog post was made, people started to get more annoyed with me. Me constantly complaining about the chat and community, and some people thinking the blog was a ruse probably had something to do with it.

You can view an archived version of the blog post here.

A few weeks later on January 18, 2016, the fist demotion thread for me was created. It was later revealed to be a "joke", but they tried to make it seem as real as possible. The OP of the post said: "This admin is absolutely atrocious, so why not demote him? He's inactive, he doesn't use chat, he also vandalized the emoticons, also that retarded leaving forever blog he made back in December was him clearly sperging out and presenting it as a ruse like the idiot he is." I later saw the thread, and I didn't react too kindly to it. I had no idea if it was serious or not. Because at the time, a whole bunch of joke demotion threads were made. However, the last demotion thread for a user named Skepolo was actually serious, and he got demoted because of the response the thread got. I thought it was all a joke, but no. So naturally, I assumed my demotion thread was possibly serious, and I treated it as such. I then got people replying to me on the thread calling me a "fucking sperg", and that's when it was revealed it was a "joke". However, newer users thought it was serious, and people started posting screenshots of things I said in the chat in the thread. I asked SG to delete the thread, and so he did.

A few weeks later, my computer breaks, meaning that I couldn't be as active on the site. The only spare computer I had was borderline unusable, meaning the only thing I could browse Trollpasta with was my Wii U's internet browser (I didn't have a phone at the time). I also had no idea when I would be getting a new computer, so I went a little inactive for a while. Despite not being active on the site for an entire month, a second demotion thread was made of me on March 20th. And it made some good points. The main point being, if I really hated the chat and community so much, why even stick around, and why still have admin rights? That's when I realized I messed-up. I left a comment on the thread apologizing for my behavior. I was let off the hook, and life moved on.

Even though I didn't like using Wikia on the Wii U, I would occasionally comment on forums and blogs and whatnot. And whenever I did, I had someone named "2xninto" keep saying "HOLY SHIT AN EDIT!". He then started spreading lies to the chat, saying my computer didn't actually break, and I use using it as an excuse to not edit. He was getting on my nerves, so I started editing more consistently... straight from my Wii U. Which, believe me, was a pain. Despite editing a lot more than usual, I was still accused of being inactive. I got a new computer back in May of that year, and everything seemingly went back to normal.


This section is a work in progress, so continue reading at your own risk!

Facts about Trollpasta Wiki

  • This is what Trollpasta Wiki looked like on December 10th, 2012.
  • As stated in the first paragraph of this blog, we used to have an Article Listing (aka "The List"). If you don't know how it went, it basically went like this: "IF YOU DON'T UPDATE THE LIST WITHIN IN 20 MINUTES, YOU'LL GET BANNED FOR 1-DAY." It was an extremely stupid thing to have, so we got rid of it on October 8th, 2013.
  • We used to have achievements (aka badges) enabled on the site. However, it was disabled on June 16th, 2013 due to some users pointsgaming for badges.
  • The wiki had zero quality control from the day the wiki was created, to early 2013. It wasn't until late 2013 when we started taking action on unfunny spam pastas. Sexually explicit pastas were also allowed, until we started re-enforcing Wikia's Terms of Use.
  • The first favicon for this wiki used to be a recreation I made of the baby from Mario Paint, but colored white. (June 1st, 2013 - August 10th, 2015)
  • August 23rd and August 24th, 2013 was probably the most busiest and active time for applications ever. In those two days, SOMEGUY123 and Fatal Disease applied for adminship, and Haramonia, Oderyus, and Mai sentry applied for rollback.
  • This was Trollpasta Wiki's background from September 16th, 2013 - September 20th, 2013.
  • Anonymous editing was once allowed here. However, on September 27th, 2013 the first thread petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created. Anon editing did get disabled eventually, but it some how got re-enabled again sometime after (IIRC). So another thread petitioning to get rid of anon editing was created October 4th, 2014. Unlike the previous thread, this one was heavily opposed, and thus anon editing didn't get disabled. It wasn't until on March 5th, 2015 when a new thread petitioning to get rid of anon editing for the 3rd time finally got it disabled for good. What a long battle...
  • We did a Christmas theme in 2013. EVIL PATRIXXX had a Santa Claus hat and a white beard, plus the wiki buttons were red (by "buttons", I mean the "edit" button and stuff like that.) We didn't do a Christmas theme for 2014, but we brought the tradition back for 2015. This time we decorated the homepage with Christmas decorations.
  • Trollpasta Wiki has went through many meme fads. A lot of these blew up for a short period of time. Here's a list of them.
    • Shrek is Love pastas (2013 - 2014). "Shrek is Love" (now deleted) was an incredibly popular trollpasta about Shrek partaking in sexual acts with two little kids (there was also The Tale of Shrek, which made before Shrek is Love). As fucked up as that sounds, it blew up. Many "X is Love" pastas were flooding the wiki. Not only were most of these pastas blatant rip-offs of the original Shrek is love pastas, they were  also violating Wikia's Terms of Use. In 2014/2015, we decided to delete any shitty Shrek is love clone we came across, and we even deleted the original Shrek is love pastas due to their explicit sexual nature. The original (The Tale of Shrek) is still up, however.
    • Gizoogle pastas (2013 - 2014). Sometime in late 2013, a hell spawn known as "Gizoogle pastas" were created. Essentially, a Gizoogle pasta is where you take an existing pasta, and "ghetto-fy" it through This was actually pretty amusing at first, but after the 9 millionth Gizoogle pasta, I got real tired of them. I even protested for a ban against them. However, SG still wanted these walking forms of cancer to take over the wiki. So they stayed. We even made a category just for Gizoogle pastas. They eventually lost steam, and died out sometime in 2014.
    • Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour (2013). Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour Lost Episode is a "creepypasta" that is a retelling of the popular YouTube video with the same name (minus the "Lost Episode" part). The pasta was originally uploaded to the Spinpasta Wiki, but was moved to this wiki. Due to the shittyness of the pasta, and the weirdness of the video itself, it got really popular. It was often talked about in chat a lot, and a lot of users would shitpost the famous "the pizza is aggressive" line from the video constantly. While no clones, rip-offs, or anything like that came from it, a sequel to the original video was created. I thought I'd take advantage of this, and create Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour 2. It was no where near as popular as the original, but it did get some recognition. The Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Hour meme died shortly there after.
    • Sonic.exe (2013 - 2014). Sonic.exe is a terrible creepypasta that somehow took the internet by storm. It was originally uploaded to the Creepypasta Wiki, however, it was moved to this wiki a few years later because people started to notice its poor quality. This upset a lot of fanboys, and even the creator of the pasta. They tried begging the admins to add it back to the Creepypasta Wiki. But surprise, we didn't do it. Sonic.exe was becoming more relevant than ever at this point, so a spawn of shitty Sonic.exe parodies and rip-offs started flooded the wiki. It got so bad, we had to start deleting them. The Sonic.exe craze died sometime in 2014.
  • The Trollpasta Wiki has been reported to Wikia many times. Mainly due to Terms of Use violations, which is why we had put a stop to sexually explicit pastas.

