Oh No! More Jeff Spinoffs
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The fifth part of the "Jeff Spinoffs" saga. Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part six. Part seven.
Jeff Plays Baseball
Jeff Steals Fizzy Lifting Drinks
Jeff vs. Grapefruit (it always squirts in his eye when he tries to eat it)
Jeff The Killer Suddenly Gains Body Hair
Jeff Rides A Pterosaur
Jeff's Laser Eyes!!!
Jeff Gets Peelz
Jeff Was The Walrus
Jeff Goes To Party City
Jeff Gets His Own Leitmotif
Jeff Swallows His Chewing Gum
3 Jeff Moon
Jeff Is Tirstee! You Got Anything To Drinkee?
Jeff Sumberges Himself In Butterscotch Pudding
Jeff Steals The Crown Jewels
Jeff faces death by BOONGA-BOONGA!!!
Jeff Pupates
Jeff Finds The One Light On The Christmas Tree That Makes All The Others Go Out
Jeff Shovels His Walk
Jeff Gets Buried In Snow
Jeff Gets Stuck In A Parallel Universe Where Everything Is Made Of Gelatin
Jeff Gets Stuck In A Parallel Universe Where Everything Is Directed By Michael Bay
Jeff Gets Stuck In A Parallel Universe Where Everything Is Left Unfin
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jeff gets stuck in a parallel universe where everything is lowercased
Jef Gets Stuck In A Parallel Universe Where Everything Is Made Of Meat. Jeff: "....I'm okay with this."
Jeff Eats Sweet & Sour Shrimp
Jeff Smokes Pot With Jesus And Vinshu
Jeff's Second Childhood
Jeff Is Sprayed By A Skunk
Jeff Bangs His Belly Like A Drum
Jeff Becomes A Mad Scientist
Jeff Creates An Antimatter Clone Of Himself
Jeff Wins A Year's Supply Of Potato Chips
Jeff Grows To The Size Of The Chrysler Building
Jeff Tries To Attract A Mate
Jeff The Killer Screams Like A Little Girl
Jeff Tries To Find Out How Many Licks It Takes To Get To The Tootise Roll Center Of A Tootsie Pop
Jeff is Stuck On Band Aid Brand, Cuz Germs Don't Stick On Him
Jeff Is Frozen In Carbonite
Jeff vs. Leprechauns
Jeff Drags His Lacerated Body To The Hospital After Accusing Heron Of Being Gay
Jeff Bellydances
Jeff Trains A Magikarp
Jeff Cuts His Tongue and Eats A Potato Chip
Jeff Absorbs Twice His Weight In Acid
Jef Gets Freeze-Dried
Jeff On Stilts
Jeff Dresses As Slenderman For Halloween and Slendy Dresses As Jeff
Jeff The Human Cannonball
Jeff Opens A Store in Miami Dedicated To Knock-off Disney Products
Jeff's Orgy
Jeff Got Fingered
Jeff Grows Tentacles
Jeff falls off the ledge of a building and bounces off the pavement like a superball
Jeff Moves To Iran
Jeff Rips Smildeog's Fur Off And Wears It As A Bandana
Jeff Becomes A Devotee Of Charles Manson
Jeff Meditates To R. Kelly Pissing On Someone
Jeff gets NOTHING
Jeff Finds Something More Screwed Up Than Him (ya mean his fangirls? Ba dum tsshhh.)
Jeff Realizes He Has Testicles
Jeff's dick EXPLODES!!!
Jeff Paints His Fingernails
Jeff Gets Infected By The Flood
Jeff wants you to eat his dust and lick his crack.
Jeff Plants A Bomb In Times Square, But It Somehow Winds Up In His Escape Vehicle Instead
Jeff Gets Killed And Is Reincarnated As A Dung Beetle
Jeff Slips On A Banana Peel
Jeff The Killer, The Striped Green Rabbit With Two Butts
Jeff Gets Hit In The Butt With A Tranquilizer Dart Designed For A Rhino
Jeff presses "subscribe"
Jeff does the Banana and Sprite Challenge and is the First to Throw Up
Jeff goes Frolicking with Furbearingbrick
Jeff Flirts With All The Male Users
Jeff Wears Gold Glitter Lipstick
Jeff's Toenails Become Disturbingly Long
Jeff Starves
Jeff Wears A Novelty Beer Mug-Shaped Hat
Jeff vs. George Lucas
Jeff Gets Stuffed Into A Washing Machine
Jeff Foams At The Mouth
Jeff Casts "FROTZ"
Jeff vs. His Own Horrible Stench
Jeff's Belch Literally Wakes The Dead
Jeff Finds The Technicolor Dream Coat
Jeff vs Linkstar
Jeff Becomes a Hooker To Make an Easy Buck.
Jeff Listens To "Revolution 9"
Jeff Hypnotizes Himself
Jeff Has A Bad Case Of Static Cling
Jeff Gets Massive Pecs
Jeff Roots In The Garbage
Jeff Eats With His Feets
Jeff Has Robots Come Out Of His Forehead
Jeff's Orgasm Of Death
Jeff Becomes Bow-Legged
Jeff Teaches Me How To Dougie
Jeff Eats a Turnip Shaped Like a "Thingy"
Jeff faps and accidentally cuts off his pen0r with his knife
Jeff Kidnaps Princess Peach
Jeff's Nipples Get Amputated
Jeff Stuffs A Pinecone Up His Urethra
Jeff Wears A Business Suit
2 Jeffs 1 Cup
Jeff Becomes A Shock Jock
Jeff Drinks Too Much Beer
Jeff never closes his eyes. But can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Jeff joins Team Rocket
Jeff gets castrated
Jeff Plays Bomberman
Jeff Sticks His Entire Fist In His Mouth
Jeff Sings Opera
Jeff Turns Invisible
Jeff vs. A Shoddy Bootleg Knockoff Of Himself
Jeff Gets A Cold
Jeff vs. PETA
Jeff Wears Argyle Socks
Jeff Takes His Butthurt To Gaia Online And Insults Everyone Who Disagrees With Him
Jeff Heads To 4Chan And Fails To Convince Anyone To join His Cause
Jeff Has To Pass Gas
Jeff Drinks A Double Martini
Jeff Slathers His Naked Body In Honey And Goes To A Hornet's Nest
Jeff's Hot, Sticky Fluids
Jeff Takes The A-Train
Jeff In The Matrix
Jeff Mimics Lady Gaga
Jeff Gets Knocked Unconcious
Jeff Destroys An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
Jeff's Constipation
Rub Jeff's Belly For Luck
Jeff The Killer: The Breakfast Cereal. Turns the milk blood-red!
Jeff Chases A Greased Pig
Jeff In Drag!
Jeff Injects Collagen Into His Lips
Jeff Sticks His Dick In A Cheerio
Jeff's GIFs
Jeff Is Saddened By A Bad, Dissapeared Blog
Jeff Gets Colon Cancer
Jeff Uses His Stabbin' Hand To Masturbate
Jeff's Long-Lost Third Cousin Twice Removed, Bleff! He's faster than The Rake, smarter than Slenderman, stronger than Zalgo, and has a million superpowers! And he's kawaii bishie, too! He then gets brutally murdered by Jeff 15 seconds after his introduction. Yay!
Jeff Needs To Shower With Steel Wool And Indiustrial Detergent After Reading That Last Entry
Jeff The Litterbug. One day, if you read a paper about farm appliances, he will come after you, and leave a CRISP PACKET ON THE FLOOR.
Jeff vs. Wario
Jeff makes a sandwich. A MURDER SANDWICH.
Jeff vs. The Concept Of Inertia
Jeff Constructs A Golem Shaped Like Himself
Jeff vs. Giant Asian Killer Hornets
Jeff Discovers He's Actually A Baby Slenderman
Jeff's Mighty Tentacle
Jeff laughs at all the horrible "Jeff vs. Slenderman" stories that keep getting uploaded to Creepypasta Wiki
Jeff Tiptoes Through The Corpses
Jeff's Hawaiian Vacation
Jeff At The Kentucky Derby
Jeff Drinks Absinthe
Jeff Vs. Roid Slendy
Jeff Chews Aluminum
Jeff Makes Ten Zillion Sockpuppets And Each One Of Them Gets Permabanned
Jeff Becomes A Sumo Wrestler
Jeff Destroys The Krusty Krab
Jeff Eats The Smurfs
Jeff Makes Sushi
Jeff Meets Wreck-It Ralph
Jeff Plays Mousetrap, gets frustrated and quits
Jeff Gets His Shoes Stolen
Jeff gives the Rake a good, swift kick in the Rake
Slenderman puts Jeff in a box, and takes a saw, and saws him.
Slendy: "You're a girl. From Sweden. And you want me to take a saw to Jeff The Killer. Um, I think we might need to get married, Agnes."
Jeff Gets Attacked By Moai From Gradius
Jeff Shoots A Ripple Laser
Jeff Steals From The Rich and Gives To Himself
Jeff's Power Level Is Over 9000
Jeff Goes Super Saiyan
Jeff Eats His Severed Toe on a Stick.
Jeff Wears A Parka
Jeff Gets Ripped...In Half
Jeff Goes To Comic-Con As Himself
Jeff Bites The Dust And Eats Mud For Dessert
Jeff sees this page and takes a long, stiff drink. THEND!
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