Facts about other users on TPW

  • Dronian (the creator of Trollpasta Wiki) is the only current admin/bureaucrat with under 1000 edits.
  • NightmaresEvets was an asshole user that pretty much broke every rule in the book on this wiki, and Creepypasta Wiki. He did many things, such as: constantly harassing LOLSKELETONS, making shitty edits, pointsgaming, spamming, you name it. He got blocked infinitely on April 20th, 2013, and eventually got his account globally blocked by Wikia.
  • Fatal Disease originally applied for the bureaucrat right on October 5th, 2013. Despite getting a lot of support, it was closed after a day of being up. I told Fatal that it wasn't a good idea, so he backed down on the right.
  • The Trollpasta Wiki has lost many admins over years (mainly due to inactivity). Here's a list of former admins. (NOTE: The dates are when they became admin, and when they got demoted.)
    • Furbearingbrick (June 20, 2012 - April 27, 2014) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • Sloshedtrain (January 25, 2013 - September 13, 2013) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • TheShadyNerd (February 8, 2013 - May 25, 2013) (Reason: User request.)
    • The Koromo (April 19, 2013 - August 23, 2013) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • Benjaminthewill123123 (April 21, 2013 - June 12, 2013) (Reason: Inactivity?)
    • Fatal Disease (September 14, 2013 - January 17, 2015) (Reason: Rage quit.)
    • Haramonia (September 15, 2013 - December 14, 2013) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • Sack of Nuts (September 25, 2013 - January 22, 2015) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • Superplankofdeath (July 5, 2014 - January 22, 2015) (Reason: Inactivity.)
    • Steam Phoenix (August 20, 2014 - January 17, 2015) (Reason: Rage quit.)
  • Some of the current and former admins here had former usernames. Here's a list of them.
    • The Koromo's original name was "Coffee Shop Corporate Raider".
    • Haramonia's original name was "KittenPasta". When he changed it to what it is now, I remember me and the other admins making fun of it a lot.
    • Sack of Nuts' original name was "Givemepancakes".
    • Steam Phoenix's original name was "Princess Callie".
    • TotemUxie has gone through too many name changes to count. (lol)
  • In September 2015, an admin by the name "SARDONYXXX" got into a dispute with a user named "FriedTunaWaffles" on chat, and posted their personal info to the /b/ board on 4chan. The other admins thought this was unacceptable behavior for an admin to do, so her rights were revoked, and she left the wiki (then came back). This is the first time an admin has been demoted for bad behavior.

Table of Events

This is a list of events that happened on Trollpasta Wiki.